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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 15-04-2011, 03:11:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Envenom sa nu mai poata fi resisted, indiferent de nature resistance (cum s-a demonstrat aici)
- Arming time la traps sa nu mai tina cont de combatul hunterului
- Non-combat pets sa nu mai triggeruie hunter traps
- Inner Fire sa nu piarda charges cand damage-ul e absorbit complet
- Book "Soothsaying for Dummies" pentru Engineering specialization switch
- Bonusul de 25% pentru engineers la potion injectors
- Sa nu poti intra in Stealth cat timp ai Hex
- Majoritatea problemelor cu automute din senin din cauza addon-urilor (astept sa imi spuneti daca mai luati si cand, sa verific logs). Totodata, am scazut automute times la 1-3 minute
- Hymn of Hope full mana exploit
- Exploitul cu Tempest Keep legendary items @ scriptul de recuperare iteme

* The Lich King:
- Fury of Frostmourne sa nu mai permita playerilor sa dea resurrect
- Val'kyrii sa nu mai ia cel mai apropiat target de margine, ci random (inca il arunca la cea mai apropiata margine insa)

- Subtraction

- Plug the Sinkholes (problemele cu "Out of range")
- A Cold Front Approaches
- The Purging Of Scourgeholme
- The Air Stands Still
- The Scourgestone
- Everfrost
- The Seer's Relic

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Envenom can't be resisted anymore (as proven here)
- Arming time for traps will ignore player combat status
- Non-combat pets won't trigger hunter traps anymore
- Inner Fire won't lose charges when damage is fully absorbed
- Book "Soothsaying for Dummies" for Engineering specialization switch
- 25% bonus for engineers for potion injectors
- Can't use Stealth anymore while Hexed
- Most auto-mute problems caused by addons. Auto-mute times decreased to 1-3 minutes
- Hymn of Hope full mana exploit
- Tempest Keep legendary items exploit @ items recovery script

* The Lich King:
- Fury of Frostmourne will prevent players from resurrecting
- Val'kyrii will now randomly pick targets and drop them at the nearest edge

- Subtraction

- Plug the Sinkholes ("Out of range" problems)
- A Cold Front Approaches
- The Purging Of Scourgeholme
- The Air Stands Still
- The Scourgestone
- Everfrost
- The Seer's Relic

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 28-04-2011, 03:06:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Dodge/Parry diminishing returns si base dodge pentru fiecare clasa
- Imbunatatiri la diminishing returns la spells: Psychic Horror cu Death Coil, Scatter Shot cu el insusi, ceva categorii de DR si sa se aplice DR returns la CC pe pets temporari (Water Elemental, Ghoul @ DK fara Master of Ghouls, Feral Spirit, Shadowfiend, Gargoyle, etc), inainte luau durata maxima de fiecare data
- Flare sa se activeze instant si sa nu mai afecteze targeturile care nu sunt in LoS
- Stun-ul de la Charge / Intercept sa nu mai treaca prin Deterrence
- Problemele cu playerii stersi ramasi in arena teams sau la friends lists

- Noblegarden Merchant / Noblegarden Vendor spawned
- Brightly Colored Egg spawned
- Loot la Brightly Colored Egg
- Spring Gatherers / Spring Collectors
- The Great Egg Hunt
- Noble Gardener (fixed toate achievementurile care nu mergeau)
- Noblegarden 100% complete! (in cazul in care n-am uitat nimic)
- Am prelungit durata la Noblegarden, astfel incepand de ACUM eventul dureaza 7 zile

- Stefan Vadu sa dea Ensorcelled Choker pentru questuri daca il pierzi
- Pacify the Centaur
- The Cipher of Damnation rewards

Raid Finder:
- Raidurile de TBC adaugate
- Comanda .raid raids pentru a vedea lista raidurilor pe care le poti incepe

