
reclamatie mastermind!!!
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Author Message4258

[Light-Emitting Diode]

Status: Offline
(since 21-04-2018 22:24)
Joined: 03 Jun 2009
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Post Posted: 29-11-2009, 21:57:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick: led
Reclamatie: Mastermind
Harta: de_train
ora: 8 pm

led : kick la ***

*DEAD* led : da de tine

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master

*DEAD* led : master

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : dak nui dai lama ai remalatie

*DEAD* led : tine-o in kick uri

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ho stati calmi !

*DEAD* LAPD : invata sa dai fb

bubblegirl connected

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ce sa dau ma ?

*DEAD* led : bb

*DEAD* LAPD : flash

Time remaining on map: 9 minutes
*DEAD* bubblegirl : timeleft

*DEAD* led : buble

*DEAD* Mastermind : ireee daca mai continui iei kick

*DEAD* Ionel : pff

*DEAD* Ionel : repede

*DEAD* Mastermind : eventual ban

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ...

*DEAD* bubblegirl : da?

*DEAD* Ionel : fragarule

*DEAD* led : nu e vreun super boss pe mess?

*DEAD* Mastermind : ca sa te calmezi

*DEAD* eNd : bmb bah

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : pai dai lama

*DEAD* Bloodlust : pai dai rq o data ban

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : cel mia probabil ban -

*DEAD* Ionel : repedema

*DEAD* Bloodlust : ce mai astepti ?

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : ca e jignire

*DEAD* bubblegirl : admini?

led : da

~~iam am pus-O~ : buna mamy -

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed Bloodlust with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bubblegirl : stai sa vad

~~iam am pus-O~ : -

led : cheama unu mare

Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : c mami ma ?-

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed Llama with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*DEAD* alt_nume : ala ce codat e fraieru

Mastermind : led calmeaza-te

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate ma pe ei


*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : bubico

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : -

*DEAD* LinuX : deci mastere faci ceva serios


*DEAD* Mastermind : atunci de ce vb asa

*DEAD* Ionel : e mai misto

*DEAD* Bloodlust : mastermind cine ti-o dat admin ?

*DEAD* Ionel : pune nickul cu aviara yabu

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : -

Time remaining on map: 7 minutes
*DEAD* eNd : timeleft

Command: Mastermind used command admin_llama Bloodlust

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : yabule

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : care esti

~~iam am pus-O~ : -)

Mastermind : altcineva care se simte nervos?

acK : se putea sa trag eu bine cand trebuie

~~iam am pus-O~ killed LinuX with m4a1

LinuX : mie dami llama

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed nameX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***

LinuX : ca deaia ai admin p

Mastermind : linux nu ma inveti tu

Mastermind : ca nu tu ai prins 30 de codati intr-o luna

Mastermind : clar?

*DEAD* Ionel : pac pac
*DEAD* Ionel : pff

*DEAD* LinuX : eu am fost si admin in cupa oficiala de cs pe langa alte 5 servere si u pprinzi codati ?
*DEAD* alt_nume : iam puso

Mastermind : bv tie
*DEAD* Ionel : mastere

*DEAD* LAPD : -_)))

AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!

*DEAD* Ionel : fii atent la joc

*DEAD* LAPD : -)

*DEAD* alt_nume : master

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* LinuX : u m ai luat pe mine drept codat dupa scorul ce il aveam

*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : y esti nasol obserf

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : na ma na !

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate pe iam am puso

*DEAD* LinuX : si te lauzi ?

*DEAD* alt_nume : codatu ala

Command: Mastermind used command admin_llama LinuX
The server administrator is running this command for you:
say Ooorgle!.
*DEAD* LAPD : Tero numa in baza stati

*DEAD* (2)Llama : Bleeeat!

*DEAD* eNd : mastet

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Ionel : ce llama

*SPEC* Mastermind : temperati-va


*SPEC* Mastermind : si nu mai deranjati ceilalti jucatori

*DEAD* Ionel : sunt 3 llama momentat pe sv

*DEAD* alt_nume : uita-te pe ala care ti-am zis

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : doar 3 ?-

~~iam am pus-O~ : MASTER TE UITI PLZ?

~~iam am pus-O~ killed eNd with awp

alt_nume : sobolane

~~iam am pus-O~ killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with awp
~~iam am pus-O~ killed Sunt racit => am porcina with awp

alt_nume : urci scarile si ne dai cap la ama2

alt_nume : date dracu de soricel de biblioteca

~~iam am pus-O~ killed Ionel with awp

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate pe ala

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ba da bun e poc poc -
*DEAD* bad.boy : 4hp miai lasat wa

~~iam am pus-O~ : bad boy numai merge wallu?

*DEAD* bad.boy : nu
*DEAD* alt_nume : tu chiar nu vezi?

*DEAD* bad.boy : lam lasat ca nu mai fac frag
*DEAD* (1)Llama : Bleeeat!
*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!

*DEAD* Llama : Bleeeat!

*DEAD* padrino : ce naspa merge

*DEAD* (2)Llama : Ooorgle!

AlaMiK connected
*DEAD* alt_nume : ce oameni..

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master ai primit?

*SPEC* Mastermind : llama taci

*DEAD* alt_nume : ce server

*DEAD* Ionel : ack o fura in 10 sec

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate ma pe ala

*DEAD* alt_nume : de cate ori sa-ti spun

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : MASTER

*DEAD* (2)Llama : Bleeeat!

NINJAUL` is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name NotALlama.
*DEAD* Llama : Bleeeat!

Command: Mastermind used command admin_unllama Llama
* Llama changed name to NotALlama
~~iam am pus-O~ : mastermind

NotALlama : da-i kick master

]NotALlama : da-i ma

* LED changed name to led

Bloodlust : na ma

*SPEC* Mastermind : nu e treaba ta

*SPEC* Mastermind : veziti de joc sau iei iar llama

*DEAD* (2)NotALlama : cine tia dat admin?

*DEAD* LAPD : V.K dute la mario

*SPEC* Mastermind : bunicu

*DEAD* Sunt racit => am porcina : moguli i l-au dat -

*DEAD* Sunt racit => am porcina : nu-i asa master ?-

*DEAD* bad.boy : eu iam dat probleme?

*SPEC* ~~iam am pus-O~ : MASTER

*DEAD* acK : /rank

*SPEC* ~~iam am pus-O~ : mai strig mult la tine?

*SPEC* Mastermind : LINISTE

*DEAD* bad.boy : carei treaba ta?

