
[REJECTED] [Rare Elite]Dormus the Camel-Hoarder

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Post Posted: 02-10-2011, 22:54:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Dormus the Camel-Hoarder
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Nu este spawnat. Trebuie sa fie aici.
Dovada / Proof: Dormus the Camel-Hoarder: NPC-ul nu este spawnat nicaieri.

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Post Posted: 02-10-2011, 23:05:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu trebuie sa fie acolo

When you find the correct Mysterious Camel Figurine in Uldum, you get transported (after spending a few seconds in a Sandstorm) to the Steam Pools in Feralas, and receive the Dormus' Rage "debuff" that allows you to see this guy. If it ticks out, he "retreats" and you phase back into the normal Steam Pools.

First off, you'll see a bunch of camels in the area. These are neutral, have no drops, and just serve as "ambience" for the encounter IMO. Their only offensive ability is a basic melee attack, and shouldn't really pose a threat to an 85 even if you somehow pull one/some while fighting Dormus.

As for the big guy, he's got just over 271k HP and attacks primarily with Camel Smash for about 1.8k per hit. His attack speed is fairly fast, leading me to believe he dual wields those things. He also uses Spit (projectile) every 8-10 seconds that leaves Spit (puddle) on the ground at the location of impact. This is used 3 times at once, implying that this is actually used simultaneously by each of the camels he's holding (yes, he's holding two in his left hand somehow) rather than Dormus himself. This is both easy to avoid, and fairly weak...but can add up quickly if you don't pay attention.

When you engage, it's simply a matter of unloading on him and killing him before he kills you; don't hold back, because if he wins you have to go find another statue. If you're geared for at least heroic dungeons, you shouldn't have any problem at all even just killing him where he stands. If you're not 85 or undergeared, the keys to victory are staying out of the puddles (they'll do about 2.5-3k DPS on their own without resists) and making sure not to aggro other camels. If it gets dicy for whatever reason, Dormus is susceptible to pretty much every form of CC in the book that can affect humanoids. Beyond that, basic-level kiting should be enough to minimize his damage and earn the kill.

Fun facts:

The camels in the area have no nameplates. You simply can't make them visible at all.
These camels also seem to randomly die off every so often, being replaced by new ones.
When Dormus himself dies, he "drops" his 3 camels and they hang out around his corpse. You can attack them, and they won't attack back, evade, or pretty much even notice you're attacking them at all. You also can't see their nameplates either.
Dormus takes about 30-40 minutes to respawn. Prior to 4.1.0, it was possible to preserve Dormus' Rage by logging out to fight him multiple times for more mounts and trade them to party members who were present in the immediate area for the kill (albeit in a different phase). While this method of trading can still be done, logging out now removes the debuff so you can only kill him once.
Dormus drops no gold nor anything else other than the mount, so unless you possess the means to trade/sell it to others, there's really no reason to hunt for more than one statue per character.

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[Wish I had a Moonkin]

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Post Posted: 03-10-2011, 16:09:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

defapt acolo trebuie spawnat dar scriptul e mult mai complex, din cate retin se spawneaza de fiecare data cand un player este teleportat acolo si doar playerul il poate vedea pt ca are acel buff. in fine se poate rezolva foarte usor gen se spawneaza mobu si i se da un respawn time de cateva ore si asa se rezolva problema cu acel script.

btw: BUMP -

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Post Posted: 09-10-2011, 18:54:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Poate o sa-l adaugam candva cum trebuie, momentan nu.
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