
Reclamatie Dreamthief
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Author Message2314
[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 21:40)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:19:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick-ul tau in joc: OkiLL
Nick-ul persoanei reclamate: Dreamthief
Poze: si
Descriere incident: A incalcat 3 regulii esentiale.
1.M-a omorat cand avea el misiune
2.M-a omorat cand aveam eu misiune
3. DB aiurea cand este FBI !!! pentru a nu ma lasa sa termin misiunea...

Asemenea om a intrat FBI. sa faca de ras...

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 08-07-2011 13:46)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:22:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

din cate stiu eu reclamatie se face la factiunea lui -
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[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 21:40)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:23:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

asta este o reclamatie dubla o fac si aici ca ma omorat si a omorat la misiune si la factiunea lui. STAI CALM ! si nu te baga unde nu dau mustele ok?

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[Banned user]


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(since 21-08-2011 07:28)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:24:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

din cate stiu eu .... cel care e omorat posteaza nu cel care omoara si eu sunt cel omorat -

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[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 21:40)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:26:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

LOL tu ai fost cel omorat - uitate copilu la poze sa vezi cine a murit si tu ai facut misiunea ... daca nu ai facuto si ai murit cum zici tu dute si fa-o iar acuma eu unu o pot face ca datorita tie si dm-ului tau am pierdut misiunea si o pot repeta tu nu poti pt ca ai terminato daca vrei sa dovedesti ca eu te-am omorat vino si fa iar misiunea.

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[Banned user]


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(since 21-08-2011 07:28)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:29:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1.Ai gura cam mare si cam toti de pe server nu te suporta
2.Dupa ce ca nu ti-am fakut post ca ai itnrat cin mn cu 100km/h si era sa si mor mai si comentezi,crezi ca daka faci un post impotricva cuiva care are dreptate castigi ceva?, nu te inseli
3.De 3 ori am incercat misiunea si dabia a 3-a oara cand u nu ai mai fost am reusit sa o fak pt ca trageai in mn mereu
4.Apropo crezi ca daka faci posturi in prostie iei helper?, te inseli
Stii proverbul "Cn se scuza se acuza"

PS:get a life

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[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 21:40)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:34:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu vad ca doar te acuz nu ma scuz deloc ... ai print la tot ce ai zis tu ? daca nu P@ .
Dami o poza in chatlocg sa vad cand ai terminat misiunea.
Si stai calm ca am mai discutat cu phoz a fost doar o intrebare aia cu helperu.
De unde sti tu ca nu ma suporta sv?

Fara dovezi nu faci nimik copilu daca nu postezi chatlog sau o poza si bagi o scuza de gen mi-sa dat restart la pc sau am luat crash ... ar fi prea penal.

Cat despre proverb analizeaza situatia eu doar acuz nu m-am scuzat.

Si gata cu spawn Las un admin sa decida. In poze se vede totul foarte clar.

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:45:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

eu sunt de partea lui Okill pentru ca tu ne dai wanted fara motiv de fiecaredata ERAM IN jail si miai dat wanted lvl 10 pentru db ! uitativa in chatlog sau cum se numeste adminilor sa vedeti si voi !
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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:46:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

daka imi arati print cu asa ceva ca eu iti dau wanted in jail eu imi dau demisia

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[Banned user]


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(since 08-09-2011 21:40)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:46:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

o-sa fi demis oricum si de poze nu mai vorbi ca astept de 20 minute chatlog ala il modifici bn ?

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[Banned user]


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(since 21-08-2011 07:28)
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:49:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CHATLOGUL MEU de la ora 20:49

[color=red][20:49:44] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {EE5555}0.3c-R3 {FFFFFF}Started

[20:49:47] Connecting to

[20:49:47] Connected. Joining the game...

[20:49:48] * Loading...

[20:49:50] Connected to {EE5555}Gta.Freakz.Ro - The Godfather

[20:49:50] *** Newbie - CaN [ID:48]: daka am lv 4 ce factiune sa imi iau nu scrieti prescurtat

























[20:49:51] * Freakz

[20:49:51] * Type your password in the box to login!







[20:49:55] * Bun venit Dreamthief.

[20:49:55] * You are a Premium Account user.

[20:49:55] Bine ai venit in comunitatea Freakz!

[20:49:56] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[20:49:56] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[20:49:57] (( Uzz1: nu ))

[20:50:03] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:50:25] AdmCmd: TonyMontana was banned by Uzz1. Reason: dispari.

[20:50:31] [DnD]BesT's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[20:51:01] That player is not connected.

[20:51:04] That player is not connected.

[20:51:10] Stiti regula

[20:51:10] Fara Heli/Avion

[20:51:10] Riscati sa primiti Warn/Ban!

[20:51:23] Wisper sent to Maria1995 [ID:69]: tia furat motru

[20:51:32] Maria1995 [ID:69] whispers: ?

[20:51:35] Wisper sent to Maria1995 [ID:69]: tia furat motru

[20:51:43] Maria1995 [ID:69] whispers: ce motru?

