
banlist mikeKiLL3r

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Author Message689

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 12-01-2014 08:59)
Joined: 20 May 2011
Posts: 36, Topics: 7
Location: Romania

Reputation: 96.9
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 29-07-2011, 14:23:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu ma lasa sa fac screen...dau copy din consola..daca fac screen apare cva de genul:

[dreptunghiul negru din colt este cs...]

[Gag Info] Jucatorul cu gag sCz[IP:] a parasit serverul.
sCz is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[G]*Mort*DrF # xTr1p : pai a daca e pe sb..
[G]*Mort*DrF # xTr1p : da...
[G]*Mort*DrF # xTr1p : iar da retry
[G]*Mort*extreme // R-Rz : degeaba
sCz ( (STEAM_0:0:502826258) Joined (Romania).
] amx_voteban scz
[G]*Mort*DrF # xTr1p : uite
Voting has started...
[G]*Mort*DrF # xTr1p : dai ban
Welcome to Dr.FreaKz.Ro [Deathrun]

motiv : retry dupa gag x2 prima data nu l-am vazut dar mi-a zis xtrip + injurii la adresa adminilor...
i-am dat ban cu amx_voteban ... cat timp a primit? permanent?

*DEAD* Bgd : mama

*DEAD* Bgd : cum m`a scuipat boostu`

*DEAD* .oN.mikeKiLL3r : si pe mn:))

*DEAD* LUCA : C0nnect Jb.AlphaZone.Ro [Bind]

*DEAD* SantineLa o2 : tuti ctrl ma -

SantineLa o2 killed self with trigger_hurt
[ Deathrun ] .oN.mikeKiLL3r is now the terrorist.
k3nz0r ; killed self with trigger_hurt
Welcome to Dr.FreaKz.

tot cu voteban pt reclama..

3. -

LUCA connected
[color=orange]YoNuTzZz : /KnIFe by DR . CUTITARII . RO

LUCA is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
] amx_voteban YoNu
Raduchu : /free

Voting has started...
YoNuTzZz : /KnIFe by DR . C
TheHero| ExoDuS*cL died
TheHero| ExoDuS*cL ( (STEAM_0:0:499053392) Jo

tot voteban..


] amx_voteban player
Alinusha : bravo

Voting has started...
LH-Player : ADD FAV: DrL.Cutitarii.Ro

denisa xD;X killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
Foloseste comanda /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul
[G]*Mort*D[A]rIuS : brb
[G]*Mort*D[A]rIuS : brb
ADMIN .oN.mikeKiLL3r: vote ban for LH-Player
energi voted for
L!k3*7uPp voted for
energi killed self with trigger_hurt
good voted for
DexTeR voted for
[G]*Mort*Alinusha : lol
BlacK AngeL killed sel

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 12-01-2014 08:59)
Joined: 20 May 2011
Posts: 36, Topics: 7
Location: Romania

Reputation: 96.9
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 24-08-2011, 15:04:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cer banare lui Hydrax.

*DEAD* Hydrax :  carei comanda bah?

[Deathrun FreeRound] This server is using Deathrun Free Round System by xPaw, say /free to start vote!
frumusika killed self with trigger_hurt
.oN.mikeKiLL3r :  ce comanda?

Maria killed self with trigger_hurt
frumusika :  ceapa

Foloseste comanda /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul
[FreeRun] Daca teroristul lasa FREE-primul CT care ajunge ii da arma !
Hydrax :  esti fraier

Hydrax :  mediocrule

[ Deathrun ] No terrorist detected, restarting now.
[ Deathrun ] Maria is now the terrorist.
*DEAD* Hydrax :  ..

Hydrax killed self with trigger_hurt
*DEAD* .oN.mikeKiLL3r :  vezi poate iie gag

KyD dropped
frumusika killed self with trigger_hurt
[Deathrun FreeRound] This server is using Deathrun Free Round System by xPaw, say /free to start vote!
Hydrax :  ceapa

denisa xD;X dropped
frumusika :  mediocule

Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
denisa xD;X connected
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
denisa xD;X is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[G]*Mort*Hydrax :    SAMI
[G]*Mort*Hydrax :    .... .... .... .... bah
.oN.mikeKiLL3r killed self with trigger_hurt
[G]*Mort*frumusika :    scz
denisa xD;X ( (STEAM_ID_LAN) Joined (error).
Hydrax killed self with trigger_hurt
Foloseste comanda /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul
[ Deathrun ] frumusika is now the terrorist.
Maria killed self with trigger_hurt
*DEAD* .oN.mikeKiLL3r :  =)))

*DEAD* Hydrax :  =]]]]

Maria dropped
Maria has left the game
Unknown command: pre_qA2.LJ4
Unknown command: pre_qA2.LJ4
.oN.mikeKiLL3r killed self with trigger_hurt
[G]*Mort*Hydrax :    ce plm are ba
aWp | Scooby Doo dropped
[G]*Mort*Hydrax :    ?
.oN.mikeKiLL3r :  hydrax ultimu avertisment abtinete

aWp | Scooby Doo connected
*DEAD* .oN.mikeKiLL3r :  lol

aWp | Scooby Doo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Hydrax dropped
Hydrax has left the game
Welcome to Dr.FreaKz.Ro [Deathrun]
] amx_voteban hydrax
Client with that name or userid not found
Foloseste comanda /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul
] amx_voteban hyd
Client with that name or userid not found
] amx_voteban Hyd
Client with that name or userid not found
[FreeRun] Daca teroristul lasa FREE-primul CT care ajunge ii da arma !
[color=red]*DEAD* Hydrax :  mike killer sugi **** mea in mm de facut pt alocatie in laba :P bye bye[/color]


a intrebat ceva de o comanda si nu stiam ce vrea sa zica...L-am intrebat ce comanda si el mia raspuns ca sunt fraier.Ok treaca de la mn doar un avertisment.Apoi a inceput sa vorbeasca colorat si i-am promis ca nu il mai iert data viitoare.Apoi a inceput sa ma injure cum i-a venit in gura si cand sa ii dau vote_ban a iesit...

Dati-i cat considerati voi...

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