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  Topic: says genesis is up and people are online

Replies: 2
Views: 538

PostForum: Other   Posted: 13-04-2012, 17:16:49   Subject: says genesis is up and people are online
not relevant i alreadey use proxifer
  Topic: says genesis is up and people are online

Replies: 2
Views: 538

PostForum: Other   Posted: 13-04-2012, 08:14:09   Subject: says genesis is up and people are online
says genesis is up and people are online but it says offline when i try to login its the only realm i cant get into help
  Topic: How to connect from non-Romanian country during the DDoS attack

Replies: 31
Views: 27443

PostForum: Other   Posted: 12-04-2012, 16:46:41   Subject: How to connect from non-Romanian country during the DDoS attack
how does usign this method affect ur other itnernet games say liek secondlife or downloading formthe itnernet i mean does it change ur ip number or what befor ei do it id liek to know exactly what it ...

Replies: 70
Views: 23067

PostForum: Other   Posted: 11-04-2012, 20:04:48   Subject: READ THIS IF YOU CANNOT CONNECT
i am generalyl on exodus but heck i cant conenct to any o fthe three realms half the time lately and it sucks either way whomever is doing this needs to get a lfie and stop messign with the great work ...
  Topic: Cant connect

Replies: 57
Views: 10916

PostForum: Other   Posted: 10-04-2012, 18:12:12   Subject: Cant connect
[quote ascuns]
not always true u can do a ddos attack and focus on one server only
  Topic: Cant connect

Replies: 57
Views: 10916

PostForum: Other   Posted: 10-04-2012, 18:00:58   Subject: Cant connect
what i fidn is funny though people that dont live in romania can connect to the other servers...soo since the problem is with exodus i think that the attacks are coming form within the game truthfulyl there is a guild on exodus that migrated from a certain pri ...
  Topic: How to bring more players here.

Replies: 31
Views: 7245

PostForum: Other   Posted: 02-04-2012, 12:40:17   Subject: How to bring more players here.
even on retail you can have horde and alliance on the same account on the same server why should it be any different here?
  Topic: 5 man heroic bugs

Replies: 0
Views: 335

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 01-04-2012, 01:23:46   Subject: 5 man heroic bugs
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: over all general list
Dovada / Proof: run the hcs ull see them if ur a retail player as well
dear shocker,
after running all the open 5 man hcs i have come to realize a few things that might h ...
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 31-03-2012, 02:59:26   Subject: Multiboxing?
[quote ascuns]
hehe my mage on retail is in his guild i know who you are talking about hes a freaking beast.
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 30-03-2012, 04:55:55   Subject: Multiboxing?
the multiboxer is online even when a ton of people are online alliance during the day and peak hours loves when he is in the bgs we are guaranteed to win one person isnt gonna wreck the server best thing to do if u dont like it ignore him seriously
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 30-03-2012, 04:51:37   Subject: Multiboxing?
[quote ascuns]
umm its like 5 am in europe tard
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 29-03-2012, 05:24:13   Subject: soo umm
i wasw gonna remove all my posts but decided to post one dietrying is actually a pretty decent guy he seems to do it for the attention somewhat he loives makign im done bitching ima supporter now - after talking to him hes not a douche or anything and what he is doing is perfectly legal lets just look at it this way he makes it interesting for all of us. especial ...
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 26-03-2012, 02:57:04   Subject: either way
either way legal or not when the majority are reporting you and your griefing people and havign an unfair advantage and yes even 5 healing stream totems in one group healing those 5 shamans is an exdploit makes you unkillable and for another thing everyone and I mean everyone horde and alliance alike are tired of if you grief alliance and guarantee that the horde cant win a bat ...
  Topic: Multiboxing?

Replies: 67
Views: 12501

PostForum: Other   Posted: 25-03-2012, 18:43:40   Subject: re multiboxing
the fact that dietryinghah etc etc has admitted on horde global to using a 3rd party keylogger program to multiboxing and the fact that he is usign it to farm honor and exploit healing stream totem should be warrant for a ban. this person has admitted to using a 3rd party program which the gms say isnt say exploting isnt allowed he explotis healing stream totem is ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] leap of faith priest exploit bug

Replies: 4
Views: 1247

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 17-03-2012, 14:27:33   Subject: leap of faith priest exploit bug
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: leap of faith
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: lately in battlegrounds enemy priests have been using leap of faith to pull opposite factions as well as shaman spirit wolves are using leap of faith or a death grip like ability to pull me and others into them this is a bug or exploit that needs to be looked into
Dovada / Proof:
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