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Topic: [FIXED] [Item] [Priest][Legendary] Rammal's Ulterior Motive |
Replies: 5
Views: 1727
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 30-04-2018, 19:40:32 Subject: [Priest][Legendary] Rammal's Ulterior Motive |
WoW Freakz item link:
Bug description: Buff doesn't disappear from the target after you cast one Flash Heal on it.
https://i.imgur. ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Priest][Holy] Prayer of Mending jumping on pets |
Replies: 2
Views: 1152
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 16-09-2017, 13:51:59 Subject: [Priest][Holy] Prayer of Mending jumping on pets |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: The spell should prioritize players over pets. If there are 2 players around and 3 ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Priest][Holy][Honor Talent] Holy Ward |
Replies: 1
Views: 878
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 23-08-2017, 20:27:14 Subject: [Priest][Holy][Honor Talent] Holy Ward |
WoW Freakz spell link: [url=]Cyclone (Restoration), [url=]Cyclone ( ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Priest][Holy][Honor Talent] Greater Fade |
Replies: 1
Views: 1837
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 18-08-2017, 04:01:31 Subject: [Priest][Holy][Honor Talent] Greater Fade |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: In most of the cases, spells still bypass Greater's Fade Immunity. Please, test it sev ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [FIXED][Warlock][Spell] Healthstone cooldown after leaving combat |
Replies: 3
Views: 1123
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 17-08-2017, 22:20:57 Subject: [FIXED][Warlock][Spell] Healthstone cooldown after leaving combat |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: After the last fix, each time when you leave combat, you will get cooldown on your Health ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Priest][Holy][Spell] Desperate Prayer |
Replies: 2
Views: 761
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 16-08-2017, 12:58:31 Subject: [Priest][Holy][Spell] Desperate Prayer |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: It doesn't decrease your HP by 2% every second.
At first usage: http://i. ... |
Topic: Canal Permanent |
Replies: 1
Views: 666
Forum: TeamSpeak channel requests Posted: 19-02-2015, 21:03:07 Subject: Canal Permanent |
Channel Name: Pentagon
Subchannels: Officers
Why do you need a permanent channel: Este o guilda nou infiintata, care pentru progres, necesita un canal permanent care sa faciliteze discutiile in timp ... |