*DEAD*(Terrorist) Ionel : gg l3|)

*SPEC* Mastermind : ca m-am saturat de atata galceava

*DEAD* led : master

*SPEC* Mastermind : sunteti ca niste soacre

*DEAD* led : calmeaza-te

*SPEC* Mastermind : liniste sau llama

*DEAD* (2)NotALlama : esti o gluma

*DEAD* led : si da-i kick

*SPEC* Mastermind : sa nu mai vad niciun cuvant

*DEAD* led : da-i kick ma

* (2)NotALlama changed name to LinuX

*SPEC* Mastermind : care mai vorbeste ia kick

Sunt racit => am porcina : ******

Sunt racit => am porcina : ww ww wwy

*SPEC* Mastermind : ce vreti la vot

*DEAD* alt_nume : uite altu:)))

*DEAD* led : we master sa mor de nu-mi copiez toata consola si va ajunge la owneri da-i kick si tinel in kick

*DEAD* alt_nume : vai de capu lor:))

*DEAD* LinuX : cu cine ai led?

*DEAD* alt_nume : se joaca fain asa

*SPEC* Mastermind : eu am deja ce e in consola

*DEAD* alt_nume : tare de tot

*DEAD*(Terrorist) LinuX : led

*DEAD*(Terrorist) LinuX : cu cine ai ?

led : ce?

led : lu ala iar am pus-o

*DEAD* Ionel : eu team distras el tea luyat
*SPEC* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master eu iti spun cu sinceritate lasate de cs mai ales de adminat
*DEAD* LAPD : taci ma ce vrei
*DEAD* LinuX : si eu fra lasate de admin
*DEAD* Sunt racit => am porcina : iar am puso... esty admin ?
*SPEC* Mastermind : ireee vrei kick?
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat` : -
catalin (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : auzi ala ce cuv a scos:)))
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : ce nob
*SPEC* Mastermind : inca un cuvant
*DEAD* Everest : uitate unde rea q dai cu flash butule
*DEAD* alt_nume : dex pe 2 picioare:)))

led : da nush ce astepri master

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : eu tiam spus adevaru
*DEAD* Ionel : hai led nu mai vb si joaca
*DEAD* alt_nume : adminat:)))
*DEAD* LAPD : cine ma eu ?
*SPEC* Mastermind : si eu

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat` : ba ce tot mai stai ba sa ii dai ! Ca ma saturai sa ii tot aud pe astea !

*DEAD* Sunt racit => am porcina : dak nu esty admin tineti parerile pt tn pls
*DEAD* Everest : da ma tu

ireee fiind ~~iam am pus-O~

in loc sa il tii in kick-uri si slay-uri ne tineai pe noi in lame si altele???
si dc nu l-ai postat ma???
nu oi fi eu cel mai corect si poate am exagerat dar tu dc nu ai luat masuri????
dc nu ai luat ip ca eventual sa-i dea un admin mai mare ban??
am editat ,tot lung e
ce poze - -

Last edited by TeCh[jk] on 29-11-2009, 22:28:00; edited 6 times in total
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[jumara atomica ;o]

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Post Posted: 29-11-2009, 21:59:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

iti pierzi minute bune citind tot ce ai pus u aici, trebuia sa pui ce e necesar nu toata consola -

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[sefu' la valoare]

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        Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  sinnerzqrr 
Post Posted: 29-11-2009, 22:03:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu stii sa faci niste poze?
sau sa bolduesti ce ne intereseaza in mod special ?

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[Screwed Freak]

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(since 12-09-2020 16:56)
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Post Posted: 29-11-2009, 22:40:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok sa o luam cu inceputul..
O prima intrebare pt. tine - Ce nume ai in joc?
O sa aflii technik de ce putin mai jos..

1. De ce nu i-am dat kick/slay lui "ireeee!" sau "~~iam am pus-O~" - nume cu care a jucat..

Probabil era codat insa nu am putut sa-i fac demo findca de fiecare data imi aparea cu bug (camera first person arata spatele nu din fata asa cum e normal)

Din aceasta cauza nu am putut sa-i fac demo, deci din aceasta cauza NU aveam nici o dovada.. SS nu puteam sa fac..

Eram singurul Admin pe server si "led" care are slot. Jucatorii precum led, bloodlust si mai era inca unul au inceput sa vorbeasca in chatul general ca "ireee" e codat.. am incercat din nou sa-i fac demo dar degeaba.. aceeasi problema..
In acelasi timp cat incercam eu sa-i fac demo led si compania nu mai incetau sa ma preseze.. "da-i macar kick" "da-i slay" "cine ti-a dat admin" etc etc. - au fost nenumarate atacuri asemanatoare..

Mie unul nu imi plac astfel de scandaluri, de aceea dar mai ales pentru ca tot tipand ca "ireee" e codat eu nu as mai fi avut nici o sansa sa prind ceva pe demo (in cazul in care ar fi mers - inca speram sa nu mai apara bug-ul)

Pur si simplu m-au exasperat, eu fiind singur si astia 3 care tot ma presau si vorbeau vrute si nevrute, dupa ce i-am avertizat pe fiecare in parte de mai multe ori sa inceteze, le-am dat llama.. la toti 3..

Dupa ce le-am dat llama au inceput sa ma atace si pe admin_page..
Am sa revin cu alte detalii dupa ce imi spune "TeCh[jk]" cu ce nume juca in acel moment..

Iata si consola mea:

zmau killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with scout
*DEAD* Bloodlust : uite-te ma

InQontroL : hahaah
InNa killed basescu with ak47
*DEAD* Bloodlust : imi da hs cu glock de la 15 m

NewName killed AlaMiK with m4a1
*SPEC* Mastermind : ma uit stai fara grija

alt_nume dropped
*DEAD* Bloodlust : si mastermind zice ca nu e codat

InQontroL killed Ionel with m4a1
PocPocTe`amLuat killed NotALlama with m4a1
*DEAD* Bloodlust : -

*DEAD* Bloodlust : tu ai observat ca pana acum a dat numa hs ?

Dan Diaconescul killed PocPocTe`amLuat with ak47
*DEAD* Bloodlust : ce mai astepti ?

InQontroL killed LinuX with grenade
*DEAD* acK : /rank

S1n killed D.P.I.R. with m4a1
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed PacPacTe`amLuat with m4a1
NewName killed Dan Diaconescul with grenade
led : nu e niciun super boss pe mess
*** S1n killed InNa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* Bloodlust : sa-si puna si speed ?