[20:51:49] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:51:50] Wisper sent to Maria1995 [ID:69]: motoru

[20:51:54] Maria1995 [ID:69] whispers: n-am motor




[20:52:35] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:52:52] (( Uzz1: spune ))

[20:53:20] [INFO]: Pentru a vedea regulile serverului tasteaza /reguli.




[20:54:41] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[20:54:41] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Kubo

[20:54:42] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[20:54:42] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Kubo

[20:55:10] (( Uzz1: dar spune pe /report ))

[20:55:36] * You Cuffed OkiLL, till uncuff.

[20:55:36] * Dreamthief Hand Cuffs OkiLL, so he won't go anywhere.

[20:55:39] * You Uncuffed OkiLL.

[20:55:53] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-083.png

[20:56:33] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:56:40] Ricky_Montana's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[20:56:40] Ionut's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[20:56:41] [Event Info]: Tweety [ID:5] face event la punctul portocaliu.

[20:56:51] [Event Info]: Event Duele AK-47 GSLS.

[20:57:00] [Event Info]: Premiu 25k .

[20:57:40] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:57:43] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:57:54] [Admin Info]: Administrator Uzz1 [ID:1] is now off duty.

[20:58:10] [Event Info]: Duele ak47 la GSLS prEmiu 25k..

[20:58:10] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[20:58:16] [Helper Info]: Helper pHoZoNNN [ID:2] is now on duty.

[20:58:32] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite de la ora 21:00 la ora 21:20 /w me

[20:58:35] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:58:37] [Event Info]: VIne cineva? Sau dau OVer?..

[20:58:48] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[20:58:58] * The time is now 21:00 hours. Weather has been changed.

[20:58:58] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|

[20:58:58] Paycheck: $24585 Tax Money: -$50

[20:58:58] Electricity Bill: -$549

[20:58:58] Balance: $618683

[20:58:58] Interest Rate: 0.5 percent

[20:58:58] Interest Gained $3090

[20:58:58] |--------------------------------------|

[20:58:58] New Balance: $621773

[20:58:58] Rent: -$0

[20:59:06] [Event Info]: Tweety [ID:5] - Event Over!

[20:59:08] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[20:59:08] (( Uzz1: vorbeste cu leaderu ))

[20:59:11] (( Uzz1: sergiu ))

[20:59:13] (( Uzz1: stefann.. ))




[20:59:54] [Advertisement]: Cumpar Casa oriunde ofer mult level 3-5, Contact: Yamato Ph: 2082

[21:00:14] [Helper KillForFun: gta_freakz_ro]

[21:00:33] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'speeder'. Reason: Too high ping. [575/500]

[21:00:38] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'TheKiler144'. Reason: Too high ping. [507/500]

[21:00:42] [Helper Rares_jdaku: 500.000]

[21:00:53] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite de la ora 21:00 la ora 21:20 /w me

[21:01:50] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[21:01:52] Race 'Drift' is about to start, type /race to join!

[21:01:52] Racemode: default Laps: 0 Join fee: 5000 Track lenght: 0.87km

[21:02:02] airmax has joined the race.

[21:02:13] AdmCmd: StatePotcovaru was kicked by Eazy. Reason: afk in drum.

[21:02:19] bLz has joined the race.

[21:02:35] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:02:44] [Helper Info]: Helper pHoZoNNN [ID:2] is now off duty.

[21:02:56] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:03:51] yonutz has joined the race.

[21:03:52] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:03:55] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:03:56] FreakzBoT: You have been killed for drive-by!

[21:04:00] DOCTOR: Factura ta medicala este de $250. Sa ai o zi placuta.

[21:04:08] [INFO]: Drive-By este interzis! Pentru mai multe informatii tasteaza /db.

[21:04:22] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite /w me

[21:04:25] * Vehiculul tau, Dreamthief.

[21:04:54] ** Paramedic SaSuKe: Sal all, over. **

[21:05:23] Kubo's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[21:05:29] Stiti regula

[21:05:29] Fara Heli/Avion

[21:05:29] Riscati sa primiti Warn/Ban!

[21:05:42] Taxi Driver Yamato is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:05:52] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite /w mew

[21:06:06] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:06:06] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: ShOrTcUt




[21:07:08] You are not at a Barrier.

[21:07:22] Ionut's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:08:14] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'boris'. Reason: Too high ping. [598/500]

[21:08:14] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:08:14] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: BLAUPUNKT

[21:08:31] [Event Info]: Tyti [ID:27] face event la punctul portocaliu.

[21:08:34] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite /w me

[21:08:40] [Event Info]: Primu cu motor la mine .

[21:09:16] [Advertisement]: Care nu vine cursa /leave, Contact: airmax Ph: 9027

[21:09:36] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite /w me

[21:09:57] [Event Info]: Pho win.

[21:10:02] Pat0's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:10:02] [Event Info]: Tyti [ID:27] - Event Over!

