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Topic: Achievement through quest =/= |
Replies: 7
Views: 1787
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-03-2015, 18:05:29 Subject: Achievement through quest =/= |
Shocker, te rog frumos sa imi dai un copy paste unde am tras concluzii despre tot serverul si sa imi arati cat de multe a spus Juhziz in comparatie cu primul reply pe care l-am avut de la Lucif.
Am ... |
Topic: Achievement through quest =/= |
Replies: 7
Views: 1787
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-03-2015, 22:49:11 Subject: Achievement through quest =/= |
Juhziz, eu cred ca ar trebui sa recitesti ceea ce am scris.
NU am spus 'nu imi raspunde nimeni', am spus ca ma asteptam la un raspuns de tipul 'Confirmed, but not a priority'. NORMAL ca m-am uitat s ... |
Topic: Achievement through quest =/= |
Replies: 7
Views: 1787
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-03-2015, 19:38:57 Subject: Really? |
Am sesizat ce importanta dati la bug reports si anytime now ma astept sa primesc si eu un raspuns de tipul 'Confirmed, but not a priority'. Really? Citisem intr-o descriere pusa de Shocker ca acest Gr ... |
Topic: Achievement through quest =/= |
Replies: 7
Views: 1787
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-03-2015, 18:48:53 Subject: Achievement through quest =/= |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Nu ma pot transforma in Aviana sa pot acumula 65 Soar pentru achievementul Lu ... |
Topic: Prezentare -hTk | darkmy |
Replies: 41
Views: 5358
Forum: Welcome ! Posted: 27-03-2015, 17:16:01 Subject: Prezentare -hTk | darkmy |
Why, hello there, sir! |
Topic: vote points |
Replies: 7
Views: 893
Forum: Other Posted: 27-03-2015, 17:09:12 Subject: vote points |
Mi-a mers si mie ieri, am zis sa va anunt totodata cu asta. Am incercat de vreo 3-4 ori la rand si a 5-a oara mi-a mers. Foarte dubios si totusi.. mi-a mers. Procedeul de votare a fost exact ca cel ce ... |
Topic: Filling the Moonwell/Druids of the Talon/Shadow Wardens |
Replies: 5
Views: 844
Forum: Other Posted: 26-03-2015, 18:00:19 Subject: Filling the Moonwell/Druids of the Talon/Shadow Wardens |
O sa verific acum link-ul dat de Denim, sa speram ca nu voi mai avea nimic de adaugat de acum incolo in caz ca se iveste ceva.
Well, thank you, guys! That was pretty much helpful, si in timp record, ... |
Topic: Filling the Moonwell/Druids of the Talon/Shadow Wardens |
Replies: 5
Views: 844
Forum: Other Posted: 26-03-2015, 06:21:12 Subject: Filling the Moonwell/Druids of the Talon/Shadow Wardens |
Salutare tuturor. As vrea, daca se poate, sa imi spuneti si mie daca Quest-urile Filling the Moonwell, Druids of the Talon si Shadow Wardens merg pe Freakz.
Am incercat sa ajung din rasputeri la que ... |
Topic: vote points |
Replies: 7
Views: 893
Forum: Other Posted: 26-03-2015, 03:15:11 Subject: Voting matter |
Intr-adevar, mi s-a intamplat si mie acelasi lucru si inca mai persista aceasta problema. Am urmat instructiunile, am mai votat si inainte, da, a mers, insa acum nu stiu ce se intampla. Incerc sa vote ... |