*SPEC* Mastermind : vb pe admin_page sau iei llama

kanguru killed alex with m4a1
*DEAD* NotALlama : blood nam speed:))

Powered by - Shocker, Gh0sT, dudette, *0ranGe ! extrem, ion.mzk, SphinCS , felixcat
Dan Diaconescul dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Dan Diaconescul has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** S1n killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Completed demo
*DEAD* Bloodlust : mda

Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
led killed cozma with ak47
*DEAD* Bloodlust : ai aim

alt_nume connected
*DEAD* LinuX : ce apasa astia prin pereti

adY connected
S1n killed led with m4a1
*DEAD* Bloodlust : asa-i

alt_nume is joining the Terrorist force
NewName killed zmau with m4a1
adY is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
nameX killed bad.boy with ak47
Yabu killed Mara with ak47
*DEAD* Ionel : blood de cine vb ?
Yabu killed Jonutz with ak47
InQontroL killed Yabu with m4a1
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : poc poc si pac pac da nu miscati azi

(Admin) Bloodlust: ady dai ban azi
] admin_psay blood trebuie dovada mai intai
*DEAD* Ionel : ma pac poc si poc pac

*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : nu au coadele activate:)))

*DEAD* bad.boy : vai ce mii rau

*DEAD* Yabu : /-

*DEAD* bad.boy : -

(Private Msg To Bloodlust): trebuie dovada mai intai
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
recording to 1.dem.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.

*DEAD* Bloodlust : te'amluat e clan sau ceva ? -

*DEAD* led : s mie

PocPocTe`amLuat killed D.P.I.R. with m4a1
* NotALlama changed name to ~~iam am pus-O~
*** nameX killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with a headshot from ak47 ***
led : ma arde prin stomac
alt_nume killed Bloodlust with ak47
Command: adY used command admin_cfg default.cfg
Message from Admin (Admin): Server CVARs reseted to default...
* Yabu changed name to Dau ca aviara in pasarici
*** bad.boy killed .::Fr3z33_BoY::. with a headshot from ak47 ***
alex killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with ak47
Ionel killed PocPocTe`amLuat with deagle
.::Fr3z33_BoY::. dropped
.::Fr3z33_BoY::. has left the game
alex killed Mara with ak47
Mara dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Mara has left the game

] who
Admini Online :::
-=-=- High Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Generals -=-=-
-=-=- Champions -=-=-
-=-=- Blood Guards -=-=-
-=-=- Grunts -=-=-

PacPacTe`amLuat killed alex with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"

Dau ca aviara in pasarici killed kanguru with ak47
LAPD dropped
*** alt_nume killed adY with a headshot from ak47 ***
InNa killed basescu with ak47
Freakz Music Player ~nVrei sa asculti muzica direct din CS ? Tasteaza 'music' in consola.

*** alt_nume killed nameX with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : yohanele

LAPD connected
cozma killed JOKERUL_is with deagle
LAPD is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
adY dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
adY has left the game
led : a mai facut unu asa mai demult cica zi un cuvant si ai lama da el de colo cuvant si lama

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** AlaMiK killed S1n with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** bad.boy killed NewName with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** LinuX killed cozma with a headshot from ak47 ***
Player dropped
PacPacTe`amLuat killed alt_nume with m4a1

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : gg

acK killed PacPacTe`amLuat with ak47
D.P.I.R. is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
led : -
Player connected
*** InQontroL killed acK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* LAPD : sall all

led : re
InQontroL killed AlaMiK with m4a1
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -)))

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : /shopmenu

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : /changerace

Jonutz killed LinuX with m4a1
AlaMiK dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
AlaMiK has left the game
*DEAD* PacPacTe`amLuat : POC

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : a?

Margelatu connected
*DEAD* PacPacTe`amLuat : hai l,a mine daca vrei

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : blood

InQontroL killed Ionel with m4a1
*** InQontroL killed bad.boy with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : nu acm !

Player is joining the Terrorist force
led killed InQontroL with m4a1
~~iam am pus-O~ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : ne facem clan ma?

NewName dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
NewName has left the game
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ma duc cu orfanu ala de fratemeo in real ...

*DEAD* Ionel : omoratil ma

*DEAD* Ionel : asha

*DEAD* InQontroL : -

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

*DEAD* InQontroL : /rank

*DEAD* Ionel : inqontrol azi esti de neoprit sa mor eu

*DEAD* PacPacTe`amLuat : u esti mai orfan ca el :

InNa killed Jonutz with m4a1
Margelatu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* acK : in sfarsit a mai murit si inq

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* Ionel : ai facut sex sau cum ?

Completed demo
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
recording to 1.dem.
Already recording.
Already recording.

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

eNd connected
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : nu cred:))
*DEAD* InQontroL : am prins pe harta asta.. pe altele.. nu prea am omorat asa

~~iam am pus-O~ killed zmau with m4a1
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed JOKERUL_is with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Dau ca aviara in pasarici killed LAPD with m4a1
*** acK killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with a headshot from ak47 ***
PacPacTe`amLuat : BA da
eNd is joining the Terrorist force
alt_nume killed Margelatu with ak47
*** Bloodlust killed alt_nume with a headshot from deagle ***
PocPocTe`amLuat : ba nu
Dau ca aviara in pasarici killed kanguru with m4a1
alex killed Bloodlust with sg552
kanguru dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
kanguru has left the game
Ionel : ma derutati ma
acK killed D.P.I.R. with ak47
Ionel : nu va deosebesc intre voi
D.P.I.R. dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
D.P.I.R. has left the game
Jonutz killed LinuX with m4a1
Jonutz killed alex with m4a1
*DEAD* alt_nume : ce tzeapa mi-am dat cu grenada:))

*** nameX killed InNa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed Dau ca aviara in pasarici with deagle
led killed nameX with m4a1
acK killed PocPocTe`amLuat with ak47
Ionel killed cozma with m4a1
*DEAD* InNa : da0tee baaaa

*** V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed Ionel with a headshot from deagle ***
*DEAD* InNa : ledu vietiiii

acK killed Jonutz with ak47
basescu killed led with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
*DEAD* InNa : Dosent Matter ies eu iese si el

Everest connected
Time remaining on map: 15 minutes
*DEAD* eNd : timeleft

InQontroL killed acK with m4a1
basescu killed bad.boy with m4a1
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed basescu with m4a1
*DEAD* Dau ca aviara in pasarici : ionel esty degeaba ba

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : moama

AlaMiK dropped
Everest is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : pac pac creca mananca de are scoru asta

*DEAD* Ionel : auzi cine vb

PacPacTe`amLuat killed Player with mp5navy
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

*DEAD* led : poi ori iesi ori cf

*DEAD* Dau ca aviara in pasarici : ma ia d langa tn ?

