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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 19-10-2011 19:40)
Joined: 12 Jul 2011
Posts: 20, Topics: 9
Location: Romania

Reputation: 59.9
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 03-08-2011, 10:01:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Regulamentul Guildei / Guild Rules

- Fara injurii intre membrii guildei pe guildchat. / Refrain from using bad language on the guild chat. (1 - 24 Hours of 'Muted' rank / Gkick).
- Setati-va ceasurile din joc pe 'Local Time'. / The server time is 10 minutes ahead. Remember that.
- Crearea raidurilor incepe intotdeauna DUPA ora stabilita. Niciodata mai devreme. / Raid invites will always start AFTER the given time. Never earlier..
- Cine iese din guild in mod voluntar nu va mai primi invite inapoi. / If you leave the guild, you won't get invited back.
- Gradele se dau in functie de DKP'ul Total. / Ranks are given according to your Total DKP.

Pentru officeri:
- Se fac backups la DKP in mod constant. Orice incercare de frauda va fi usor observata. Consecinta: demote-for-ever la Captain si -50 DKP. / Any attempt to fraud the DKP amounts will be easily detected. As a consequence, you will be demoted, and penalised with 50 DKP.
- Rankul de 'Officer' se va da doar capitanilor care dovedesc (raid dupa raid) ca au atat cunostiintele cat si skillul necesar ca sa fie promovati. / The 'Officer' rank is only given to those Captains who prove (raid after raid) that they have both the knowledge and skill required to be promoted.

* work in progress *

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