[21:10:03] (( Uzz1: care nu vine la race ))

[21:10:05] (( Uzz1: /leave ))

[21:10:12] (( Uzz1: yonutz? ))

[21:10:28] Everyone is ready, the race begins!

[21:11:14] airmax has finished the race, position: 1

[21:11:14] The current race has been finished.

[21:11:22] |____Current Wanted List____|

[21:11:22] BLAUPUNKT:[WantedLevel:1], ShOrTcUt:[WantedLevel:1], Kubo:[WantedLevel:1].

[21:11:45] NR Maria1995: anunturi gratuite /w me




[21:12:51] mihaitza.romania Says: -

[21:12:53] Dreamthief Says: urcate

[21:12:54] OkiLL Says: mihaita

[21:12:55] Dreamthief Says: in maisna

[21:12:56] mihaitza.romania Says: speli masina

[21:12:58] Dreamthief Says: sa fi mami multi

[21:12:59] mihaitza.romania Says: nu am

[21:13:00] OkiLL Says: e masina ta

[21:13:00] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:13:05] mihaitza.romania Says: ma duc dp fratemiu

[21:13:20] mihaitza.romania [ID:40] whispers: ast

[21:13:24] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:40]: >?

[21:13:27] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:40]: urca

[21:13:38] mihaitza.romania Says: skil dc esti?

[21:13:41] mihaitza.romania Says: okil

[21:13:48] mihaitza.romania Says: a ma?

[21:14:04] mihaitza.romania Says: drea tre sal iau pe fratemiu dp pod:D

[21:14:18] Dreamthief Says: sunt taxi?

[21:14:22] mihaitza.romania Says: ---.

[21:14:26] mihaitza.romania Says: nu--

[21:14:26] Dreamthief Says: care pod?

[21:14:30] mihaitza.romania Says: lasama undeva..

[21:14:41] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'KillForFun'. Reason: Too high ping. [597/500]

[21:14:48] That player is not near you!

[21:14:50] That player is not near you!

[21:14:55] [INFO]: Pentru mai multe informatii in legatura cu SafeZone tasteaza /safezone.

[21:15:02] * You have thrown mihaitza.romania out of the car!

[21:15:23] mihaitza.romania Says: -

[21:16:06] Kubo's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:16:49] ShOrTcUt's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:16:53] Taxi Driver bLz is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:17:04] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:17:06] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.




[21:17:36] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:18:00] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:40]: nu te apropaio de mn ca e nebun

[21:18:57] BLAUPUNKT's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:20:30] [Advertisement]: Vand Licente, Contact: airmax Ph: 9027

[21:22:09] Gangsta's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 2

[21:22:13] OkiLL Says: sal

[21:22:14] OkiLL Says: stk

[21:22:46] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:22:46] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:22:53] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:22:53] HQ: Crime: furt, Suspect: Chelaru

[21:23:12] The first person who types Oseh4JOMT will win $3689!

[21:23:16] ** IceBox has won the fast event and received $3689! **

[21:24:24] Suspect B.01.ERU has left the server. (Quit)

[21:24:36] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:24:38] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:25:18] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:25:34] B.01.ERU's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 9

[21:25:43] [INFO]: Ai grija cum folosesti /ad, /n sau celelalte metode de comunicare. Se pot primi amenzi!

[21:26:05] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:26:13] AdmCmd: B.01.ERU was banned by Uzz1. Reason: cheats.

[21:26:13] Suspect B.01.ERU has left the server. (Kick/Ban)

[21:26:19] News: Gangsta a primit Kick pentru ca a lasat AFK cu Wanted!

[21:26:19] Suspect Gangsta has left the server. (Kick/Ban)

[21:26:44] << Chelaru has surrendered having wanted 1 >>

[21:26:44] HQ: All Units Officer Chelaru Has Completed Assignment

[21:26:44] HQ: Chelaru Has Been Processed, Got Arrested

[21:27:09] [Advertisement]: Vand casa level 8 ls /w me pentru infor****, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[21:27:14] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:27:15] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.




[21:27:47] OkiLL Says: THE KILLER

[21:27:48] TheKiler144 Says: fac si io cu tn

[21:27:54] aleex Says: ne iei si pe noi dream?

[21:28:05] * TheKiler144 has left the vehicle.

[21:28:06] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:28:15] Dreamthief Says: urcativa

[21:28:19] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:28:27] * You have thrown TheKiler144 out of the car!

[21:28:28] * You have thrown aleex out of the car!

[21:28:45] * Dreamthief ----3---

[21:28:49] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:28:53] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:28:56] [Advertisement]: Vand casa level 8 ls /w me pentru inform.a.t.i, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[21:29:22] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:29:23] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:29:54] * You were tied up by OkiLL, till untie.

[21:29:54] * OkiLL ties Dreamthief up, so he won't go anywhere.

[21:30:15] [Advertisement]: Vand drugs /w me / repar masini / protejez persoane, Contact: KillForFun Ph: 9636

[21:30:23] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: IceBox

[21:30:23] HQ: Crime: /ad ilegal, Suspect: KillForFun

[21:30:23] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: IceBox

[21:30:23] HQ: Crime: /ad ilegal, Suspect: KillForFun

[21:30:24] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: IceBox

[21:30:24] HQ: Crime: /ad ilegal, Suspect: KillForFun

[21:30:29] * You were Untied by OkiLL.

