
[REJECTED] [Warlock] Burning Embers

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Post Posted: 08-09-2011, 05:06:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Burning Embers (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Dupã Soul Fire (wowhead link) apare un dot de la Burning Embers (wowhead link), 1 tick pe secundã timp de 7 secunde. Dacã impul trage un Firebolt (wowhead link), tickul în loc sã creascã spre valoarea maximã, adãugându-se ºi Burning Embers (wowhead link) pentru Firebolt (wowhead link), acesta scade treptat.
Dovada / Proof:

i will try to clear things out.

the (sp*1+x)/7 is the maximum dps the burning embers dot will do,
the cap that scales with your spell power.
the 30% is the pace with which is reaches that maximum dps.
dot_tick_dmg=soulfire(or firebolt)_damage*0.3 if greater than max dmg then dot_tick_dmg=max_damage
a soulfire applies the dot on max dmg instantly while each firebolt that the imp casts adds up untill it reaches max dmg

when ticks reach the maximum, imp's firebolts will just refresh the dot indefinitely without the dps being reduced.

Acesta este un comment de pe Wowhead, sã explice mai bine decât o fac eu.
Chiar dacã n-ar reîmprospãta dotul cum spune tipul de mai sus, totuºi descreºterea dotului s-ar face dupã 7 tickuri ale Soul Fire-ului (wowhead link), nu dupã damage-ul impului. Firebolt-ul (wowhead link), tot ce-ar putea sã facã e sã creascã valoarea dotului dacã se suprapune cu dotul de Soul Fire (wowhead link).



A se urmãri cel puþin primele 7 tickuri de damage over time.

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Post Posted: 03-10-2011, 23:34:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

S-au facut modificari la asta, daca inca sunt probleme revino

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