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master

*DEAD* InNa : erau 3 acolo

Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with m4a1
JOJO dropped
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : am steam ma nam cod

AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* Dau ca aviara in pasarici : dau prin zid:P

Mastermind is joining the Terrorist force
AlaMiK dropped
PacPacTe`amLuat killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with mp5navy
*DEAD* InNa : lasa-mi spatiu

Everest is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
*DEAD* led : ma scuzi da am crezut ca intri in ei

*DEAD* InNa : nu veni ca oaia

*DEAD* led : ei na

*DEAD* bad.boy : wa dac nu stii sa dai un flash nul mai da

*DEAD* Ionel : ce nick ai ma dau ca aviara in pasarici -)

bad.boy : but infect

Mastermind : nu ma intereseaza ireee

LAPD : 1-0 pt vaslui

Powered by - Shocker, Gh0sT, dudette, *0ranGe ! extrem, ion.mzk, SphinCS , felixcat
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed LinuX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Everest : Noroc la baieti si fete care se simt !!!-

AlaMiK dropped
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***
InQontroL killed Dau ca aviara in pasarici with m4a1
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed JOKERUL_is with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Dau ca aviara in pasarici : -

Everest : Bau !!!-

Ionel killed InQontroL with ak47
Everest : Bau !!!-

LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* LinuX : nu are cum
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alex with a headshot from m4a1 ***
nameX killed Player with grenade
JOJO timed out
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed acK with a headshot from usp ***
*DEAD* Dau ca aviara in pasarici : lol
led : ban

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed led with a headshot from usp ***
nameX killed bad.boy with m4a1
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed zmau with a headshot from usp ***
AlaMiK connected
bad.boy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
PocPocTe`amLuat : moama

PocPocTe`amLuat : -

AlaMiK is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* alt_nume : ala cum a ajuns asa repede acolo ma?
Everest killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with m4a1
Jonutz killed InNa with m4a1
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed eNd with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** basescu killed Ionel with a headshot from mp5navy ***
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Mastermind killed Jonutz with mp5navy
Ionel (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Moartea e pe aproape !!! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
eNd (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : codatu dracu
*DEAD* InQontroL : /rank
*DEAD* InNa : vaii=)))
Bloodlust killed Mastermind with ak47
*DEAD* led : niciun super boss pe mess
AlaMiK is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
*DEAD* InQontroL : /top15
*DEAD* Ionel : in sf lam luat si pe inq

] who
Admini Online :::
-=-=- High Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Generals -=-=-
-=-=- Champions -=-=-
-=-=- Blood Guards -=-=-
-=-=- Grunts -=-=-

Unknown command: mp_freezetime
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Admin) LinuX: iam puso ala iese tragand de dupa colt
~~iam am pus-O~ killed JOKERUL_is with awp
AlaMiK killed alex with grenade
InQontroL killed Ionel with m4a1
*DEAD* led : master ia ip
InQontroL killed LinuX with m4a1
alt_nume dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
alt_nume has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Bloodlust : mastermind ii dai macar kick ?

acK killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with deagle
Margelatu killed self with grenade
alt_nume connected
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
alt_nume is joining the Terrorist force
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed Mastermind with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed InNa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
nameX killed bad.boy with m4a1
acK killed PocPocTe`amLuat with grenade
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Dau ca aviara in pasarici killed AlaMiK with galil
PacPacTe`amLuat killed Dau ca aviara in pasarici with m4a1

] admin_kick playe
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Player has left the game

led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Freakz Music Player ~nVrei sa asculti muzica direct din CS ? Tasteaza 'music' in consola.
*** acK killed Jonutz with a headshot from ak47 ***
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed LAPD with mp5navy
InQontroL killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with m4a1
bad.boy dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
bad.boy has left the game
basescu killed led with m4a1
D@ny connected
InNa (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
acK killed cozma with ak47
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
D@ny is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : badboy esti zeu dai prin zid

catalin dropped
*** V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed zmau with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** InQontroL killed acK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** eNd killed InQontroL with a headshot from ak47 ***
Command: Mastermind used command admin_kick Player
*** S1n killed eNd with a headshot from m4a1 ***

catalin connected
zmau dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
zmau has left the game
catalin is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
MATheW____O___o connected
MATheW____O___o is joining the Terrorist force
~~iam am pus-O~ killed LinuX with awp

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

*DEAD* Jonutz : /rankstats

Completed demo
Not recording a demo.

Jonutz killed alex with grenade
*DEAD* LAPD : lol ce bulan are vasluiu

AlaMiK killed D@ny with m4a1
* Dau ca aviara in pasarici changed name to Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca

Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
recording to 1.dem.
Already recording.
Already recording.

Ionel killed nameX with deagle
acK : mai mutativa si la tero
~~iam am pus-O~ killed Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca with awp
Mastermind is joining the Terrorist force
D@ny dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
D@ny has left the game
PacPacTe`amLuat killed eNd with m4a1
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed InNa with a headshot from usp ***
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Everest with ak47
*** Bloodlust killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with a headshot from ak47 ***
V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed Ionel with deagle
alt_nume killed PocPocTe`amLuat with ak47
Ionel (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Bloodlust killed acK with ak47
nameX is joining the Terrorist force
Bloodlust killed MATheW____O___o with ak47
*** InQontroL killed JOKERUL_is with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* eNd : /hp

InQontroL killed alt_nume with m4a1
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed led with a headshot from usp ***
*DEAD* eNd : /me

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : -

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : inaa

*DEAD* Ionel : led

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : teroi bagativa in dos fleshurile alea:P

*DEAD* Ionel : vin din toate directile

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ce hed ai luat -

*DEAD* InNa : a?

*DEAD* alt_nume : inq

*DEAD* led : hai lasa-ma

alt_nume : tu crezi?

led : master

InNa : mda

Mastermind : jokerul ai lag

InQontroL : ?

