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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2011, 21:15:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

RO: Vineri, 2 septembrie, dau drumul la cataclysm PTR (public test realm). Pana atunci va puteti crea conturi pentru PTR aici
Ca sa downloadati aveti 2 variante:
1. Luati torrentul acesta, are inclus launcher-ul freakz in el, veti putea porni jocul direct cu wow_freakz.exe
2. Daca nu vreti/nu puteti prin torrent puteti porni launcher.exe de la wow si va face update automat la ultima versiune (nu conteaza ca e versiune mai noua). Dupa ce s-a terminat de updatat, luati launcherul acesta si il instalati in folderul unde aveti wowul
Probabil va tine 3-7 zile apoi bag live.

EN: Friday, 2 september, the cataclysm PTR (public test realm) realm will be launched. Until then you can create your PTR account here
You have 2 download options:
1. Download this torrent, it has the freakz launcher included, all you'll need to do is start wow_freakz.exe after it's completed
2. If you don't want/can't download the torrent, start launcher.exe from the wow folder. It will automatically update till the last version (it doesn't matter if it's a newer version). After it's completed, download this launcher and install it in your wow folder
It will probably last 3-7 days then we'll go live

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[Freakz owner]

Status: Offline
(since 08-02-2020 12:17)
Joined: Momentul zero
Posts: 33986, Topics: 1350
Location: localhost

Reputation: 6485.6
Votes: 829

Post Posted: 09-09-2011, 00:17:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stiu ca va intrebati cu totii cand dam drumul live. Initial am zis 3-7 zile, au trecut cele 7 zile si inca nu e live. Motivul e simplu si destul de evident: vroiam sa repar cat de cat bugurile majore. In mare parte am reusit. (da, stiu, mai sunt buguri la clase, e de asteptat, dar se poate da drumul live si cu ele)
Astfel spus, weekendul asta, daca nu apare alta problema grava, trecem live. Cand exact? Cel mai probabil duminica.

NU UITATI! Conturile banate vor fi STERSE. Daca vreti unban mai aveti timp astazi (vineri) sa donati

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