[21:31:01] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:31:01] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:31:41] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:31:41] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: bLz

[21:32:07] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:32:07] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:32:34] [Helper KillForFun: da]

[21:32:39] Player not in your Car, or your not the Driver!

[21:32:44] *** Vehicle Locked!

[21:32:54] Player not in your Car, or your not the Driver!

[21:33:08] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:33:43] Race 'Drag' is about to start, type /race to join!

[21:33:43] Racemode: default Laps: 0 Join fee: 5000 Track lenght: 8.15km

[21:34:01] * You were tied up by OkiLL, till untie.

[21:34:01] * OkiLL ties Dreamthief up, so he won't go anywhere.

[21:34:10] [Advertisement]: Vand licente:)), Contact: pHoZoNNN Ph: 8158

[21:34:18] [Helper KillForFun: misiuni / stai pe server / job]

[21:34:19] yonutz has joined the race.

[21:34:53] airmax has joined the race.

[21:35:01] * You were Untied by OkiLL.

[21:35:06] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:35:15] alynn has joined the race.

[21:35:32] [Advertisement]: Vand palat lvl 9 pe vinewood ! luxury /w me cu oferte, Contact: Uzz1 Ph: 666

[21:36:11] Dispatch: Incident: m-am julit

[21:36:18] Taxi Driver Yanicul is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:36:29] [INFO]: Pastreaza un limbaj cat mai adecvat si ajuta serverul sa se extinda.

[21:36:41] Suspect hivaltaszek has left the server. (Quit)

[21:37:19] *** Vehicle Locked!

[21:37:26] Player not in your Car, or your not the Driver!

[21:37:29] *** Vehicle Unlocked!

[21:37:31] * You Cuffed OkiLL, till uncuff.

[21:37:31] * Dreamthief Hand Cuffs OkiLL, so he won't go anywhere.

[21:37:37] [Helper pHoZoNNN: Ai nevoie de ajutor/de un job?/needhelp si vei fi ajutat!]

[21:37:57] * You Uncuffed OkiLL.

[21:38:00] Player not in your Car, or your not the Driver!

[21:38:03] Player not in your Car, or your not the Driver!

[21:38:04] OkiLL Says: w

[21:38:51] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:38:51] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:40:08] *** Vehicle Locked!

[21:40:26] *** Vehicle Unlocked!

[21:40:27] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:27] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:27] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:40:29] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:40:29] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: GueSs.

[21:40:33] Gangsta's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[21:40:36] [Advertisement]: Caut Rent LS!!! , Contact: Tweety Ph: 8953

[21:40:42] * Your report has been sent to the Freakz Admins.

[21:40:49] * Your report has been sent to the Freakz Admins.

[21:41:03] KillForFun's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 2

[21:41:26] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:41:26] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: SlaSh

[21:41:40] [Advertisement]: Vand casa ls level 8 ! /w me pentru infor****i !, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[21:42:17] Taxi Driver bLz is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:42:19] bLz's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:42:28] Wisper sent to Uzz1 [ID:1]: iai dat resapwn ce okill

[21:42:31] Wisper sent to Uzz1 [ID:1]: lu okill

[21:42:31] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:42:31] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Uzz1

[21:42:44] [Advertisement]: Ofer rent Ls(heal tv,sultan)/w rsl!, Contact: RsL Ph: 2828

[21:42:48] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:42:48] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Uzz1

[21:42:51] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:42:51] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Uzz1

[21:43:20] hivaltaszek's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 1

[21:43:40] [Helper Rares_jdaku: zi ce job vrei si iti dua eu]

[21:44:10] [Advertisement]: Vand casa ls level 8 ! /w me pentru infor****i !, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[21:44:12] * Dreamthief has turned his vehicle lights off.

[21:44:14] * OkiLL has left the vehicle.

[21:44:21] Taxi Driver bLz is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:44:30] (( Uzz1: clear pls ))




[21:45:03] [HQ]: Officer Tyti has cleared Uzz1's Records and Wanted Points.

[21:45:29] Suspect KillForFun has left the server. (Crash)

[21:45:30] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:45:56] AdmCmd: B@B@nU was kicked by Eazy. Reason: dispari cu codurile.

[21:46:17] [Helper pHoZoNNN: Ai nevoie de ajutor/de un job?/needhelp si vei fi ajutat!]

[21:46:41] Dreamthief Says: pick m,e up

[21:46:52] ExoTik Says: hai pana la docuri si duoa tio las tie ma

[21:46:57] [Advertisement]: Vand casa ls level 8 ! /w me pentru infor****i !, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[21:47:14] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: gata?

[21:47:15] [INFO]: Daca ati descoperit un bug, raportati-l la un admin si nu profitati de el!