- Scriptul de recuperare iteme necesita gold si sa fii offline acum pentru a recupera itemele sterse pentru a preveni exploiturile
- Quest helper sa arate de la ce npcs/objects se iau si questurile care se pot lua doar pe durata eventurilor (exemplu)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Dodge/Parry diminishing returns and base dodge for every class
- Spells diminishing returns improvements: Psychic Horror with Death Coil, Scatter Shot with itself, some DR category fixes and fix DR returns for CC on temporary pets (Water Elemental, Ghoul @ DK without Master of Ghouls, Feral Spirit, Shadowfiend, Gargoyle, etc), before this they were taking full duration everytime
- Flare will now activate instantly and won't go through LoS anymore
- Charge / Intercept Stun won't go through Deterrence anymore
- Problems with deleted players in arena teams/friends lists

- Noblegarden Merchant / Noblegarden Vendor spawned
- Brightly Colored Egg spawned
- Loot la Brightly Colored Egg
- Spring Gatherers / Spring Collectors
- The Great Egg Hunt
- Noble Gardener (fixed all achievements)
- Noblegarden 100% complete! (hopefully I didn't forget anything)
- I have increasted the duration of the event, starting from now it has 7 days remaining

- Stefan Vadu will give Ensorcelled Choker for quests if you lose it
- Pacify the Centaur
- The Cipher of Damnation rewards

Raid Finder:
- TBC raids added
- .raid raids command to see all raids you can start

- Items recovery script now requires gold and your character offline to prevent exploits
- Quest helper will now show what npc/object gives the quests that can be taken only during a specific event (example)

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 04-05-2011, 13:23:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Hand of the Deceiver exploit la Kil'Jaeden
- Val'kyrs alt f4 exploit la The Lich King
- Mark of the Fallen Champion teleport / blink exploit

Children's Week:
- Orphan Matrons sa dea Orphan Whistles daca nu le mai aveti
- Curious Oracle Hatchling reward de la Back To The Orphanage sa vina pe mail
- Home Alone
- For The Children sa dea titlu in functie de gender (Matron / Patron)
- Hail To The King, Baby / School of Hard Knocks / Daily Chores / Bad Example sa mearga doar pe timpul eventului si doar cand ai orfanul scos
- Now, When I Grow Up...
- Lordaeron Throne Room
- Gateway to the Frontier
- Down at the Docks
- Spooky Lighthouse
- The Stonewrought Dam
- The Bough of the Eternals

- Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment / Leading the Charge (spawns/kill credit)
- Just Following Orders
- A Fair Trade
- HELP! chain, problemele cu usile deschise

- Scriptul de World events sa arate pe pagina principala si in cat timp incepe fiecare event daca nu e in curs
- NPC Finderul sa arate si ce questuri ofera/finalizeaza NPC-ul respectiv (exemplu)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Hand of the Deceiver exploit @ Kil'Jaeden
- Val'kyrs alt f4 exploit @ The Lich King
- Mark of the Fallen Champion teleport / blink exploit

Children's Week:
- Orphan Matrons will give you Orphan Whistles if you lost them
- Curious Oracle Hatchling reward from Back To The Orphanage (will come by mail)
- Home Alone
- For The Children title depending on gender (Matron / Patron)
- Hail To The King, Baby / School of Hard Knocks / Daily Chores / Bad Example will now be completable only during event and while your orphan is out
- Now, When I Grow Up...
- Lordaeron Throne Room
- Gateway to the Frontier
- Down at the Docks
- Spooky Lighthouse
- The Stonewrought Dam
- The Bough of the Eternals

- Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment / Leading the Charge (spawns/kill credit)
- Just Following Orders
- A Fair Trade
- HELP! chain, open doors problems

- Scriptul de World events will now show time until event start on main page if it's not in progress
- NPC Finderul will now show what quests the NPC starts/ends(example)

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 15-05-2011, 03:52:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Dupe items exploit cu wpe & baguri cu iteme in ele
- Meta stack exploit
- Shaman damage/heal exploit
- Trade reagents exploit
- Valithria Dreamwalker loot exploit
- Hymn of Hope druid forms exploit
- DoT-urile sa tick-uie si cand casterul are Cyclone
- Glyph of Victory Rush
- Warlock Inferno physical & Immolation damage
- Dragon's Breath sa nu aibe DR cu celelalte CC-uri de disorient, in schimb sa aibe cu Scatter Shot