~~iam am pus-O~ killed JOKERUL_is with awp
led : da-i kick

] admin_kick joke
(Terrorist) eNd : master ala are aim

"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
JOKERUL_is has left the game
Mastermind : fa ceva
*** Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with a headshot from ak47 ***
alt_nume : invata sa joci si fara cod

nameX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
InQontroL : -

Command: Mastermind used command admin_kick JOKERUL_is
led : kick ma

"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
led : la ala

LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Bloodlust killed alt_nume with ak47
eNd killed Bloodlust with ak47
*** Mastermind killed PocPocTe`amLuat with a headshot from ak47 ***
Bloodlust is joining the Terrorist force
alt_nume (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
alt_nume dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
alt_nume has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
JOKERUL_is connected
led : kick la ***

alt_nume connected
PacPacTe`amLuat killed LinuX with m4a1
alt_nume (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
JOKERUL_is is joining the Terrorist force
PacPacTe`amLuat killed MATheW____O___o with m4a1
alt_nume is joining the Terrorist force
InNa (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LAPD killed Mastermind with m4a1
LAPD killed InNa with m4a1
*** Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with a headshot from ak47 ***
S1n killed led with m4a1
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
eNd killed PacPacTe`amLuat with ak47
Player dropped
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
eNd killed LAPD with ak47
cozma killed eNd with usp
nameX killed cozma with ak47
Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed basescu with ak47
Ionel (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Everest with ak47
*** S1n killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
AlaMiK killed alex with m4a1
Margelatu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : led de cn vb ma de mn?
*DEAD* led : da de tine

*** acK killed Jonutz with a headshot from ak47 ***
Ionel killed AlaMiK with ak47
*DEAD* LinuX : si eu tot de tine

acK killed catalin with ak47
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master

*DEAD* led : master

Player timed out
*DEAD* LAPD : pocpoc

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : dak nui dai lama ai remalatie

*DEAD* Jonutz : /hp

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : il intrebam !

S1n killed Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca with m4a1
*DEAD* alt_nume : admine

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate pe inq

h4ck*Spider connected
*DEAD* led : tine-o in kick uri

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ho stati calmi !

*DEAD* LAPD : invata sa dai fb

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : lol

Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) ~~iam am pus-O~: led : kick la ga
bubblegirl connected
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ce sa dau ma ?

*** Ionel killed S1n with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Admin) ~~iam am pus-O~: led : kick la ***
*DEAD* led : bb

bubblegirl is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) ~~iam am pus-O~: led : kick la ***
*DEAD* LAPD : flash

Ionel (RADIO): Need backup.
Powered by - Shocker, Gh0sT, dudette, *0ranGe ! extrem, ion.mzk, SphinCS , felixcat
InQontroL killed Ionel with m4a1
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ...

Time remaining on map: 9 minutes
*DEAD* bubblegirl : timeleft

*DEAD* led : buble

*DEAD* Mastermind : ireee daca mai continui iei kick

InQontroL killed acK with m4a1
catalin dropped
catalin has left the game
*DEAD* Ionel : pff

*DEAD* Ionel : repede

*DEAD* Mastermind : eventual ban

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ...

*DEAD* bubblegirl : da?

*DEAD* Ionel : fragarule

*DEAD* led : nu e vreun super boss pe mess?[/yellow]

[color=orange]*DEAD* Mastermind : ca sa te calmezi[/orange]

*DEAD* eNd : bmb bah

alex is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

[color=green]*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : pai dai lama

*DEAD* Bloodlust : pai dai rq o data ban

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : cel mia probabil ban -

nameX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Ionel : repedema

h4ck*Spider is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* Bloodlust : ce mai astepti ?

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : ca e jignire

*DEAD* bubblegirl : admini?

led : da

Bloodlust (RADIO): Go go go!
~~iam am pus-O~ : buna mamy -

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed Bloodlust with a headshot from m4a1 ***

bubblegirl : stai sa vad

Unknown command: mp_freezetime

Unknown command: mp_freezetime
~~iam am pus-O~ : -

led : cheama unu mare

admin_llama led
alt_nume (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
alt_nume (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Unknown command: mp_freezetime
Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : c mami ma ?-

*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed Llama with a headshot from m4a1 ***
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed cozma with ak47
nameX killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with grenade
Margelatu killed Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca with m4a1
Command: Mastermind used command admin_llama led
*DEAD* alt_nume : ala ce codat e fraieru
LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Everest killed LinuX with m4a1
*** JOKERUL_is killed Everest with a headshot from usp ***
LAPD killed Ionel with m4a1
*** nameX killed PocPocTe`amLuat with a headshot from m4a1 ***
cozma is joining the Terrorist force
Mastermind : led calmeaza-te

nameX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
alex killed JOKERUL_is with m4a1
nameX killed PacPacTe`amLuat with m4a1
*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate ma pe ei
*** Jonutz killed MATheW____O___o with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
acK killed AlaMiK with ak47
Mastermind (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : bubico
(Admin) bubblegirl: de ce ma pune sa chem admini?
InNa killed Jonutz with grenade
InQontroL killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with m4a1
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : -
h4ck*Spider killed eNd with ak47
*DEAD* LinuX : deci mastere faci ceva serios
bad.boy connected
LAPD killed Mastermind with m4a1
*** h4ck*Spider killed nameX with a headshot from ak47 ***
bad.boy is joining the Terrorist force
(Admin) Llama: IS CALM OMULE
eNd is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
InNa (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* eNd : /hp
h4ck*Spider killed InNa with ak47
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : parca e mai misto nikul q aviara -

acK killed LAPD with ak47
acK (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Mastermind : atunci de ce vb asa

AlaMiK has left the game

Freakz Music Player ~nVrei sa asculti muzica direct din CS ? Tasteaza 'music' in consola.
*DEAD* Ionel : e mai misto


*DEAD* Bloodlust : mastermind cine ti-o dat admin ?
admin_llama blood
*DEAD* Ionel : pune nickul cu aviara yabu

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : -

Time remaining on map: 7 minutes
*DEAD* eNd : timeleft

V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed acK with m4a1
Command: Mastermind used command admin_llama Bloodlust
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : yabule

*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : care esti

AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* eNd : dati vot cv

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : ?

(Admin) bubblegirl: ce s-a intamplat?-
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : aici -

*DEAD* LinuX : era buna intrebarea ca la carnet

Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : prezent -

~~iam am pus-O~ : -)

Mastermind : altcineva care se simte nervos?