[21:47:18] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: treci pe plaja

[21:47:24] Ionut [ID:20] whispers: nu o mai iau

[21:47:29] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: -

[21:47:30] Ionut [ID:20] whispers: n-am banii

[21:47:31] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:47:32] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: -\

[21:47:38] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: nai 1.5kk?

[21:47:38] Ionut [ID:20] whispers: poate pot s-o vand maine

[21:47:44] Everyone is ready, the race begins!

[21:47:48] Ionut [ID:20] whispers: trebe sa vand casa bre

[21:47:49] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: cati bani ai ma

[21:47:55] Ionut [ID:20] whispers: 600k

[21:48:07] Wisper sent to Ionut [ID:20]: vindeo mai repde

[21:48:32] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:48:32] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:48:45] [Advertisement]: CUMPAR casa Vla suck(s_, Contact: GueSs. Ph: 3371

[21:48:46] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:48:46] HQ: Crime: Consuming endangered Species, Suspect: Aiurea

[21:48:49] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:48:49] HQ: Crime: atac civil, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:48:57] * SlaSh has left the vehicle.

[21:49:03] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:49:03] HQ: Crime: Consuming endangered Species, Suspect: Aiurea

[21:49:15] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:49:42] |____Current Wanted List____|

[21:49:42] SlaSh:[WantedLevel:1], Aiurea:[WantedLevel:2], hivaltaszek:[WantedLevel:3], GueSs.:[WantedLevel:1]

[21:49:42] Gangsta:[WantedLevel:1].

[21:50:20] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[21:50:20] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:50:40] You are not a Detective!

[21:50:47] Your help request has been sent, please wait for an answer.

[21:50:49] Your Detective Skill Level = 2.

[21:50:49] You need to find 42 more people to Level up.

[21:50:50] * Rares_jdaku has changed your Job.

[21:51:08] GueSs.'s Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:51:12] Gangsta's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[21:51:27] Taxi Driver bLz is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:51:37] airmax has finished the race, position: 1

[21:51:39] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[21:51:40] RsL [ID:72] whispers: ejti ***** sau te prefaci ?

[21:51:46] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:51:46] HQ: Crime: c a, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:51:47] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:51:47] HQ: Crime: c a, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:51:48] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:51:48] HQ: Crime: c a, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:51:48] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Tyti

[21:51:48] HQ: Crime: c a, Suspect: hivaltaszek

[21:51:50] << SlaSh has surrendered having wanted 1 >>

[21:51:50] HQ: All Units Officer SlaSh Has Completed Assignment

[21:51:50] HQ: SlaSh Has Been Processed, Got Arrested

[21:52:18] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[21:52:26] alynn has finished the race, position: 2

[21:52:26] The suspect is too far away!

[21:52:26] ** Officer Eazy: TYTY, over. **

[21:52:37] ** Professional Staff Tyti: ?, over. **

[21:52:37] * You Tazed hivaltaszek for 8 seconds.

[21:52:37] * Dreamthief shoots with his Tazer at hivaltaszek, and tazed him.

[21:52:41] hivaltaszek Says: ****

[21:52:44] ** Officer Eazy: TU DAI w la ala de LVL ! ?, over. **

[21:52:47] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'TheKiler144'. Reason: Too high ping. [582/500]

[21:53:02] Dreamthief Says: expert

[21:53:03] Dreamthief Says: -

[21:53:04] ** Professional Staff Tyti: Nu m-am uitat ce lv are,plus ca face DM, over. **

[21:53:09] ** Professional Staff Tyti: Pe toti care ii prindae, over. **

[21:53:14] ** Professional Staff Tyti: Deja avea w4, over. **

[21:53:32] ** Professional Staff Tyti: Da TP la el si linistestel, over. **

[21:53:33] [Advertisement]: DM LA BP ! haidati ( gangurile ), Contact: Rares_jdaku Ph: 1811

[21:53:33] ** Professional Staff Dreamthief: Eazy sti ceva?, over. **

[21:53:39] ** Officer Eazy: ?, over. **

[21:53:41] ** Professional Staff Dreamthief: Mda ma abtionw , over. **

[21:53:44] ** Professional Staff Dreamthief: Deci am abtin, over. **

[21:55:01] ** Officer Eazy: Bine faci, over. **

[21:55:01] << Aiurea has surrendered having wanted 2 >>

[21:55:01] HQ: All Units Officer Aiurea Has Completed Assignment

[21:55:01] HQ: Aiurea Has Been Processed, Got Arrested

[21:55:01] Taxi Driver Yanicul is On Duty, fare: $300.

[21:55:01] [Advertisement]: Vand Licente:), Contact: airmax Ph: 9027

[21:56:25] Taxi Driver SlaSh is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:05:36] Taxi Driver SlaSh is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:05:36] [INFO]: Pentru mai multe informatii in legatura cu modalitatea de a dona accesati forumul (/forum).

[22:05:36] NR Golphy: Sesiunea de anunturi gratuite a inceput!

[22:05:36] AdmCmd: GIgi.Ihohoho was banned by Uzz1. Reason: cheats.