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Dupe items exploit with wpe & bags containing items
- Meta stack exploit
- Shaman damage/heal exploit
- Trade reagents exploit
- Valithria Dreamwalker loot exploit
- Hymn of Hope druid forms exploit
- DoTs can now tick even when caster is Cycloned
- Glyph of Victory Rush
- Warlock Inferno physical & Immolation damage
- Dragon's Breath won't share DR with the rest of the disorient CCs but will do that with Scatter Shot

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2011, 04:06:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Delay la spellurile de CC (sa fie posibile Vanish + Blind, double Blind, double Sap, etc)
- PvP off bug in orasele inamice (ar trebui sa fie ok acum)
- Shaman totem timers bar
- Sansa de proc la Killing Machine marita
- Hot Streak sa poata procui si din Living Bomb
- Problemele cauzate de delayed CC spells la Freezing Trap / Freezing Arrow sau Bladestorm / Spell Reflection
- Teleporterele din/catre Dalaran/Violet Stand

- You, Robot
- It's All Fun and Games
- I Have an Idea, But First...
- Free Your Mind
- King of the Foulweald
- Borrowed Technology
- The Solution Solution
- Cannot Reproduce
- Retest Now
- Discrediting the Deserters
- The Sum is Greater than the Parts (Dr. Terrible spawned)
- The Art of Being a Water Terror
- Through the Eye
- Find the Ancient Hero
- Not-So-Honorable Combat
- Banshee's Revenge
- Torture the Torturer
- Blighted Last Rites
- Before the Gate of Horror

- Quest helperul sa arate mai multe informatii despre quests (level/level necesar, daca e shareable/weekly/daily/repeatable, pentru ce factiune, etc) si totodata anumite probleme cu unele chainuri, mai ales cele care au pre/post-quest diferit in functie de factiune (exemplu)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- CC spells delay (Vanish + Blind, double Blind, double Sap, etc are now possible)
- PvP off bug in enemy cities (should be ok now)
- Shaman totem timers bar
- Killing Machine proc chance increased
- Hot Streak can now proc from Living Bomb too
- Recent problems caused by CC delay at Freezing Trap / Freezing Arrow or Bladestorm / Spell Reflection
- Teleporterele to/from Dalaran/Violet Stand

- You, Robot
- It's All Fun and Games
- I Have an Idea, But First...
- Free Your Mind
- King of the Foulweald
- Borrowed Technology
- The Solution Solution
- Cannot Reproduce
- Retest Now
- Discrediting the Deserters
- The Sum is Greater than the Parts (Dr. Terrible spawned)
- The Art of Being a Water Terror
- Through the Eye
- Find the Ancient Hero
- Not-So-Honorable Combat
- Banshee's Revenge
- Torture the Torturer
- Blighted Last Rites
- Before the Gate of Horror

- Quest helper now shows more info about quests (level/required level, if it's shareable/weekly/daily/repeatable, faction, etc) and fixed some quest chains display problems, mostly for those with pre/post-quest requirement depending on faction (example)

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2011, 09:40:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Kalu'ak Fishing Derby
- Shred / Backstab sa nu mai poata fi dodged cand targetul are Deterrence
- Gnaw sa nu mai treaca prin Deterrence
- Death Grip speed
- Totem of Wrath 3% hit debuff
- Njorndar Proto-Drake speed exploit
- Dalaran Auction House pentru engineers
- Petrified Twilight Scale sa faca proc doar cand esti dus sub 35%
- Mage T9 2P exploit

- Problemele cu Shadow Prison
- Glyph of Dispel Magic heal exploit pe Valithria Dreamwalker

- Not In My House

- The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Kalu'ak Fishing Derby
- Shred / Backstab won't be dodged anymore by Deterrence
- Gnaw won't go through deterrence Deterrence
- Death Grip speed
- Totem of Wrath 3% hit debuff
- Njorndar Proto-Drake speed exploit
- Dalaran Auction House for engineers
- Petrified Twilight Scale will now proc only when below 35%
- Mage T9 2P exploit

- Shadow Prison problems
- Glyph of Dispel Magic heal exploit on Valithria Dreamwalker