(1)Llama killed alex with ak47
Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with ak47
Unknown command: mp_freezetime
~~iam am pus-O~ killed LinuX with m4a1
acK : se putea sa trag eu bine cand trebuie

Ionel (RADIO): Regroup Team.
Unknown command: mp_freezetime
AlaMiK dropped
LinuX : mie dami llama

(1)Llama killed PacPacTe`amLuat with ak47
*** Everest killed JOKERUL_is with a headshot from m4a1 ***
LinuX : ca deaia ai admin p

Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed LAPD with ak47
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed nameX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** ~~iam am pus-O~ killed alt_nume with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(1)Llama killed Margelatu with ak47
alt_nume (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* LinuX : pt llama nu pt codati
cozma (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Mastermind : linux nu ma inveti tu

AlaMiK dropped
*** bad.boy killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* PacPacTe`amLuat : sus
*** (1)Llama killed h4ck*Spider with a headshot from ak47 ***
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : ma vaca da nu ei flesh??????? ca ti lam dat in fatza taaa
Ionel (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Everest with grenade
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : namex
Mastermind : ca nu tu ai prins 30 de codati intr-o luna

Moartea e pe aproape !!! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : ai vazut ce codat e
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed Ionel with a headshot from m4a1 ***
eNd killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with m4a1
*** eNd killed cozma with a headshot from m4a1 ***
cozma (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : ?
*** Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca killed basescu with a headshot from ak47 ***
Jonutz killed Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca with grenade
*DEAD* LAPD : nu ma mi-ai dat mie in fata
PocPocTe`amLuat killed bad.boy with m4a1
Mastermind : clar?

*DEAD* Ionel : pac pac
*DEAD* Ionel : pff
*DEAD* alt_nume : namex
InNa killed Jonutz with grenade
*DEAD* bad.boy : /rank
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : eie e -
(Admin) ~~iam am pus-O~: bad boy are aim ma jur
AlaMiK dropped
AlaMiK dropped
InNa (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : ma viteluu
(1)Llama (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(1)Llama (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* LinuX : eu am fost si admin in cupa oficiala de cs pe langa alte 5 servere si u pprinzi codati ?
PocPocTe`amLuat killed Llama with m4a1
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : da nu ei flesh??
(1)Llama (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : nu -
Llama (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* alt_nume : iam puso
AlaMiK dropped
Mastermind : bv tie

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : nu vezi c fata d spate am ?-
*DEAD* Ionel : mastere
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed Mastermind with a headshot from m4a1 ***
InNa killed PocPocTe`amLuat with ak47
Mastermind : eu am fost prsesedintele cubei

*DEAD* LAPD : -_)))
*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!
AlaMiK dropped
acK killed eNd with ak47
*DEAD* Ionel : fii atent la joc
AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* LAPD : -)
*DEAD* alt_nume : master

AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* LinuX : u m ai luat pe mine drept codat dupa scorul ce il aveam

*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : y esti nasol obserf

] admin_llama linux
*DEAD* eNd : /hp

*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : na ma na !

JOKERUL_is timed out
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
JOKERUL_is has left the game
*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate pe iam am puso

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* LinuX : si te lauzi ?

*DEAD* alt_nume : codatu ala

Command: Mastermind used command admin_llama LinuX
*DEAD* LAPD : Tero numa in baza stati

*DEAD* (2)Llama : Bleeeat!

*DEAD* eNd : mastet

Time remaining on map: 5 minutes
*DEAD* h4ck*Spider : timeleft

*** InNa killed S1n with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

catalin connected
eNd is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* Ionel : ce llama

bubblegirl dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
bubblegirl has left the game
*SPEC* Mastermind : temperati-va[color]

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
padrino dropped
catalin is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : asa e

*DEAD* eNd : dai vot

*SPEC* Mastermind : si nu mai deranjati ceilalti jucatori

*DEAD* Ionel : sunt 3 llama momentat pe sv

padrino connected

padrino is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* alt_nume : uita-te pe ala care ti-am zis

*DEAD* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca : doar 3 ?-

* Dau de crapa vitelul in vaca changed name to Sunt racit => am porcina
~~iam am pus-O~ : MASTER TE UITI PLZ?
~~iam am pus-O~ killed eNd with awp
(Admin) Llama: IA IP SI TINE-L IN KICK
~~iam am pus-O~ killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with awp
~~iam am pus-O~ killed Sunt racit => am porcina with awp
alt_nume : sobolane
*** (2)Llama killed basescu with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed InNa with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** PocPocTe`amLuat killed cozma with a headshot from m4a1 ***
PacPacTe`amLuat killed (2)Llama with m4a1
padrino : re all
AlaMiK dropped
Jonutz killed alt_nume with grenade
acK killed PocPocTe`amLuat with grenade
Sunt racit => am porcina : re
AlaMiK dropped
*** bad.boy killed PacPacTe`amLuat with a headshot from ak47 ***
AlaMiK dropped
~~iam am pus-O~ killed Ionel with awp
*** (1)Llama killed LAPD with a headshot from ak47 ***
AlaMiK dropped
alt_nume : urci scarile si ne dai cap la ama2
*** (1)Llama killed Margelatu with a headshot from ak47 ***
~~iam am pus-O~ killed bad.boy with knife
alt_nume : date dracu de soricel de biblioteca
*DEAD* Sunt racit => am porcina : altnume.. ai zburat

alex killed catalin with aug
Llama : Ooorgle!
(1)Llama killed Jonutz with grenade

h4ck*Spider killed (1)Llama with m4a1

*DEAD* alt_nume : uitate pe ala

Powered by - Shocker, Gh0sT, dudette, *0ranGe ! extrem, ion.mzk, SphinCS , felixcat
*DEAD* PocPocTe`amLuat : ba da bun e poc poc -

*DEAD* bad.boy : 4hp miai lasat wa

acK killed h4ck*Spider with ak47
~~iam am pus-O~ : bad boy numai merge wallu?
nameX killed ~~iam am pus-O~ with ak47
cozma dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
cozma has left the game
*DEAD* alt_nume : tot vb aici degeaba

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** Llama killed Everest with a headshot from ak47 ***
alex killed nameX with aug
(Admin) (2)Llama: scoate llama si nu mai fi copil ca am dreptate
*DEAD* bad.boy : nu

*DEAD* alt_nume : tu chiar nu vezi?

V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed Llama with m4a1

acK killed padrino with ak47
(Admin) Sunt racit => am porcina: master dai llama lu altnume ala
NINJAUL` connected
MATheW____O___o has been idle for too long and has been kicked
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
MATheW____O___o has left the game
*DEAD* bad.boy : lam lasat ca nu mai fac frag

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* (1)Llama : Bleeeat!

(Admin) (2)Llama: nici ss nu miai facut inainte sa iau ban si cica sa uplodez nici demo
AlaMiK dropped
*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

NINJAUL` is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) ~~iam am pus-O~: bad boy are aim ma jur deci am sarit tura trecuta sai dau lama nu ma vazuse si un glont si mia dat ca
*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!

*DEAD* Llama : Ooorgle!

*DEAD* Llama : Brawwrr!

*DEAD* Llama : Bleeeat!

*DEAD* padrino : ce naspa merge

*DEAD* (2)Llama : Ooorgle!

(Spectator) eNd : /RaNk

*DEAD* alt_nume : ce oameni..