[22:05:36] NR Golphy: pentru anunturi gratuite /w me sau maria

[22:05:36] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|

[22:05:36] Paycheck: $25440 Tax Money: -$50

[22:05:36] Electricity Bill: -$558

[22:05:36] Balance: $621723

[22:05:36] Interest Rate: 0.5 percent

[22:05:36] Interest Gained $3105

[22:05:36] |--------------------------------------|

[22:05:36] New Balance: $624828

[22:05:36] Rent: -$0

[22:05:36] * The time is now 22:00 hours. Weather has been changed.

[22:05:36] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:05:36] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: BesTPlayeR

[22:05:36] * ExoTik has left the vehicle.

[22:05:36] NR Golphy: ai nevoie de heal/lawyer /w Angellz si se rezolva

[22:05:36] Taxi Driver Yanicul is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:05:36] Taxi Driver SlaSh is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:05:36] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:05:36] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: BesTPlayeR

[22:05:36] * sTk.baZZoka has left the vehicle.

[22:05:36] NR Golphy: pentru anunturi gratuite /w me sau Maria

[22:05:36] NR Golphy: pentru anunturi gratuite /w me

[22:05:36] [Advertisement]: Un heal /w va rog, Contact: SpLaT Ph: 7605

[22:05:41] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[22:05:47] |___ BANK STATMENT ___|

[22:05:47] Old Balance: $624828

[22:05:47] Deposit: $100000

[22:05:47] |-----------------------------------------|

[22:05:47] New Balance: $724828

[22:05:56] NR Golphy: Caddy [ID:83] cumpara casa oriunde /w him

[22:06:27] Wisper sent to Caddy [ID:83]: cat i bani ai

[22:07:02] Taxi Driver SlaSh is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:07:07] NR Golphy: pentru anunturi gratuite /w me

[22:07:07] Wisper sent to Diablo [ID:10]: ce iai zis lu okill

[22:07:07] INFO: Player is Away From Keyboard!

[22:07:10] Taxi Driver SlaSh is On Duty, fare: $300.

[22:08:36] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:08:36] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: BesTPlayeR

[22:08:38] NR Golphy: cumpar casa lv 3/5 ofer 850k

[22:08:39] [Advertisement]: Ai nevoie de licente? /w alle, Contact: Alle Ph: 2164

[22:08:48] [INFO]: Nu uitati sa faceti poza la stats (/stats) in fiecare zi.

[22:08:48] SaMy Says: spre wang cars din sf

[22:08:57] Please try again later. 60 seconds between Advertisements!

[22:09:58] That player is ignoring you!

[22:10:10] BesTPlayeR's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 2

[22:10:15] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:19] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:28] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[22:10:30] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:10:30] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: BesTPlayeR

[22:10:33] NR Golphy: Pentru anunturi gratuite /w me

[22:10:34] * Dreamthief puts on body armour.

[22:10:44] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:50] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:50] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:51] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:51] * The gate of LSPD has been opened and will close in 5 second(s).

[22:10:59] |____Current Wanted List____|

[22:10:59] SeTh:[WantedLevel:1], BesTPlayeR:[WantedLevel:3].

[22:11:26] [Advertisement]: Vand casa level 8 in ls !, Contact: PaYcHeCk Ph: 5217

[22:11:49] That player is not connected.

[22:11:53] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: stai

[22:11:57] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: damil mie

[22:12:14] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: iti dau 10k

[22:12:34] Cannot use this while being in the Car!

[22:12:34] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[22:12:42] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: te rog

[22:12:46] Cannot use this while being in the Car!

[22:12:47] mihaitza.romania [ID:85] whispers: e fratemiu

[22:12:53] AdmCmd: Mariuz. was kicked by pHoZoNNN. Reason: cheats.

[22:12:56] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: vrei si u wanteD?

[22:13:04] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[22:13:12] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: k wanted 10

[22:13:13] Suspect SeTh has left the server. (Crash)

[22:13:30] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: BA DAMI LSAU VREI WATNED CA EL

[22:13:45] NR Golphy: Pentru anunturi gratuite /w Golphy

[22:14:02] AdmCmd: Mariuz. was kicked by Eazy. Reason: dispari cu codurile.

[22:14:04] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: vaide capu tau ma

[22:14:25] SeTh's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[22:14:28] mihaitza.romania [ID:85] whispers: are w 3

[22:14:37] Wisper sent to mihaitza.romania [ID:85]: lasal jos

[22:14:39] Cannot use this while being in the Car!

[22:14:41] |____Current Wanted List____|

[22:14:41] VirTu.:[WantedLevel:1], BesTPlayeR:[WantedLevel:3].

[22:14:50] Cannot use this while being in the Car!

[22:14:50] AdmCmd: Mariuz. was kicked by pHoZoNNN. Reason: mars.

[22:14:57] Dreamthief Says: urca

[22:15:00] speeder Says: nee

[22:15:00] Dreamthief Says: a, un wanted

[22:15:02] Dreamthief Says: !!!!!