- Not In My House

- The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2011, 15:13:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Enchant scrolls trade exploit
- Arena instant win exploit inainte ca adversarii sa apuce macar sa intre
- AFK exploit in arena
- Exploiturile cu suicide la achievementurile care cer pvp kills
- Problemele cu threatul la clasele de tank (ar trebui sa fie mai usor de tinut threatul acum)
- Animatia de la Mini Diablo
- Wyvern Sting sa aplice DoT-ul cand se termina efectul
- Righteous Defense sa nu mai afecteze npcii care nu te pot ataca
- Problemele cu delayed CC luat prin Ice Block cand efectul acestuia se termina
- Spirit of Redemption bug/exploit
- Elemental Focus sa nu mai faca proc la healing spells
- Warrior stances switch bug
- Death Grip sa dea taunt si pe targeturi care sunt immune la efectul de grip
- Death's Choice / Death's Verdict sa nu mai faca proc aiurea
- Primordial Saronite & Crusader Orb stacks
- Improved Shadowform (Rank 1) stacking exploit
- Scatter Shot sa nu mai plimbe victima la distanta mare fata de pozitia initiala
- Rogue poisons spellpower exploit

- Trial of the Champion / Heroic: Trial of the Champion
- The Battle for Mount Hyjal

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Enchant scrolls trade exploit
- Arena instant win exploit before the opponents would even enter the arena
- AFK exploit in arena
- Suicide exploits at achievements that require pvp kills
- Tank classes threat problem (should be easy to generate threat now)
- Mini Diablo animation
- Wyvern Sting will now correctly apply the DoT when the effect ends/is removed
- Righteous Defense won't affect NPCs that can't attack you anymore
- Problems with delayed CC through Ice Block when the effect ended
- Spirit of Redemption bug/exploit
- Elemental Focus won't proc from healing spells anymore
- Warrior stances switch bug
- Death Grip can now taunt the target even if it's immune to the grip effect
- Death's Choice / Death's Verdict won't proc when it shouldn't anymore
- Primordial Saronite & Crusader Orb stacks
- Improved Shadowform (Rank 1) stacking exploit
- Scatter Shot wander distance greatly decreased
- Rogue poisons spellpower exploit

- Trial of the Champion / Heroic: Trial of the Champion
- The Battle for Mount Hyjal

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 18-06-2011, 18:44:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Problemele cu Master Loot cand leaderul ia disconnect (primeste urmatorul asistent sau player daca nu sunt asistenti)
- CC spell delay lasat doar la rogue spells/abilities
- Weapon specialization talents disarm exploits
- Exploiturile cu depasirea numarului maxim de playeri admisi intr-o instanta
- Arena instant win exploit (de data asta chiar ar trebui sa fie ok) si problemele aparute recent de nu se termina arena desi adversarii erau morti
- Majoritatea achievement-urilor din battlegrounds sa se reseteze cand intri in BG daca nu le ai completate
- Tiny Abomination in a Jar sa faca proc la paladin seals/rogue poisons/shaman weapon enhancements, etc
- Blood Boil sa dea Runic Power
- Spiritual Attunement mana regain (era prea mare si dadea si la overheal)
- Mage Armor sa nu mai dea holy resistance
- Stealth / Shadowmeld sa nu mai dea evade la flying spells, doar Vanish
- Storm Gauntlets exploit
- Holy Concentration sa poata fi triggeruit de Empowered Renew
- Master of Subtlety exploit la spec change
- Improved Frost Presence exploit la spec change
- Scent of Blood sa dispara cum trebuie dupa atacuri
- Celestial Steed sa aibe 310% flying speed cand ai skill
- Bleeding Hollow Tormentor XP exploit

- The Lich King exploit cu Val'Kyrii
- Amplify Magic sa mearga pe Valithria Dreamwalker

- Stormtrooper
- Not In My House (ar trebui sa fie ok acum)

- Sa te dea jos de pe windrider cand te teleporteaza
- Timerul de la "Invite to join the fight" arata aiurea uneori
- Sa creeze numarul corect de raiduri
- Sa te scoata din queue daca incearca sa te teleporteze din arena/battleground/instanta cand ai fost ales din queue
- Wintergrasp Veteran