AlaMiK connected
*DEAD* ~~iam am pus-O~ : master ai primit?

InNa timed out
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
InNa has left the game


Dupa ce am schimbat harta cu de_losttemple, am iesit si am intrat cu alt nume... ca sa va faceti o idee ce fel de jucatori acuza pe altcineva de coduri si vrea sa faca reclamatii fondate sau nu..

DOVADA WALL "LED" (demo facut pe de_losttemple cand am intrat sub alt nume - dupa galceava de pe harta trecuta)
(uitati-va cand trage in apropiere de baza prin perete cu sniperul si da headshot)

In plus iata ce discutau in lipsa mea si in lipsa altor admini:

NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005
Server IP address
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
************** NOTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>
** This server is set to allow an admin to run commands on your client. **
************** NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<
* Privileges set

Server # 50
Couldn't open file overviews/de_losttemple_beta2.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/de_losttemple_beta2.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
*** led killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] who
Admini Online :::
-=-=- High Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Warlords -=-=-
-=-=- Generals -=-=-
-=-=- Champions -=-=-
-=-=- Blood Guards -=-=-
-=-=- Grunts -=-=-

RobiX dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
RobiX has left the game
InQontroL killed NINJAUL` with ak47
[] You do not have access to this command !
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : nuu stiu hartaaaaaaaaaaaaa\

*DEAD* Ionel : ce ma enerveaz a seara intotdeauna am choke

Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
recording to 1.dem.
Already recording.
Already recording.
Already recording.
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
PacPacTe`amLuat killed padrino with ak47
*** InQontroL killed Everest with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* Dau ca aviara in pasarici : c ma enerveaza gripa asta:D

Deyu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
NewName connected
InNa dropped
*DEAD* AGENT.C.I.A. : ggg

* Dau ca aviara in pasarici changed name to Geoana
NewName is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Go go go!
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Stick together, team.
V!Ru$' (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Everest (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** PacPacTe`amLuat killed Geoana with a headshot from ak47 ***
AlaMiK (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** PocPocTe`amLuat` killed Deyu with a headshot from ak47 ***
S1n killed Everest with mp5navy
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Go go go!
AGENT.C.I.A. killed PocPocTe`amLuat` with mp5navy
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** AlaMiK killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with a headshot from ak47 ***
AGENT.C.I.A. killed V!Ru$' with mp5navy
Everest (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
V!Ru$' (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
basescu killed AlaMiK with m4a1
alex killed PacPacTe`amLuat with tmp
InQontroL killed led with ak47
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Bloodlust killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with usp
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Geoana : brb... ma kis dupa tufis -

Bl@ck Dogg killed AGENT.C.I.A. with ak47
*** InQontroL killed LinuX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
V!Ru$' dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
V!Ru$' has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
DarKy killed fpO with ak47
DarKy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** InQontroL killed DarKy with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Ionel killed alex with ak47
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : ba da aiurea harta tareee

*DEAD* V!Ru$' : /rank

Bloodlust killed Ionel with mp5navy
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
InQontroL killed Bl@ck Dogg with m4a1
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Bloodlust killed catalin with mp5navy
InNa connected
*DEAD* AGENT.C.I.A. : /rank

nameX killed NINJAUL` with m4a1
InNa is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* AGENT.C.I.A. : /rank

acK killed Brusc Willis with ak47
*DEAD* led : u ce zici?

Completed demo
Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
*DEAD* AGENT.C.I.A. : ba sta merge pe mapa

Not recording a demo.
Not recording a demo.
recording to 1.dem.
Already recording.
Already recording.
PocPocTe`amLuat` timed out
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
PocPocTe`amLuat` has left the game
AlaMiK (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
PacPacTe`amLuat (RADIO): Go go go!
repetent dropped
*** AlaMiK killed NewName with a headshot from ak47 ***
led (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Bloodlust killed PacPacTe`amLuat with ak47
*** AlaMiK killed basescu with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** padrino killed DarKy with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Powered by - Shocker, Gh0sT, dudette, *0ranGe ! extrem, ion.mzk, SphinCS , felixcat
DarKy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** AGENT.C.I.A. killed Bl@ck Dogg with a headshot from mp5navy ***
LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
DarKy dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
DarKy has left the game
nameX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
InQontroL killed AlaMiK with m4a1
eNd killed catalin with m4a1
Geoana killed NINJAUL` with m4a1
repetent connected
AGENT.C.I.A. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Geoana killed Everest with m4a1
*** Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Geoana with a headshot from mp5navy ***
repetent is joining the Terrorist force
LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** InQontroL killed LinuX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
AGENT.C.I.A. killed led with mp5navy
nameX killed Brusc Willis with m4a1
S1n killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with mp5navy
Ionel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
AGENT.C.I.A. killed Ionel with mp5navy
*DEAD* repetent : kaze?

InQontroL killed InNa with m4a1
*DEAD* AlaMiK : de unde - nea inq

*DEAD* Geoana : moarteo/// t frig -

InQontroL (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
InQontroL : usa
Geoana (RADIO): Cover Me!
Geoana killed Ionel with m4a1
PacPacTe`amLuat killed padrino with ak47
Geoana (RADIO): Cover Me!
Completed demo
*** V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ killed Bl@ck Dogg with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Not recording a demo.
kaze timed out
led : blood ma sustii daca postez consola?
PacPacTe`amLuat killed eNd with ak47
AlaMiK : vazui pe urma
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** Geoana killed Everest with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Sk!nS dropped
AGENT.C.I.A. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
padrino (RADIO): Affirmative.
PacPacTe`amLuat killed alex with ak47
Bloodlust : adica ?
Geoana killed catalin with m4a1
repetent (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
nameX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
nameX killed led with ak47
eNd dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
eNd has left the game
K!ra dropped
*** InQontroL killed AlaMiK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
PacPacTe`amLuat killed AGENT.C.I.A. with ak47
repetent killed V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ with ak47
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Geoana with ak47
led : adik sa zici si u o vb rea impotriva luio
repetent killed acK with ak47
AGENT.C.I.A. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Bloodlust killed repetent with ak47
Bloodlust (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
LinuX killed fpO with deagle
ciotoi dropped
Bloodlust (RADIO): Enemy spotted.
Bloodlust killed NINJAUL` with ak47
oTh connected
Moartea e pe aproape !!! killed Bloodlust with m4a1
LinuX (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* Geoana : lol

*** nameX killed Brusc Willis with a headshot from ak47 ***
oTh is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* AlaMiK : lol

