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Topic: SweetFX not supported on WoW-Freakz? |
Replies: 2
Views: 705
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2017, 18:03:14 Subject: SweetFX not supported on WoW-Freakz? |
Try using Reshade version by Crosire ( almost the same as sweetfx, namely SweetFX 2.0 ) with some 64bit dll. I've been using it both on blizz since more than 1 year and on freakz without an ... |
Topic: [COMPLETED] Rank 3 prolonged power recipe |
Replies: 1
Views: 501
Forum: Trash Posted: 16-12-2017, 16:57:02 Subject: Rank 3 prolonged power recipe |
Character Name: Viewstar
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link: ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Rank 3 Recipe: Potion of Prolonged Power. |
Replies: 3
Views: 859
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 16-12-2017, 11:55:45 Subject: [REJECTED] Rank 3 Recipe: Potion of Prolonged Power. |
Same, I don't know what kind of fix is this but either the recipe doesn't drop at all or it drops only for the one with the fastest hand to loot it from the boss after it dies ( facepalm ), despite ev ... |
Topic: GvsG Event |
Replies: 18
Views: 7547
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-11-2017, 15:54:52 Subject: GvsG Event |
In caz ca aveti de gand sa va mutati pe oficial si sunteti interesati de pve, va astept pe Silvermoon ( A ). Shaez e la mine in guilda, acolo. |
Topic: 7.3 |
Replies: 6
Views: 2019
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-10-2017, 12:31:38 Subject: 7.3 |
And there's 7.2/7.2.5 patch until the 7.3 patch, guess you forgot about those. Man, some questions.... |
Topic: Problema World mobs Loot |
Replies: 3
Views: 1273
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-10-2017, 14:35:10 Subject: Problema World mobs Loot |
Doar ca aici nu poti loota aoe daca mobii sunt atinsi de playeri care nu-s in party cu tine. Ar trebui reparat acest lucru. In rest, e ok, atat timp cat ii atingi doar tu si eventual cel din party cu ... |
Topic: Cumparare iteme legendare |
Replies: 7
Views: 2479
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-10-2017, 17:59:55 Subject: Cumparare iteme legendare |
In 7.2.5 poti da transmog la Warglaives pe arme: Dar mai dureaza ceva pana se va baga 7.2.5 aici. |
Topic: [REJECTED] Potion of prolonged power |
Replies: 11
Views: 3322
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 02-10-2017, 07:34:07 Subject: [REJECTED] Potion of prolonged power |
Bump, the rank 3 recipe only drops from Na'zak the Fiend world boss ( this week's boss ). |
Topic: [REJECTED] Potion of prolonged power |
Replies: 11
Views: 3322
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 29-09-2017, 15:47:55 Subject: [REJECTED] Potion of prolonged power |
Bare in mind that rank 3 recipe for prolonged power should drop with a 100% chance at Na'zak the Fiend world boss ( ), cu ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Glyph of the Wraith Walker] |
Replies: 3
Views: 993
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 24-09-2017, 08:40:00 Subject: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Glyph of the Wraith Walker] |
+ the fact you should also be able to jump while in Wraith walk with this glyph: @ 1.31minute. |
Topic: Codurile de gm |
Replies: 4
Views: 2169
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-08-2017, 11:40:51 Subject: Codurile de gm |
Ori troll, ori analfabet, una din doua. |
Topic: Probleme Random Disconnects |
Replies: 7
Views: 1514
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-08-2017, 12:00:23 Subject: Probleme Random Disconnects |
Cel mai haios e cand primesti random disconnect si ti se reseteaza interfata. In 1-2 ore de joc pe zi, patesc asta de circa 3-4 ori. |
Topic: E posibil asa cv..? |
Replies: 4
Views: 1253
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-08-2017, 10:45:56 Subject: E posibil asa cv..? |
E un twink char, sunt la moda pe blizz. lvl 101 chars cu 101 boe gear. Ex: |
Topic: [PvP] Legion |
Replies: 470
Views: 93588
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-07-2017, 15:23:13 Subject: [PvP] Legion |
[quote ascuns] Ma refeream in general de ce am vazut, ma gandeam ca se intelege de la sine restul@realm pools legate de Silvermoon, care este realmul principal din pool, alaturi de alte realms mai mici ( exceptie Ravencrest/Stormscale ).
[quote ascuns] Tin sa te contrazic. Frostul a avut cea mai buna perioada in 7.1-7.1.5 in pvp ( si pve ). Daca nu joci acolo, nu vorbi in nestire. |
Topic: [PvP] Legion |
Replies: 470
Views: 93588
Forum: Trash Posted: 30-07-2017, 14:10:58 Subject: [PvP] Legion |
Nu stiu, pe serverul unde joc eu, Silvermoon, vedeam din an in pasti dk unholy sau dk cu challenge-ul facut pe unholy ( cel din broken shore ). In pve nu te lua lumea la raid pe unholy, ba chiar pana si pe frost era greu uneori sa gasesti grup, iar in materie de pvp, cat am facut pe acolo, 90% din dk erau frost, datorita burstului imens pe care il avea. Acum s-a schimbat treaba, nu prea ii mai vezi frost, ci mai mult unholy. Graficele acelea nu stiu cat de reale sunt, dat fiind ca site-ul nu e t ... |