[22:15:03] Dreamthief Says: 3

[22:15:08] * speeder puts on body armour.

[22:15:09] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:15:09] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Laur_snk

[22:15:11] * Dreamthief puts on body armour.

[22:15:27] FreakzBoT: Kicking player 'SeTh'. Reason: Too high ping. [571/500]

[22:15:43] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:15:43] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: cHozeN

[22:15:49] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:15:56] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:16:03] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:16:06] speeder Says: e la aeroport

[22:16:10] speeder Says: LS

[22:16:18] NR Golphy: Pentru anunturi gratuite /w me

[22:16:34] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:16:40] yonutz has finished the race, position: 3

[22:16:40] The current race has been finished.

[22:16:44] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:17:10] VirTu.'s Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[22:18:02] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:18:11] speeder Says: e intr-o casa

[22:18:21] You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes!

[22:18:26] Dreamthief Says: aicie

[22:18:38] speeder Says: nu-i ala ba

[22:18:38] NR Golphy: Sesiunea de anunturi gratuite sa incheiat!

[22:18:48] speeder Says: -

[22:18:52] Dreamthief Says: unde are casa

[22:18:55] Dreamthief Says: mihaitza

[22:18:57] Dreamthief Says: STIU

[22:19:08] [Advertisement]: Ofer rent Ls (heal,tv,sultan)/w rsl!, Contact: RsL Ph: 2828

[22:19:36] [INFO]: Politia iti este alaturi. Daca observi un infractor denunta-l cu /call 911.

[22:20:13] * speeder has left the vehicle.

[22:20:14] [Advertisement]: Vand Licente, Contact: airmax Ph: 9027

[22:20:15] * Dreamthief has left the vehicle.

[22:20:31] mihaitza.romania Says: fara

[22:20:31] mihaitza.romania Says: fara

[22:20:32] mihaitza.romania Says: farat

[22:20:35] * You Tazed BesTPlayeR for 8 seconds.

[22:20:35] * Dreamthief shoots with his Tazer at BesTPlayeR, and tazed him.

[22:20:38] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaa

[22:20:40] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaa

[22:20:41] Dreamthief Says: mighai

[22:20:41] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaat

[22:20:41] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaat

[22:20:42] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaatt

[22:20:44] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaa

[22:20:44] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaa

[22:20:45] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaa

[22:20:45] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaat

[22:20:46] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaat

[22:20:47] Dreamthief Says: GURA

[22:20:48] Dreamthief Says: ARE WANTED

[22:20:50] mihaitza.romania Says: post

[22:20:51] BesTPlayeR's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 2

[22:20:52] mihaitza.romania Says: post

[22:20:57] Dreamthief Says: ***

[22:20:57] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:20:58] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:20:59] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:20:59] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:20:59] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:21:00] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:21:00] mihaitza.romania Says: ce ma doare capu afara

[22:21:03] speeder Says: hai ba

[22:21:04] AdmCmd: Ionut was kicked by Rares_jdaku. Reason: relog.

[22:21:07] mihaitza.romania Says: afaraaaa

[22:21:08] speeder Says: ai facut postul ala?

[22:21:16] Dreamthief Says: ce post

[22:21:19] speeder Says: e

[22:21:19] Dreamthief Says: frate asta ia ban

[22:21:20] mihaitza.romania [ID:85] whispers: o sa ai fpk

[22:21:20] speeder Says: cu ala

[22:21:29] pHoZoNNN Says: BA IESITI DE PE TV

[22:21:37] Dreamthief Says: phozon

[22:21:39] Dreamthief Says: e afk cu wanted

[22:21:44] pHoZoNNN Says: dati ba /tv

[22:21:47] mihaitza.romania Says: ba ce faceti e afk de 10 min

[22:21:49] Dreamthief Says: pe cn

[22:21:51] pHoZoNNN Says: BAAAAAAAAAAAA

[22:21:56] pHoZoNNN Says: va dau kick sa mor eu

[22:21:58] speeder [ID:87] whispers: are w2

[22:21:59] Dreamthief Says: dc?

[22:22:05] pHoZoNNN Says: iesi de pe TV

[22:22:05] Dreamthief Says: esti pd speedar

[22:22:06] Dreamthief Says: dai in ei

[22:22:10] Dreamthief Says: nam tv ma

[22:22:11] Dreamthief Says: -

[22:22:12] speeder Says: nu-s pe tv

[22:22:18] mihaitza.romania Says: am eo tv

[22:22:19] Dreamthief Says: mihaita

[22:22:20] pHoZoNNN Says: da p e ce esti

[22:22:20] mihaitza.romania Says: am eo tv

[22:22:22] Dreamthief Says: spunei sa intre

[22:23:10] Stiti regula

[22:23:10] Fara Heli/Avion

[22:23:10] Riscati sa primiti Warn/Ban!
[22:22:23] mihaitza.romania Says: da

[22:22:24] Dreamthief Says: ca ia warn

[22:22:26] mihaitza.romania Says: dc_

[22:22:29] mihaitza.romania Says: ..

