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Topic: [COMPLETED] Alchemy Quest |
Replies: 1
Views: 443
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-07-2018, 00:24:24 Subject: Alchemy Quest |
Character Name : Lifelessdead-Felsong
Item Name : Bendy Glass Tube Valdera "True",
whereas when i type: /script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(39343)) "False".
I bet i ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Unholy DK] Scourge Of World (trial 3rd) |
Replies: 1
Views: 431
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 29-04-2018, 01:23:23 Subject: [Unholy DK] Scourge Of World (trial 3rd) |
I have to link the previous post so there's a contest around it:
Scourge Of Worlds until now and why i open 3 topic, i was hitting Reanimated Monstrosity ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Unholy DK] Scourge Of World (trial 2st) |
Replies: 1
Views: 687
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 28-04-2018, 17:42:11 Subject: [Unholy DK] Scourge Of World (trial 2st) |
I was reporting a missing Proc triggered by Death Coil ---> Scourge Of Worlds (unholyDKartifactTalent)
Scourge Of Worlds spell, probably on official servers.....
I litterally dont know what am i ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight] [Unholy] - Scourge of Worlds |
Replies: 2
Views: 1140
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 27-04-2018, 14:43:47 Subject: [Death Knight] [Unholy] - Scourge of Worlds |
I got the talent Scourge of Worlds Death Coil as i can in order to proc the new passive ability but he never did. I set a dedicated weakaura as well, still a negative outcome.
So i can definetly say ... |
Topic: [COMPLETED] Mana Divining Stone |
Replies: 1
Views: 401
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-03-2018, 17:10:59 Subject: Mana Divining Stone |
Character Name: Neumagen
Item Name & ID: Mana Divining Stone (item=141652)
Armory Link: Thalyssra gonna sell it back, but she doesn't. |
Topic: [REJECTED] Mage Hall Quest Bug |
Replies: 3
Views: 1898
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 28-03-2018, 19:17:02 Subject: Mage Hall Quest Bug |
Bug description: <--- Mage Hall Quest
I'm not talking about World Quest, so i clean my quest log to make space for them.
I abandoned even my class hall quest sure that i will get i ... |