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Author Message716


Status: Offline
(since 25-03-2015 10:05)
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
Posts: 2997, Topics: 101
Location: Romania

Reputation: 318
Votes: 107

Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 17:53:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

V-am mai spus sa aveti grija cum vorbiti pe amx_chat. E valabil pentru toate sin-urile.

(103 ) L 11/04/2011 - 00:22:00: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<14765><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"

(77 ) L 11/04/2011 - 00:17:52: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<14765><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "cu te spurca kkti destia de n-au c manca"

(258 ) L 11/04/2011 - 01:16:56: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<15645><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "f coitzaaa --"

(964 ) L 11/04/2011 - 06:43:31: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<18><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "u un kkt cu speed"

(966 ) L 11/04/2011 - 06:43:47: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<18><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "kt pierdui ip=u"

(1162 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1163 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1164 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1165 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1166 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1167 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1168 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1169 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1170 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1171 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1172 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1173 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:04: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1174 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1175 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1176 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1177 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1178 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1179 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1180 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:05: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1181 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1182 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1183 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1184 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1185 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1186 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1187 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1188 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1189 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1190 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1191 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1192 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1193 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1194 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1195 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1196 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1197 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1198 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1199 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1200 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1201 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1202 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1203 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1204 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1205 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1206 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1207 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1208 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1209 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1210 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1211 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1212 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1213 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1214 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:07: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1215 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1216 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1217 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1218 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1219 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1220 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1221 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1222 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1223 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1224 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1225 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1226 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1227 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1228 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1229 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1230 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1231 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1232 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1233 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1234 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1235 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1236 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1237 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1238 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1239 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1240 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1241 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1242 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1243 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1244 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1245 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:09: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1246 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1247 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1248 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1249 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1250 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1251 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1252 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1253 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1254 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1255 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1256 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1257 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pentru a reclama un CODAT, folositi comanda amx_page + mesaj in consola!"
(1258 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Pastrati un vocabular decent !!"
(1259 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "Spec In or Out !"
(1260 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:20: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1261 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:21: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1262 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:21: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1263 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:22: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1264 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:22: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1265 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:22: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1266 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:22: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1267 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:23: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1268 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:23: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1269 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:24: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1270 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:24: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1271 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:24: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1272 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:24: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1273 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:25: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1274 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:25: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1275 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:25: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1276 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:25: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1277 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:26: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1278 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:26: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1279 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:26: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1280 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:26: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1281 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:27: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1282 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:27: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1283 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:27: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1284 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:28: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1285 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:29: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1286 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:30: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1287 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:30: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1288 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:31: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1289 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:31: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1290 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:31: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1291 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:32: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1292 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:32: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1293 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:32: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1294 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:32: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1295 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:32: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1296 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:33: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1297 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:33: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1298 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1299 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1300 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1301 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1302 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1303 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:34: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1304 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:38: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1305 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:40: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1306 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:41: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1307 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:41: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1308 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:42: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1309 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:42: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1310 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:42: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1311 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:42: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1312 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:43: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1313 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:43: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1314 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:43: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1315 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:43: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1316 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:43: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1317 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:44: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1318 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:44: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1319 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:44: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1320 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:47: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1321 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:48: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1322 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:48: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1323 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:48: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1324 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:48: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1325 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:49: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1326 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:49: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1327 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:49: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1328 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:49: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1329 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:50: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"
(1330 ) L 11/04/2011 - 07:57:50: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" slap with 0 damage "-pSk-<2><STEAM_ID_LAN><>"

(1370 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:04:04: [admin.amxx] Login: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" became an admin (account "-pSk-") (access "bcefij") (address "")
(1371 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:06:47: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "dekt lame sau kick"
(1372 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:06:55: [admincmd.amxx] Kick: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" kick "WwW.CsBesTiaL.CoM-Classic<14><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" (reason "")
(1373 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:07:06: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "dekt lame sau kick "
(1374 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:07:10: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "dekt lame sau kick "
(1375 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:07:11: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "dekt lame sau kick "
(1376 ) L 11/04/2011 - 09:07:11: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<12><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" tsay "dekt lame sau kick "

(625 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:10:35: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "doare knd joci ?-"
(628 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:10:57: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "pizdosu meu unde e ?-"

(693 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:23:03: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "ma mai uit dak vezi cva imi zici"
(694 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:23:47: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "kte winuri are brutus asta"
(695 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:23:50: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "e nou pe sv nu ?"
(696 ) L 11/05/2011 - 04:24:26: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<11965><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "crek are wall sa vezi c ban ii *** -"

(3474 ) L 11/06/2011 - 20:01:35: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "-pSk-<17356><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" chat "mktn cf coae ?-"

pSk ban 10.000 si acces scos pentru comportament de admin exemplar. Btw, ce e mai sus e doar din 2 log-uri.

