
[rezolvat]Reclamatie Bavarezu

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(since 16-10-2013 20:38)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2012, 16:12:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick: Scofield
Data si Ora: 06.02.2012/17:00
Harta: fy_snow
Admini online(KenZ0r si Bavvarezu)
Adminul Reclamat(Bavvarezu
Motiv: Mai nou este doar treaba mea sa ma ocup de server
Ei doi se jucau de mult si mai erau 8 minute din harta si votul nu era dat
Nu sunt genu sa fac reclamati aiurea dar ma enervat raspunsul lui Bavvarezu ca e treaba mea nu a lui

*** Animatie<3 killed Display. with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMINS) Scofield : dati ma vot
[] Pentru cereri, nume rezervate, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
Scofield killed KenZ0r with m4a1
*** Animatie<3 killed Scofield with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** asOoter killed NUBBY with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* asOoter : /rank

(ADMINS) BaVvArrEzZu : tu te ocupai nu noi
(ADMINS) Scofield : ei na
*** Animatie<3 killed Hapciu! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Display. killed Animatie<3 with m4a1
*** BaVvArrEzZu killed asOoter with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Display. killed xG | crysS# with a headshot from m4a1 ***
VEVO killed BaVvArrEzZu with xm1014
Shadz0r connected
*DEAD* BaVvArrEzZu : /hp

Shadz0r is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(ADMINS) Scofield : ok atunci sa se schimbe harta singura
Display. killed BaVvArrEzZu with awp
*DEAD* xG | crysS# : schimbati

Scofield killed KenZ0r with ak47
*** Animatie<3 killed asOoter with a headshot from ak47 ***
Scofield killed Shadz0r with ak47
VEVO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** xG | crysS# killed VEVO with a headshot from ak47 ***
Hapciu! killed Animatie<3 with m4a1
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Parac tu ai cerut harti la vot
Display. killed xG | crysS# with awp
NUBBY killed Hapciu! with m4a1
(ADMINS) Scofield : ok atunci sa se schimbe harta singura
[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi gag/ban.
*** Scofield killed NUBBY with a headshot from ak47 ***
BuLaNeL dropped
Hapciu! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
BuLaNeL connected
*DEAD* asOoter : nush ba dar va vad pe sus
BuLaNeL is joining the Terrorist force
Scofield killed KenZ0r with ak47
Scofield killed Shadz0r with ak47
*DEAD* xG | crysS# : ce pandari
BaVvArrEzZu killed asOoter with mp5navy
Display. killed NUBBY with awp
*** Scofield killed BaVvArrEzZu with a headshot from glock18 ***
*DEAD* asOoter : pb de la mine
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Pai ceri harti la vot si nu te angajezi sa dai votul?
(ADMINS) Scofield : nu

*** Animatie<3 killed BuLaNeL with a headshot from ak47 ***
Display. killed xG | crysS# with glock18
(ADMINS) Scofield : nu
Animatie<3 killed Hapciu! with ak47
[] Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live.
*** Animatie<3 killed Scofield with a headshot from ak47 ***
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Ce suferinte ai in tine
(ADMINS) Scofield : chiar deloc

[AMXX] Client "GimIx" kicked
GimIx has left the game
Hapciu! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

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[Dinamo Bucuresti ;x]

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(since 23-04-2019 11:22)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2012, 16:33:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ADy ViDiC wrote:
Nick: Scofield
Data si Ora: 06.02.2012/17:00
Harta: fy_snow
Admini online(KenZ0r si Bavvarezu)
Adminul Reclamat(Bavvarezu
Motiv: Mai nou este doar treaba mea sa ma ocup de server
Ei doi se jucau de mult si mai erau 8 minute din harta si votul nu era dat
Nu sunt genu sa fac reclamati aiurea dar ma enervat raspunsul lui Bavvarezu ca e treaba mea nu a lui

*** Animatie<3 killed Display. with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(ADMINS) Scofield : dati ma vot
[] Pentru cereri, nume rezervate, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
Scofield killed KenZ0r with m4a1
*** Animatie<3 killed Scofield with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** asOoter killed NUBBY with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* asOoter : /rank

(ADMINS) BaVvArrEzZu : tu te ocupai nu noi
(ADMINS) Scofield : ei na
*** Animatie<3 killed Hapciu! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Display. killed Animatie<3 with m4a1
*** BaVvArrEzZu killed asOoter with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Display. killed xG | crysS# with a headshot from m4a1 ***
VEVO killed BaVvArrEzZu with xm1014
Shadz0r connected
*DEAD* BaVvArrEzZu : /hp

Shadz0r is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(ADMINS) Scofield : ok atunci sa se schimbe harta singura
Display. killed BaVvArrEzZu with awp
*DEAD* xG | crysS# : schimbati

Scofield killed KenZ0r with ak47
*** Animatie<3 killed asOoter with a headshot from ak47 ***
Scofield killed Shadz0r with ak47
VEVO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** xG | crysS# killed VEVO with a headshot from ak47 ***
Hapciu! killed Animatie<3 with m4a1
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Parac tu ai cerut harti la vot
Display. killed xG | crysS# with awp
NUBBY killed Hapciu! with m4a1
(ADMINS) Scofield : ok atunci sa se schimbe harta singura
[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi gag/ban.
*** Scofield killed NUBBY with a headshot from ak47 ***
BuLaNeL dropped
Hapciu! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
BuLaNeL connected
*DEAD* asOoter : nush ba dar va vad pe sus
BuLaNeL is joining the Terrorist force
Scofield killed KenZ0r with ak47
Scofield killed Shadz0r with ak47
*DEAD* xG | crysS# : ce pandari
BaVvArrEzZu killed asOoter with mp5navy
Display. killed NUBBY with awp
*** Scofield killed BaVvArrEzZu with a headshot from glock18 ***
*DEAD* asOoter : pb de la mine
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Pai ceri harti la vot si nu te angajezi sa dai votul?
(ADMINS) Scofield : nu

*** Animatie<3 killed BuLaNeL with a headshot from ak47 ***
Display. killed xG | crysS# with glock18
(ADMINS) Scofield : nu
Animatie<3 killed Hapciu! with ak47
[] Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live.
*** Animatie<3 killed Scofield with a headshot from ak47 ***
(ADMINS) KenZ0r : Ce suferinte ai in tine
(ADMINS) Scofield : chiar deloc

[AMXX] Client "GimIx" kicked
GimIx has left the game
Hapciu! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

am doar 2 lucruri de zis: 1.tu ai zis harti la vot. /last inainte si 2.din moment ce tu ai zis nu e tot de datoria mea.

BaVvArrEzZu killed KanE with knife -
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[Screwed Freak]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2012, 16:38:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

doamne, de ce faceti reclamatie din cauza unui vot ?
nu puteati rezolva asta pe server sau pe mess ?
scuze ca ma bag dar e cam aiurea reclamatia..

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Status: Offline
(since 12-11-2024 09:55)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2012, 16:39:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

As putea rezolva imediat:

1 warn,asta inseamna 10 codati.
1 warn,asta inseamna inca 10 codati.
1 warn,asta inseamna inca 10 codati

Total pe server -30 de codati ,deci o treaba execcelenta din punctul meu de vedere.

Aveti accese cu un scop,sa le folositi,daca v-am deranjat putem avea si o discutie privata in care va pot explica mai multe.

PS:Sunteti avertizati verbal,ce am scris mai sus a fost doar o gluma,ca sa intelegeti situatia in care va aflati.

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