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Master Loot problems when leader is disconnected (next available assistant/normal player gets the ML)
- CC spell delay is now for rogue abilities only
- Weapon specialization talents disarm exploits
- Exceeding max players number in instance exploit
- Arena instant win exploit (this time it should really be ok) and the recent problems with arena not ending with all opponents dead
- Most battleground achievements now reset when joining a new BG if you didn't fully complete them
- Tiny Abomination in a Jar will now proc paladin seals/rogue poisons/shaman weapon enhancements, etc
- Blood Boil Runic Power generation
- Spiritual Attunement mana regain (it was too big and was at overheal too)
- Mage Armor won't give holy resistance anymore
- Stealth / Shadowmeld won't evade flying spells, only Vanish does that
- Storm Gauntlets exploit
- Holy Concentration can now be triggered by Empowered Renew
- Master of Subtlety exploit at spec change
- Improved Frost Presence exploit at spec change
- Scent of Blood is now correctly removed after attacks
- Celestial Steed now has 310% flying speed whe player has the required skill
- Bleeding Hollow Tormentor XP exploit

- The Lich King exploit with Val'Kyrii
- Amplify Magic now works on Valithria Dreamwalker

- Stormtrooper
- Not In My House (should be ok now)

- Removes you from flight if you're on a windrider when teleported
- "Invite to join the fight" timer was showing invalid data sometimes
- Now creates as many raids as necessary
- Removes you from queue if trying to teleport you out of an arena/battleground/instance and fails
- Wintergrasp Veteran

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 01-07-2011, 09:19:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Sanctified Wrath, partea cu bypass damage reduction
- Blessing of Sanctuary si Grace sa nu se mai anuleze intre ele
- Judgement of Justice sa dureze maxim 10 secunde in PvP
- Glyph of Raptor Strike
- Killing Spree sa nu mai sara pe targeturi invalide
- Wormhole Generator: Northrend, partea cu Underground
- Sa se reseteze CD la Call Stabled Pet la spec change
- Sa se poata da cancel la Mind Control
- Shadowmeld sa poata da evade la flying spells (cum s-a dovedit aici)
- Sanctified Crystal exploit
- Mal'Ganis loot exploit

- Frostmourne Room @ The Lich King: resetarea camerei si viteza de fall a spiritelor scazuta putin
- The Lich King chamber exploit
- The Lich King val'kyrs drop exploit
- The Lich King raid wipe bug cat timp esti in chamber (erau probleme la un anti exploit)
- Problemele cu disparitia lootului la Blood Prince Council

Midsummer Fire Festival:
- Am facut script si la Lord Ahune
- More Torch Tossing
- Summon Ahune (Ice Stone spawnat, va fi vizibil dupa urmatorul restart)

- An Ambitious Plan
- Twilight of the Dawn Runner
- Rejek: First Blood

- Wintergrasp Ranger
- Sa nu se mai poata crea/teleporta @ raid finder cat timp esti in Wintergrasp

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Sanctified Wrath, bypass damage reduction part
- Blessing of Sanctuary and Grace should not cancel eachother
- Judgement of Justice will now last a maximum of 10 seconds in PvP
- Glyph of Raptor Strike
- Killing Spree won't jump on invalid targets anymore
- Wormhole Generator: Northrend, Underground part
- Call Stabled Pet cooldown reset at spec change
- Mind Control is now cancellable
- Shadowmeld can now again evade flying spells (as proven here)
- Sanctified Crystal exploit
- Mal'Ganis loot exploit

- Frostmourne Room @ The Lich King: chamber reset and spirits fall speed decreased a little
- The Lich King chamber exploit
- The Lich King val'kyrs drop exploit
- The Lich King raid wipe bug while in chamber (some problems at an anti exploit)
- Blood Prince Council loot problems

Midsummer Fire Festival:
- Lord Ahune script added
- More Torch Tossing
- Summon Ahune (Ice Stone spawned, visible after next restart)

- An Ambitious Plan
- Twilight of the Dawn Runner
- Rejek: First Blood

- Wintergrasp Ranger
- Raid create/teleport @ raid finder is no longer possible while in Wintergrasp battle