Freakz Music Player ~nVrei sa asculti muzica direct din CS ? Tasteaza 'music' in consola.
acK dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
acK has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Deyu killed Moartea e pe aproape !!! with grenade
*DEAD* Geoana : tulai domne

NewName killed InNa with m4a1
*** Deyu killed LinuX with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* Ionel : kick brusc willis

kaze connected
*DEAD* acK : /rank

*DEAD* Ionel : afk

ciotoi connected
*DEAD* V.K. [DraKalan] AleXandra^ : vaa rogg frumoss sschimbatioo

*** PacPacTe`amLuat killed basescu with a headshot from ak47 ***
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Brusc Willis has left the game
*DEAD* Ionel : alexandra ai rabdare

ciotoi is joining the Terrorist force
Brusc Willis connected
Brusc Willis is joining the Terrorist force
Time remaining on map: 36 minutes
*DEAD* InNa : timeleft

*DEAD* Ionel : nu putem juca numai ce vrei tu

*DEAD* AGENT.C.I.A. : da ce are ma mapa asta

*DEAD* padrino : dau o naveta de bere daca schimbati mapa\

*DEAD* repetent : MISCA BA

*DEAD* Geoana : cam greu

InQontroL killed PacPacTe`amLuat with m4a1
ciotoi is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)

Last edited by Mastermind on 30-11-2009, 00:05:34; edited 6 times in total
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[<3 fluffy unicorns]

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Post Posted: 29-11-2009, 22:41:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu stiu sigur ce s-a intamplat de la inceput si de ce ma punea Tech sa chem admini,dar cand am intrat eu pe server Mastermind era singurul admin on si toata lumea " tipa " la el.In conditiile in care el are bloodguard este foarte greu sa faca fata atator playeri.
nu am chemat niciun admin,desi erau pe mess destui pt ca stiu cat de neplacut este sa te cheme cineva de pe mess sa dai un ban,sa schimbi harta sau etc.

@ Mastermind, Tech este chiar led din cate stiu eu -

"Happiness is like a butterfly;the more you chase it,the more it will elude you,but if you turn your attention to other things,it will come and sit softly on your shoulder"
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 10:02:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

II dau dreptate lui mastermind, pt ca ei injura, spun ca e codat desi au admin_page. Nu TACCCCCC Vb intruna. Reclamatia asta e pt ce? ca ti`a dat llama? Pai bine a facut. Mai bine nu faceai.
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[Light-Emitting Diode]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 10:44:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

scuze de post dublu

2.. rog ca toti adminii sa analizeze demo-ul facut de master si sa-mi spuna ce tip de wall am eu
prima faza e simplu bulan anm tras la intamplare cum trag de obicei
a doua faza m-am dat in dr si l-am vaz si apoi m-am intors cu tinta pusa restu se vede de la sine ca nu e wall
stiu ca nu conteaza dar joc de aproape 1 an pe sv si mi-o facut si twister si altii poze si poate si demo
iubesc acest sv si joc doar pe el nu intelegi?? oricat de rau as juca nu as baga cod sa ma vad in frunte
sa bagi cod pe un sv super plin de admini e o nebunie

edit : nu stiam ca cei cu slot au acces la comanda admin_showip
imi cer scuze master
acum am aflat si eu
puteti inchide acest topic dar nu uitati sa analizati demo nu vreau sa ma trezesc pe sv cu fux si ban - -

am avut bulan o runda si gata am wall???hidrogen te-ai uitat pana la capat sa vezi???

Last edited by TeCh[jk] on 30-11-2009, 11:46:01; edited 3 times in total
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[baka neko]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 10:58:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tu ceri analiza unui demo si pui o poveste luuuunga care are vreun rost?
este spus foarte clar, daca un jucator are o reclamatie foloseste admin_page pt abateri risca sanctiuni, celor care nu le convine acest lucru au tasta Escape -> Disconnect si ne mai vedem -
rog alti admini sa vada acel demo, multumesc.

Last edited by felixcat on 30-11-2009, 11:23:37; edited 1 time in total
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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 11:11:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

M-am uitat si eu la demo.
Parerea mea e ca led are wall clar -

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[Screwed Freak]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 12:49:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"sa bagi cod pe un sv super plin de admini e o nebunie"

erai singurul slot si nu erau admini.. eu intrasem cu alt nume (vezi consola cu admin_who).

nu-mi spune ca il urmareai cu tinta din spatele peretelui folosind al 6-lea simt.. si cu ajutorul acestui simt l-ai nimerit direct in cap.. acolo nu ai tras la intamplare.. dovada este faptul ca nu ai tras decat de 2 ori, prima oara l-ai ratat.. in rest iti mutai tinta dupa el se vede clar..

Ai scos wall-ul cand a intrat k/ .. aproximativ cand erai langa poarta spre CT..

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[Light-Emitting Diode]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 13:55:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

master scuteste-ma vreau parerea unor admini mari si cu experienta
eu stiu ca nu am jucat codat si nici nu am observat ca era k/ pe sv
adica ma crezi copil intru pe sv codat si cand e admin scot codu repede
master daca dadeam cap ca-l vedeam stateam sa pun tinta sa o fixez pe cap cum exoplici ca l-am nimerit in timp ce mishcam tinta incontinuu???

dimineata am intrat pe de_train era reyes daniel ak si tot asa am rupt cativa cu awp dupa am murit a fost bulan sigur ala rup 4 5 si apoi mor de 10 ori asta-i wall??

atunci cand acuzi pe cineva de wall uita-te mai bn e demo nu te uita o singura faza in care am dat head prin perete BULAN FRATE INTELEGE dupa oricine putea sa traga cu awp asa
cati nu trag asa cu polarul????? vrei exemple???
sau ce din cauza ca am facut pauza de 2 luni si nu mai jucam bn gata cand mi-am revenit sunt codat
1 an de zile nu mo prins nimeni codat desi am fost verificat de mai multi admini , poze,demo
astept parerile celor mari cu experienta

Last edited by TeCh[jk] on 30-11-2009, 14:05:01; edited 4 times in total
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[Screwed Freak]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 13:58:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vorbeste demo-ul si pentru tine si pentru mine..

Looking back..
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[prin vacante]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 15:23:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

N-are nimic

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[Light-Emitting Diode]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 15:38:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ha azi am rupt stilu pe summernight si era lunatiq admin deci nu aveam wall
ms ioane de sustinere
ok mai asteptam
dar ma jur ca a fost bulan pur headul ala

Last edited by TeCh[jk] on 30-11-2009, 15:51:02; edited 1 time in total
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[prin vacante]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2009, 15:45:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mai asteptam

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