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Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 103629
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-05-2015, 02:20:35 Subject: World PVP on / off |
Deci ce s-a hotarit ....Se baga pvp-on/off sau la alegere ? |
Topic: World PVP on / off |
Replies: 474
Views: 103629
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-05-2015, 19:02:27 Subject: World PVP on / off |
Eu as zice ca Pvp sa fie la alegere(on/Off)asa o sa fie cel mai bine |
Topic: Mists of Pandaria on Freakz Discutii |
Replies: 177
Views: 25794
Forum: Romanian Posted: 05-04-2015, 20:43:12 Subject: Mists of Pandaria on Freakz Discutii |
[quote ascuns] Cei de la blizz au spus ca mai au idei de inca 10 expansionuri inainte asa ca in urmatorii 10 ani jocul nu o sa moara stai tu linistit .a fost este si va fi cel mai tare MMORPG.Plus la asta blizzard o ... |
Topic: New Armory ! Teaser |
Replies: 40
Views: 16245
Forum: Old Announcements Posted: 01-04-2015, 13:37:28 Subject: New Armory ! Teaser |
GJ Toni tine-o tot asa ! Asteptam si upradarea siteului !) |
Topic: [FIXED] Dungeon Finder various issues |
Replies: 66
Views: 17485
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 07-03-2015, 00:05:24 Subject: [FIXED] Dungeon Finder various issues |
Cind dai la Dungeon finder si dai la specific dungeon si bifezi gate of the setting sun, nu merge, cica 1 din dungeoane nu funcioneaza si asa la toate ,si la cele de cataclism : |
Topic: Discutii |
Replies: 14399
Views: 1497242
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-02-2015, 18:22:57 Subject: Discutii |
Ce fac baetii cum o mai duceti ma ? demult nu am mai jucat in jur de 3 luni scz pentru asta Neutro (REVIN PE PANDARIA) semnat:WALVING |
Topic: Enrage. |
Replies: 43
Views: 7889
Forum: Romanian Posted: 10-02-2015, 19:05:48 Subject: Enrage. |
[quote ascuns] Dece nu ii intrebi pe ei .... tu chhear crezi ca blizzard le repara la astea serverul hai sa fim seriosi |
Topic: Enrage. |
Replies: 43
Views: 7889
Forum: Romanian Posted: 10-02-2015, 14:58:41 Subject: Enrage. |
[quote ascuns] Tu glumesti cum ma sa le plateasca estea la BLizzard esti dus ..Blizzard daca vrea inchide toate serverele private din lume fara multe probleme |
Topic: Placa stricata |
Replies: 15
Views: 3491
Forum: Romanian Posted: 10-02-2015, 14:51:45 Subject: Placa stricata |
[quote ascuns] Mai e valabila Gatantia ?: |
Topic: Enrage. |
Replies: 43
Views: 7889
Forum: Romanian Posted: 09-02-2015, 17:41:29 Subject: Enrage. |
[quote ascuns] Mihai din partea mea VOi gmii aveti tot respectul si inca ceva ma cac pe molten si pe toata comunitatea lor FREAKZ e BAZA :si asa o sa fie |
Topic: Sugestii mist of pandaria |
Replies: 7
Views: 1398
Forum: Other Posted: 08-02-2015, 16:32:55 Subject: Sugestii mist of pandaria |
[quote ascuns] Corect ! Topic fara rost |