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 06-07-2011, 13:38:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
- Problema cu loot si killcredit in instante cand iese cel care a atacat primul
- Killing Spree sa dea 20% damage si sa te faca imun la CC
- Quick Recovery, partea cu energy refund
- Spell-urile care au si DoT si direct damage sa nu mai ia immune la damage la toteme ci doar la DoT
- Problemele cu double/triple damage increase la bonusurile de 2P T9 la paladin/hunter/dk
- Healing Stream Totem heal bonus
- Glyph of Healing Stream
- Overkill exploit la spec change
- Bestial Wrath sa nu mai scoata efectele de la Deathbringer's Will
- Damage-ul DoT-ului de la Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus sa se adune cand se aplica din nou
- Chilblains sa nu mai triggeruie Icy Clutch pe DK la login
- Arcanite / Mithril / Mechanical dragonlings
- Solace of the Fallen/Defeated sa procuie la orice spell cast, inclusiv la HoTs
- Libram of Veracity sa nu mai procuie aiurea la Divine Illumination ci la Holy Light
- Sap pe warrior cu Damage Shield sa nu mai scoata stealth
- Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit
- Honest Max sa dea Loaned Wind Rider Reins
- Itemele care maresc bonusul final de heal de la Lifebloom (gen Furious Gladiator's Idol of Tenacity, Tier 5 4P bonus, etc)
- Marimea la Travel Form scazuta considerabil
- Problema cu disparitia spell-ului Sense Undead la paladinii de level 80 aparuta recent
- Sa nu mai mori cand faci shapeshift ca druid la low health
- PvP off sa fie fortat in sanctuaries
- Sa se reseteze si CD la pets la duel end

- Herald Volazj sa nu se mai blocheze in evade mode dupa wipe in Insanity phase

- Flurry
- Let's Get This Done
- The Alterac Blitz
- A Void Dance
- The Sickly Gazelle
- Toravon the Ice Watcher (sa se dea in functie de dificultate)
- Koralon the Flame Watcher (sa se dea in functie de dificultate)
- Supreme Defender (s-a bugguit recent)

- Polishing the Helm
- Feeding Arngrim
- Blowing Hodir's Horn

- Imaginea de la Draenei Female la char signatures

- Wintergrasp Tower Cannon sa nu mai fie sucite si sa nu mai aibe rotatie instanta
- Leaning Tower
- Vehicular Gnomeslaughter
- Didn't Stand a Chance
- Master of Wintergrasp

===================== ENGLISH =====================
- Loot and killcredit problem in instances when the main attacker leaves
- Killing Spree 20% damage increase and CC immunity
- Quick Recovery, energy refund part
- Spells that have both DoTs and direct damage will be able to deal the direct damage to totems
- Double/triple damage increase problems at 2P T9 bonuses for paladin/hunter/dk
- Healing Stream Totem heal bonus
- Glyph of Healing Stream
- Overkill exploit at spec change
- Bestial Wrath won't remove Deathbringer's Will effects anymore
- Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus DoT damage is now additive with the old one
- Chilblains won't trigger Icy Clutch on the DK at login anymore
- Arcanite / Mithril / Mechanical dragonlings
- Solace of the Fallen/Defeated will now proc at any spellcast, including HoTs
- Libram of Veracity won't proc from Divine Illumination but from Holy Light correctly
- Sap on a warrior with Damage Shield won't remove stealth anymore
- Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit
- Honest Max now gives Loaned Wind Rider Reins
- Items that increase the final heal bonus for Lifebloom (like Furious Gladiator's Idol of Tenacity, Tier 5 4P bonus, etc)
- Travel Form size decreased accordingly
- Problems with the disappearance of the Sense Undead spells from paladins
- You won't die anymore when shapeshifting as a druid with low health
- PvP off is now forced in sanctuaries
- Pet CDs are reset at duel end too now

- Herald Volazj won't get stuck in evade mode after a wipe during Insanity phase

- Flurry
- Let's Get This Done
- The Alterac Blitz
- A Void Dance
- The Sickly Gazelle
- Toravon the Ice Watcher (now awarded correctly based on difficulty)
- Koralon the Flame Watcher (now awarded correctly based on difficulty)
- Supreme Defender (got bugged recently)

