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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 30-08-2013 11:27)
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Post Posted: 29-08-2012, 23:55:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Calon3 wrote:

CHAT LOG : incidentul cu weed

[16:40:42] Cosmos has given you 1 Weed.

[16:40:42] * Cosmos has given Calon3 Weed.

[16:40:45] Calon3 Says: marj cu weedu

[16:40:47] [INFO]: Nu uitati sa faceti poza la stats (/stats) in fiecare zi.

[16:41:30] * BeBe has left the vehicle.

[16:41:33] Calon3 Says: ba

[16:41:34] * GinGaLLBeLL has left the vehicle.

[16:41:34] Calon3 Says: iati weedu

[16:41:34] * BeBe Stop !!! Control!! Pdu-risti w2!!!

[16:41:35] Calon3 Says: -

[16:41:37] Calon3 Says: bebe ai post

[16:41:38] Calon3 Says: ma jur

[16:41:42] Calon3 Says: el mia dat weed si acu fuge la tine?

[16:41:42] BeBe Says: dc??

[16:41:44] Calon3 Says: vrei fpk?

[16:41:50] Calon3 Says: fpk iei

[16:41:51] Cosmos Says: eu nam weed

[16:41:51] BeBe Says: termino ba

[16:41:53] Calon3 Says: NUUU

[16:41:55] Calon3 Says: da cine mio dat 1 weed?

[16:41:57] Calon3 Says: am poza cu tot chat

[16:42:14] * Cosmos has given Calon3 Weed.

[16:42:16] Cosmos Says: uite are weed

[16:42:17] You are not near that person!

[16:42:18] Cosmos Says: ardel

[16:42:19] Calon3 Says: uite but

[16:42:20] Calon3 Says: uite but

[16:42:22] Calon3 Says: mia dat 12 weed

[16:42:23] Calon3 Says: post

[16:42:27] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-099.png

[16:42:28] Calon3 Says: post

[16:42:29] Cosmos Says: pleaca ma de aici

[16:42:33] Calon3 Says: ne vedem pe forum

[16:42:34] Calon3 Says: bay bay

[16:42:34] Cosmos Says: nu are nici o vina

[16:42:37] Cosmos Says: ue iti dua tie

[16:42:38] Calon3 Says: TU NU EL

[16:42:39] Calon3 Says: TU NU EL

[16:42:46] Cosmos Says: uh miai cerut weed...

[16:42:48] Cosmos Says: eu tiam dat

[16:42:50] Calon3 Says: nu tiam cerut

[16:42:54] Cosmos Says: arata dovadat

[16:42:56] Calon3 Says: ai post oricum

[16:42:57] Cosmos Says: ca nu tiam cerut

[16:42:59] Calon3 Says: AM POZA CU CHAT


Aici am eu ceva de adaugat.
+1 warn cosmos pentru nesimtire.

RobB3rT wrote:

bebe e fratemiu...asa ca e responsabilitatea mea

Si daca e fractu ce? E mai cu mot ? Nu cred asa ca nu te mai crede presus fata de restu, ca tot un player normal esti. Si nu mai postati bazaconii si aiureli aici pentru ca nu ajungeti nicaieri.[/quote1=]

1-Te bagi la sectia pd nush care tie rostu
2-iam dat lu ala 13 weed sa scap de ele
3-ca iam dat lu unu 13 weed sa iau warn???? frate fati somnu....mai gandestete ca iam dat lu unu 13 weed poate atatea aveam si i leam dat lui nu a primit /frisk sau altcv din partea lu bebe crek vrei sa ne demonstrezi ma int dar eu nu iau pedeapsa de 5kk ptr 13 weed

Cand viata iti da lamai deschizi un magazin de fructe!

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 30-08-2013 11:27)
Joined: 18 Jun 2011
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Location: Palestinian Territory

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Votes: 3

Post Posted: 30-08-2012, 00:06:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

uitate frate in chat .....el mia cerut weed inainte si a pozat numa ce ia aveam HP si a zis da si mie weed iam dat si dupa a venit bebe si post post post ori ca a fost ca mine ori ca el...e un motiv slab sa nu fol cuv obscene sa dai warn oricum...light pe comunitatea Freakz totu e posibil....avem playeri cu 2 capete....primesc ban ca iti cumperi casa

Cand viata iti da lamai deschizi un magazin de fructe!

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(since 20-10-2017 17:49)
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Post Posted: 30-08-2012, 00:19:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

citeste chatu ca lumea si analizeaza pozele dupa vi sa faci reclamatie in care sa scri '' Da lolflame ai avut dreptate, nu am vazut bine, scuze ... ''

Fools set the rules in this world.
Just take a look around. It`s undeniable.

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