
Cerere unban seven24

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2011, 10:25:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Izabea
Account name: Seven24
IP: am ip dinamic
GM responsabil: Sundays
Realm: Genesis
Motiv: T-iam spus
Data si ora: 25-07-2011, 00:35
Ceva ce doriti sa adaugati: sa intamplat asa :

am intrat pe caracterul meu izabea . eram in strangleton. a fost un warrior human lvl 2 atacat de o gorila si am omoat repede gorila.
dupa aceea am vazut un draenei fata (Sundays)
mia dat kick
si cand am incercat sa ma log-ez mia scris:your account has benn suspended.....
imi pare rau ca nu m-am uitat la chat si imi cer scuze daca am facut ceva rau,
dar dupa parerea mea este ban degeaba
imi place mult serverul si nu pot astepta 3 zile

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[The Human Equation]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2011, 12:11:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ceea ce spui tu se confirma, erai logat doar de cateva secunde, deci nu aveai de unde sa stii ca e event. ti-am scos banul.
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