
### suggestion ###

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 29-04-2019 08:43)
Joined: 16 Aug 2018
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Post Posted: 21-01-2019, 12:13:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hi Everyone, GMs, Admin.

1st of all i apologize for my bad english. i'll do my best to be understood

for a too long time now, because of the mix horde-alliance, especially in party, we had an annoying issue, not allowing to cast on mate from the other faction, until pvp is on/off then switched back and forth.

i would like to discuss about it for a second.

how difficult would it be, to imagine a script, that would start by a check for all party present in the dungeon (or any other met condition to trigger it), to automatically make the switch, so it would make the whole experience smoother ?

i know it is a pita to script, i don't have knowledge to write something myself as gift for Freaks, i do not want to be disrespectful, i just try to suggest something to help the whole thing.



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