Posturi unite automat, 06-11-2011, 17:53:08

L 11/06/2011 - 20:23:44: [admin.amxx] Login: "Swampi<17978><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" became an admin (account "Swampi") (access "abcdefhijmnp") (address "")
L 11/06/2011 - 20:23:57: [admincmd.amxx] Cmd: "Swampi<17978><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" unban ""
L 11/06/2011 - 20:24:08: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "mKTn<17769><STEAM_0:1:14365771><>" chat "cine este?"
L 11/06/2011 - 20:24:11: [admin.amxx] Login: "-pSk-<17982><STEAM_ID_LAN><>" became an admin (account "-pSk-") (access "bcefij") (address "")

Swampi explica-mi asta te rog. Ai si tu accesul suspendat pana una alta.

Last edited by klesk on 06-11-2011, 19:31:07; edited 2 times in total
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[Banned user]


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(since 06-11-2011 17:07)
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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 18:44:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu l-am rugat pe Swampi sa mi-l scoata pt k pretena ta era cam crizata si a inceput sa dea kick'uri si ban'uri in stanga si in dreapta si vroiam sa vb cu ea .....motivu pt care am luat ban k stateam spec si nu ii convenea ei ..iti dai seama!!! Dosent Matter (am fost admin si stateam spec sa ma uit pe jucatori sa nu fie vro prob ,k ii se nazareste ei cik"ocupati sloturile aiurea " ) ... - ...asta o pot dovedii..30 de playeri kre erau la joc repet Swampi nu are nici o vina luati'mi mie adminu rog banu nu are nici un rost da fie ! Si ink cva "coae" e un cuvant baietzesc ... a.k.a frate (coae) ..esti crescut sub sifonier ? iesi si u afara COAE ..fa-ti nijte prieteni - si invatzo pe tov ta sa numai fie tare aja in cleantza si sa lase arfele alea k nu ma impresioneaza cu nimik .!. ... NU-TI convine cva ... imi dai Pm si o sa iti dau id-u meu si lamurim c mai este -

Last edited by psk on 06-11-2011, 19:01:52; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 19:00:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu dadeam banurile alea printre care si tie, credeam ca se intelege din moment ce am pus si la motiv asta, probabil a fost greu de observat..

Nu e vorba doar despre cuvantul coae in postul de mai sus si te rog sa nu iti mai dai cu parerea despre mine daca nu ma cunosti, da?

Last edited by klesk on 06-11-2011, 19:15:16; edited 1 time in total
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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 19:06:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Da nici nu vreau sa te cunosc draga... - Rezolva cu Swampi ma repet a 3-a oara aiurea k sa itelegi si u ! Nu are nici o trb eu l-am rugat sa mi-l scoata pt k stiam k nu e nici un motiv intemeiat pt care a fost dat ! dak era cva grav stateam alea 100 de min si terminam povestea - ..dar dak am stat spek si ocup slotu degeaba asta e un motiv KKT ! am vrut doar sa iau legatura cu tn si sa lamurim situatia intelegi u ? dar poate a fost greu sa tragi o concluzie .... -
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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 19:07:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hai zbori.
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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 19:08:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

klesk wrote:
Swampi explica-mi asta te rog. Ai si tu accesul suspendat pana una alta.

Prea multe nu ar fi de explicat , nici nu vreau sã-mi caut scuze .
-Psk- luase ban pe server ( eu nu eram pe server atunci ) ºi m-a rugat pe mess dacã pot sã-i scot ºi lui banul , ºi l-am scos . În momentul ãla vorbeam cu un rudele pe Skype ( webcam + microfon ) ºi nu am fost foarte atent sã vãd ce a facut .
Asta e , greºeala mea cã nu trebuia sã mã bag . Dacã îmi primesc adminul înapoi bine , dacã nu nu-i nici o supãrare . -

Când totul se duce pe p**a sa nu`ti para rau ca`ti pare bine!
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Post Posted: 06-11-2011, 19:31:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

O sa il primesti, next time mai citeste si pe forum..
In motivul banului scria si ca e de la mine, puteai sa-l intrebi.
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