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Author Message206

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 07-01-2015 18:39)
Joined: 03 Jan 2015
Posts: 15, Topics: 2
Location: Romania

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Votes: 1

Post Posted: 06-01-2015, 21:07:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si,vreau sa lamuresc si treaba cu sever,oricum proccesor si maryus,intr-o zi 2 puteti sa imi stergeti ambele postari dar mai intai vreau sa se convinga toti ok ? deci treaba era pe castle,cand eu imi faceam baza sus in castel,iar el statea la mine in baza ,nu pot sa zic ca imi muta piesele dar ma incurca,eu am zis afara cum procedez mereu pe cineva care nu il las in baza...asta a fost tot,si cu gagu ? daca eu i-am dat slay ca sta la mine in baza si m-a facut bou ? merita macar si i-am dat 3 min multumesc 1
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