
Retribution Paladin Guide

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 13:14:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Retribution Paladin is one of the most changed class(paladin in general).
They add to him a new resources bar, like the combo points one, named Holy Power.
This is generated by Crusader Strike.


I. Stats caps

Hit rating: 8% (960) - in order not to miss bosses (88lvl)
Expertise Rating: 26 (781), but you will use Seal of Truth glyph which gave you 10 expertise when you activate that seal

II. Stats priorities

Strenght > Hit cap > Expertise cap > Mastery > Critical Strike rating > Haste

III. Reforgings

In catacylsm, you can use reforging to change some useless stats in what you need. For exemple:
!If you don't have hit or expertise cap, you will reforge some stats!
In this patch, Mastery is better than Critical Strike rating, and Haste is useless, so reforge crit and haste intro mastery.


I. Talents:


II. Glyhps:

Prime Glyphs: Glyph of Seal of Truth ,
Glyph of Templar's Verdict , Glyph of Crusader Strike

Major Glyphs: Glyph of Hammer of Wrath , Glyph of Holy Wrath ,
Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader

Minor Glyphs: Glyph of Truth ,
Glyph of Righteousness ,
Glyph of Blessing of Might


I. Priorities:

Spells are divided in 2 categories:
-base spells which consists in Crusader's Strike, Templar's Verdict and Inquisition
-fillers(spells you use when the aboves are not available), those are Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism, Judgement and Holy Wrath.

Spell order in boss fight (single target):

Inquisition > Templar's Verdict > Hammer of Wrath > Crusader's Strike > Exorcism > Judgement > Holy Wrath

!You will use Exorcism only when you have Art of War buff (on your screen will appear some swords). This allows the spell to be casted instantly with no cost!
!I didn't put Consecration in priority list becuase it is the last, it costs a lot of mana and single target dmg is insignificant!

In AOE fights(like trash) you will use:

Inquisition > Templar's Verdict > Hammer of Wrath > Divine Storm > Holy Wrath > Consecration > Judgement > Exorcism

!I hope i will not see posts about why i put Hammer of Wrath there, when he is available only when the boss has 20% HP or why i start with Inquisition if i don't have Holy Power.

II. Cooldown:

In cataclysm, retribution paladin has 2 new DPS Buffs, Zealotry(only retri spec) and Guardian of Ancient Kings which has different effects for every paladin's spec.

Those buffs will be given in this way:
-Guardian of Ancient Kings (5 mins cooldown) - This spell summons a pet which attacks the target and at every attack it stacks 20 strenght on you ( this is pet and take in consideration Bloodlust/Heroism/Timewarp), and yes, this is the first cooldown you'll give, after this ends, you'll give
-Zealotry & Avenging Wrath will be both used at the beggining.

III. Seal & Buffs:


-Seal of Truth : Is the main dmg seal on single target
-Seal of Righteousness : Is the seal which, with the help of talent , will hit 3 targets at the same time.

!The rest of seals won't help you in PvE as a ret pala!


-Blessing of Might - A wisdom combined with the old AP increase aura
-Blessing of Kings - Now only 5% and no spirit, and it doesn't stack with Mark of the Wild and Embrace of the Shale Spider

In cataclysm you have only 2 buffs to ease the job (they stack on the whole raid, in order not to stay after fools that don't give buffs)

Enchants, Gems & Consumables

I. Enchants:

Head - Arcanum of the Wildhammer , Arcanum of the Dragonmaw
Shoulder - Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone
Back - Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike
Chest - Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Major Strength
Hands - Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strenght
Legs - Dragonscale Leg Armor
Boots - Enchant Boots - Mastery
Weapon - Enchant Weapon - Landslide

II. Gems:

Red - Bold Inferno Ruby
Yellow - Skillful Ember Topaz
Blue - EtchedDemonseye
Meta-gem - Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond

!Use Yellow and Blue sockets if only worth the bonus, like giving strenght or mastery!

III. Consumables:

Food: Fortune Cookie or Beer-Basted Crocolisk
Flask: Flask of Titanic Strenght
Potion: Golemblood Potion


These are the bonuses that proffesions give you.

Alchemy: 80 Strenght at Flask of Titanic Strenght and increased Duration

Blacksmithing: 2 extra sockets

Enchanting: Ring Enchants

Engineering: 480 Strenght for 10 seconds (1 min cooldwown)

Inscription: Lionsmane Inscription: 130 Strenght and 25 Critical strike rating

Tailoring: Swordguard Embroidery - 1000 AP for 15 seconds (45 secs cooldown)

Herbalism: Lifeblood: 480 haste for 20 seconds (2 min Cooldown)

Mining: 120 stamina

Skinning: 80 Critical Strike Rating

BiS Gear List

I hope this will help you (+rep if you liked it)

Originally wrote by Sunsorrow.

I r Defectt ! :taz:
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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 13:24:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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