- Polishing the Helm
- Feeding Arngrim
- Blowing Hodir's Horn

- Draenei Female image from char signatures

- Wintergrasp Tower Cannon are now correctly rotated and don't have instant rotation anymore
- Leaning Tower
- Vehicular Gnomeslaughter
- Didn't Stand a Chance
- Master of Wintergrasp

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2011, 04:39:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Nota: In urmatoarea perioada vor fi mai putine fixes pentru WoTLK deoarece o sa ma apuc mai serios de Cataclysm (imi iau si o mini-vacanta de vreo saptamana)
- Retaliation sa poata fi dodged si cand e vorba de yellow attacks
- Judgement of Justice sa faca targetul imun la Fear spells si sa scoata fear de pe target cand e castat
- Aegis of Preservation exploit
- Exploiturile la DK cu improved presences la spec switch
- Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus sa adauge atatea tick-uri cate intra in 6 secunde (in functie de haste)
- Gnomish Army Knife sa poata fi folosit doar de master engineers
- Double Rampage / Leader of the Pack exploits
- Lil' XT animations
- Inner Focus sa dispara imediat dupa ce castezi Divine Hymn
- Death Knight PvP 4P set bonus
- Hellfire suicide exploit in EOTS inainte sa inceapa BG-ul
- Death Grip sa nu mai mearga pe rooted targets
- Bestial Wrath sa ofere imunitate si pentru Cyclone
- Beacon of Light sa se contorizeze corect ca heal castat de paladin

- Val'kyrs sa fie ca playerii cand vine vorba de CC duration (rezolva si exploitul cu Repentance de 1 minut dar nu si bugul cu slow)
- Infest pe pets @ The Lich King
- The Lich King combat ress exploit
- Intrarea secundara in Stratholme

- The Undying
- The Immortal
- The Culling of Time
- Alterac Valley All-Star
- Save The Day

- How to Serve Goblins

Raid Finder:
- Timpul de cleanup la Raid Finder raids (offline members / raid full) marit la 2 minute (de la 1 minut)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
Note: In the following period there will be less fixes for WoTLK because I'll start working seriously on Cataclysm (after I return from my mini vacation)
- Retaliation from yellow attacks can now be dodged too
- Judgement of Justice now makes the target immune to Fear spells and removes fear from the target when casted
- Aegis of Preservation exploit
- improved presences exploits at DK spec switch
- Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus will correctly adds as many ticks as possible in 6 seconds (haste dependant)
- Gnomish Army Knife can now be used only by master engineers
- Double Rampage / Leader of the Pack exploits
- Lil' XT animations
- Inner Focus will be removed immediately after casting Divine Hymn
- Death Knight PvP 4P set bonus
- Hellfire suicide exploit in EOTS before BG starts
- Death Grip won't work on rooted targets anymore
- Bestial Wrath now grants immunity against Cyclone too
- Beacon of Light will correctly show in combat log as being casted by the paladin

- Val'kyrs are like players when it comes to CC duration (fixes 1 minute Repentance exploit but not the slow bug unfortunately)
- Infest on pets @ The Lich King
- The Lich King combat ress exploit
- Secondary entrance in Stratholme

- The Undying
- The Immortal
- The Culling of Time
- Alterac Valley All-Star
- Save The Day

- How to Serve Goblins

Raid Finder:
- Raid Finder raids cleanup timer (offline members / raid full) increased to 2 minutes (up from 1 minute)

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[Freakz owner]

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(since 08-02-2020 12:17)
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Posts: 33986, Topics: 1350
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Votes: 829

Post Posted: 22-08-2011, 07:06:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

===================== ROMANA =====================
Fixuri la WOTLK realm (cum ziceam, nu ne mai axam atat de mult pe wotlk realm pentru ca lucrez la cataclysm):
- Sa nu mai poti casta Health Funnel inainte de inceperea BG-urilor pentru a preveni exploiturile
- Flare sa activeze PvP on la hunter cand descopera un player stealthed
- Runele la Death Knight sa nu se transforme in rune normale cand e folosit un spell care ar trebui sa le transforme in Death Runes

