I have a question about the en / nh equippment in the next patch,
will it be possible to get the items of en / nh with an ilvl equal to the maximum of tonb of sargerars for example Convergence of Fat ...
WoW Freakz link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=228405&name=mark-of-the-trained-soldier
Bug description: The mark of the trained soldier should give 600 mastery but actually gives 30 ...
WoW Freakz spell link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=190852&name=legacy-of-the-windrunners
Bug description: Every shot of Legacy of the Windrunners is considered as a aimed shot, so ...
WoW Freakz spell link: https://www.wow-freakz.com/spells.php?spell=187131&name=vulnerable
Bug description: The vulnerable duration should be 7 seconds instead of 6
Proof: Here is the link of wow ...
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Formula Feral AP: http://www.wowwiki.com/Feral_attack_power Weapon Stat :http://www.wowhead.com/item=66964
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: The druid in cat form and be ...