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Topic: [REJECTED] Unable to acces Pandaria zone |
Replies: 2
Views: 543
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 09-11-2019, 20:35:43 Subject: Unable to acces Pandaria zone |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I cannot teleport to Pandaria , my loading bar doesn't move at all or freezes at ~25% .
Sarah tried to help me in-game but unfor ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Equipped chest item - disappeared .. |
Replies: 1
Views: 433
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-07-2019, 13:43:14 Subject: Equipped chest item - disappeared .. |
WoW Freakz item link: I dont remember , I had equipped a 930 ilvl chest .
Bug description: My 930 equipped chest item disappeared and I had a a 141 ilvl equipped on , looted from BT for t-mog ..
My ... |
Topic: cannot find the quest area zone |
Replies: 1
Views: 249
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-01-2019, 03:14:38 Subject: cannot find the quest area zone |
Hello ,
the subject says it all , several quests and world bossed are affected. Going to the quest area and finish the quest but without any reward, cuz the maps says you weren't there .. |
Topic: Gata ca ma retrag |
Replies: 15
Views: 2532
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 15-08-2015, 18:53:21 Subject: Gata ca ma retrag |
Daca tot imi dadu ban King asta, care nu stiu de cand e owner si nu stiu de cat timp nu l-am mai vazut pe sv, probabil cand a vazut ca ma certam cu bachuss care sincer nici asta nu am habar de cand ar ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat] Cerere unban brn- |
Replies: 1
Views: 425
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 04-08-2015, 19:18:51 Subject: Cerere unban brn- |
Nume :brn-
Numele adminului reclamat : Yonut Star
Harta, ora si data faptei reclamate: ~~ 18:00, 04.08 , inferno
Motivul / Regula incalcata :Mi-a facut o poza si i-am dat din greseala un set de po ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat] atitudine de admin? |
Replies: 23
Views: 1374
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 12-03-2015, 18:28:25 Subject: atitudine de admin? |
facea playerii idioti, mult flame, nu stia nici sa scrie pe chatul adminilor. Nu ii avea nimeni treaba daca se exterioriza acolo, dar a preferat sa scrie pe chatul ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat] reclamatie ingeru fara aripi |
Replies: 2
Views: 495
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 10-08-2014, 12:12:20 Subject: [Rezolvat] reclamatie ingeru fara aripi |
Stiu ca la majoritate le place cand intra in joc, sa joace si harta lor preferata, DAR,
sa intri , sa intrebi playerii ce harti vor, sa nu dai nici una din ele, si sa dai la vot o harta care a mai fo ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat] cerere ban ANG |
Replies: 3
Views: 502
Forum: Ban Request Posted: 10-08-2014, 10:17:01 Subject: [Rezolvat] cerere ban ANG |
Erau si 2 warlords on. Nici unu nu a vrut sa dea ban pe loc, pt ca nu au vazut nimic. |
Topic: aviz adminilor |
Replies: 16
Views: 555
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 15-03-2014, 00:05:10 Subject: aviz adminilor |
stiu ca mandria, orgoliul, impresii de zmei sunt in trend intre admini dar incercati sa nu faceti ca.catul praf postand anumite nemultumiri la o sectiune publica adica "reclamatii" unde au a ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]reclamatie alkayda + nadya |
Replies: 7
Views: 1043
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 05-03-2014, 01:04:50 Subject: [rezolvat]reclamatie alkayda + nadya |
Nick brn-
05.03.2014 ~~ 01:00
adminii reclamati : alkayda + nadya evident
am reclamat un player, alkayda sustinea ca nu are nimic, nu stiu de ce, dupa care a iesit.
la randul ei, nadya ... |
Topic: pareri |
Replies: 12
Views: 518
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 12-02-2014, 01:51:15 Subject: pareri | |
Topic: [Respins]slot brn- |
Replies: 8
Views: 858
Forum: Admin Request Posted: 15-01-2014, 21:40:49 Subject: [Respins]slot brn- |
nume brn-
23 ani
joc de mai mult m-am uitat la ore
un slot, ca e cam plin mai nou
accept clauzele, legile si toate chestiile necesare aprobarii acestei cereri. |
Topic: cerere downgrade slot,temporar |
Replies: 1
Views: 652
Forum: Archive 2006-2016 Posted: 27-08-2013, 14:41:06 Subject: cerere downgrade slot,temporar |
am postat aici, nu prea am timp...
sunt plecat in germania pt o perioada nedeterminata, de aceea, cer sa fiu scazut la slot pana revin inapoi in tara sau voi posta daca rezolv ceva de aici.
salutari ... |
Topic: [rezolvat]cerere unban |
Replies: 3
Views: 558
Forum: Unban Requests + Complaints Posted: 25-05-2013, 20:26:49 Subject: [rezolvat]cerere unban |
Nick : brn-
Data + ora : nu mai stiu, a trecut ceva timp.
Harta : inferno parca.
Admini online : mai multi
Adminul : cred ca a fost un owner
Motivul : pt ca i-am dat lama
Dovada : n ... |
Topic: [Rezolvat]reclamatie pica .. *** pt ce ? |
Replies: 5
Views: 1346
Forum: Unban request / Complaints Posted: 15-11-2012, 09:11:32 Subject: [Rezolvat]reclamatie pica .. *** pt ce ? |
Nick-ul : brn-
Data + ora : 15.11.2012 @ 09:00
Harta : fy_snow
Admini online : PICA
Adminul : acelasi.
Motivul : asteptam sa ne zica el.
Dovada (in cazul unui abuz): http://www.girlshar ... |