- Questurile din Argent Tournament sunt disponibile pentru toate orasele acum (Champion of X)
- The Second Trial sa poata fi predat
- Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
- Ride the Lightning
- Oh Noes, the Tadpoles!
- Ending Their World
- Steady as a Rock?
- Brother Against Brother
- The Earthen Oath
- Memories of Stormhoof
- Tirion's Gambit
- Not A Bug
- Drag and Drop
- Establishing Superiority
- Revenge for the Vargul
- Neutralizing the Plague
- Basic Chemistry
- If He Cannot Be Turned
- King of the Mountain
- Honor Challenge
- A Visit to the Doctor
- That's Abominable!
- Volatility
- Assault by Ground
- Assault by Air
- Battle at Valhalas chain
- Anguish of Nifflevar
- There Exists No Honor Among Birds
- Falcon Versus Hawk
- The Ransacked Caravan
- Trust is Earned
- The Broken Front
- Finish Me!
- The Summoning Chamber
- The One That Got Away
- Of Keys and Cages
- We Call Him Steelfeather
- Leader of the Deranged
- Mission: Plague This!
- The Delicate Sound of Thunder
- Lightning Infused Relics
- Anguish of Nifflevar
- There Exists No Honor Among Birds
- Falcon Versus Hawk
- The Ransacked Caravan
- Trust is Earned
- Fervor of the Frostborn
- Norgannon's Shell
- The Reckoning
- Find the Ancient Hero
- Wooly Justice
- Rampage
- Territorial Trespass
- The Master Explorer
- The Hidden Relic
- Fate of the Titans
- The Lonesome Watcher
- Krolmir, Hammer of Storms
- Fury of the Frostborn King
LOREMASTER poate fi facut (screenshot)
- Quest Helper sa arate si rasele care pot face questul respectiv (daca e cazul) si totodata am rezolvat ceva probleme cu afisarea incorecta a factiunii care poate face questul (exemplu. Pe langa asta, am facut sa afiseze toate questurile a caror nume se potriveste cu ce ati cautat (exemplu)

===================== ENGLISH =====================
WOTLK realm fixes:
- Health Funnel can't be used before battleground start to prevent exploits
- Flare now activates PvP on when it uncovers a player
- Death Knight runes won't transform into normal runes anymore when they should turn into death runes again

- Questurile din Argent Tournament are now available for all cities (Champion of X)
- The Second Trial sa poata fi predat
- Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
- Ride the Lightning
- Oh Noes, the Tadpoles!
- Ending Their World
- Steady as a Rock?
- Brother Against Brother
- The Earthen Oath
- Memories of Stormhoof
- Tirion's Gambit
- Not A Bug
- Drag and Drop
- Establishing Superiority
- Revenge for the Vargul
- Neutralizing the Plague
- Basic Chemistry
- If He Cannot Be Turned
- King of the Mountain
- Honor Challenge
- A Visit to the Doctor
- That's Abominable!
- Volatility
- Assault by Ground
- Assault by Air
- Battle at Valhalas chain
- Anguish of Nifflevar
- There Exists No Honor Among Birds
- Falcon Versus Hawk
- The Ransacked Caravan
- Trust is Earned
- The Broken Front
- Finish Me!
- The Summoning Chamber
- The One That Got Away
- Of Keys and Cages
- We Call Him Steelfeather
- Leader of the Deranged
- Mission: Plague This!
- The Delicate Sound of Thunder
- Lightning Infused Relics
- Anguish of Nifflevar
- There Exists No Honor Among Birds
- Falcon Versus Hawk
- The Ransacked Caravan
- Trust is Earned
- Fervor of the Frostborn
- Norgannon's Shell
- The Reckoning
- Find the Ancient Hero
- Wooly Justice
- Rampage
- Territorial Trespass
- The Master Explorer
- The Hidden Relic
- Fate of the Titans
- The Lonesome Watcher
- Krolmir, Hammer of Storms
- Fury of the Frostborn King
LOREMASTER is now achievable (screenshot)
- Quest Helper now shows what races can take the quest (if there's a restriction) (exemplu. Additionally, you can now search for quests by partial names and get the list of all quests (exemplu)

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