[22:22:31] Dreamthief Says: ia warn

[22:22:33] mihaitza.romania Says: cat imi iese

[22:22:34] Dreamthief Says: cheamala

[22:22:39] mihaitza.romania Says: cat imi iese

[22:22:39] mihaitza.romania Says: cat imi iese

[22:22:40] mihaitza.romania Says: cat imi iese

[22:22:40] mihaitza.romania Says: cat imi iese

[22:22:44] Dreamthief Says: it iiese warn

[22:22:44] speeder Says: iti iese

[22:22:45] Dreamthief Says: si tie

[22:22:46] speeder Says: un ficat

[22:22:47] mihaitza.romania Says: >((

[22:22:48] speeder Says: acush

[22:22:53] mihaitza.romania Says: akm intra

[22:22:56] mihaitza.romania Says: trage

[22:25:35] BesTPlayeR [ID:57] whispers: bah habar nu aveti cei cu voi ma -

[22:25:35] [Helper Eazy: /open]

[22:25:35] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:25:35] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: Gangsta

[22:25:35] [Helper Rares_jdaku: /open !]

[22:25:35] mihaitza.romania Says: frea

[22:25:35] mihaitza.romania Says: drea

[22:25:35] mihaitza.romania Says: ai post

[22:25:35] BesTPlayeR [ID:57] whispers: orcum ai post -

[22:25:35] mihaitza.romania Says: + warn

[22:25:35] [Helper Eazy: Ba am raspuns pt cine a intrebat nu pt tn]

[22:25:35] [Helper Eazy: /open la casa ca sa o blochezi]

[22:25:41] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: motiv?

[22:25:50] ..:: Mission Passed : Din colt in colt | Reward received: $50000 ::..
[22:26:13] Laur_snk's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[22:26:13] BesTPlayeR [ID:57] whispers: lai omorat pe mihaitza fara w -

[22:26:13] BesTPlayeR [ID:57] whispers: si fara motiv

[22:26:17] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: k

[22:26:19] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: pa

[22:26:23] [Advertisement]: Nr recruteaza un purice cerere+teste la ora douastrei, Contact: Rares_jdaku Ph: 1811

[22:26:23] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: ne mai vedem

[22:26:24] cHozeN's Wanted Level has Decreased. Current Wanted Level: 0

[22:26:36] BesTPlayeR [ID:57] whispers: si din cate vad mai ai o recla****e pe forum -

[22:26:37] * Admins Online *

[22:26:37] Head Admin: Uzz1 [1]

[22:26:37] Head Admin: Diablo [10]

[22:26:40] Wisper sent to Uzz1 [ID:1]: auzi

[22:26:40] INFO: Player is Away From Keyboard!

[22:26:43] Wisper sent to Diablo [ID:10]: esti

[22:26:43] INFO: Player is Away From Keyboard!

[22:26:48] The first person who types AKn7RZgc will win $4418!

[22:26:51] ** Rares_jdaku has won the fast event and received $4418! **

[22:26:57] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: am mai multe daka te intrereeaza

[22:26:57] [Helper Eazy: radule s-ar putea sa te scuz cu vreun mute lung , ia vezi]

[22:26:58] HQ: All Units APB: Reporter: Unknown

[22:26:58] HQ: Crime: First Degree Murder, Suspect: ZpwT

[22:27:03] Wisper sent to BesTPlayeR [ID:57]: si taci odata ca u itnri ep sv de 2 min

[22:27:55] AdmCmd: prikindel was kicked by Eazy. Reason: af
k in drum.

Daca nu ai chef de citit aici am uploadat:

Last edited by Tionwtz on 04-07-2011, 21:53:36; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:50:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ce chatlog -)))) cum la facut LOL !!! copilu asta e fake SUPER NASPA !!!...

Trebuie sa scrie sus



Nu mai face FAKE ! intelege akm mai si minti cu atata nesimtire si faci modificari ?

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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 21:57:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

daka asta e fake eu imi dau toti banii la playeri si casa o dau pe 1$

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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 22:00:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

frate nu ne pasa ce dai tu pe 1$ ne pasa ca faci fake si gata STOP SPAM!

Lasa admin sa decida... faker-ule.

Posturi unite automat, 04-07-2011, 23:00:35

In 10 min vrei sa intoci playeri in potriva mea si admini casa ai tu dreptate? sau ce osa mai doresti sa mai faci ca si asha printscreen vorbesc ...

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Post Posted: 04-07-2011, 22:01:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deci de cand ai intrat u ai fost buricul pamantului aici pe server, cerseai mereu de la playeri bani,si mereu te dadeai amre la playeri ca ai u relatii la striker si al alti adminii, si mereu minti ca uni helperi si admin iti fac favoruri( iti dau respawn cand ai wanted , teleport..) si te dai mare mereu.

Eu personal cred ca nu sunt vinovat.

ultimul post pe care il fac aici las un admin sa decida!

Last edited by Tionwtz on 04-07-2011, 22:02:38; edited 1 time in total
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