
Ascendant Council [Normal] BoT

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Post Posted: 01-12-2011, 15:08:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Raid Setup (10 man):

2 Tanks
3 Healers

Raid Setup (25 man):

2 Tanks
5-6 Healers
17-18 DPS


This fight has 3 phases. Basically you get 2 of the 4 on each of the first 2 Phases, then all together as one entity as the final phase. Phase one is Fire (Ignacious) and Water (Feludius). They each have their abilities and you need to get them both as close to 25% as you can, because when one of them hits 25% they both despawn and the other 2 appear. So you need to either burn one to 30% then switch, or split dps and nuke them together making sure neither of them hits 25% before the other one.
The next two spawn, Earth (Terrastra) and Wind (Arion). These also have unique abilities and you also need to get them both as close to 25% as you can (together). Then you all get stunned and all 4 merge together into one entity, with a total health of the remaining health of the 4 adds. So if they were all on 25%, this boss would have 25%. This part is similar to putricide, in that theres an aoe that gets higher and higher aswell as expanding void zones you need to move out of and a couple of other abilities. So you need to have it start on as low as possible health.
Phase 1:

Ignacious does 3 abilities.
One: He puts a debuff on a random target dealing increasing fire damage. Magic, needs to be dispelled.
Two: Jumps on a random target then charges back the way he came from leaving a trail of fire and knocking back anyone he hits.
Three: Starts doing blast-wave style aoe every so often, interruptable. He casts a shield on himself before the aoe however that you need to break through.
Four: He does a frontal cone fire ability on the tank which does pretty high damage, and will likely kill any non-tank that gets in its path, so make sure to be behind the boss and tank it facing away from the raid.

Feludius also has 3 abilities:
One: He puts a debuff on a random target dealing increasing frost damage. Magic, needs to be dispelled.
Two: Throws random water bolts that if you get hit you get a debuff (Waterlogged) which can only be removed by walking into the fire trail the fire guy leaves. If you get glaciate while you have this debuff you will get frozen and take a very huge amount of damage which will either result in your death or you being hated by your healers.
Three: Casts a spell called Glaciate which will 1 shot anyone within melee range, so run away when he casts that then back in after.
Four: Casts a random target frostbolt for very high damage, interruptable!

Basically dps them both down to about 28%, then nuke both together getting them as low as you can before they despwan (which happens when one of them reaches 25%).
We had melee on Ignacious and ranged on Feludius so melee didnt have to move from Glaciate and melee were there to break the shield on the fire one. Got them both to 25% at the same time, phase 2 starts.
Phase 2:

Terrastra also has 3 abilities:
One: Makes spikes come out the ground every so often, knocks you in the air and does damage.
Two: Spawns a void zone that pulls you to the center of it and gives you the "Grounded" debuff if you enter it.
Three: Quake. Will one shot anyone without the Tornado debuff.
Four: Will cast a buff on himself which gives a large damage increase for the boss and absorbs a lot of damage taken for quite a long time. Interruptable, and you really need to interrupt it!

Arion also has 3 abilities:
One: Puts a yellow mark above someones head then a few seconds later chain lightnings them for high damage if it jumps.
Two: Spawns a tornado that moves around the room. Will give you a debuff if you enter it that acts like levitate.
Three: Thundershock. Will one shot anyone without the Grounded debuff.
Four: Blinks to a random location around the room every so often.

Basically dps splits again, we had melee on Terrastra and ranged on Arion as Arion moves around alot. It alternates in the abilities, starting with Quake and then Thundershock etc, so everyone gets the required debuff waits till the big ability then gets the next debuff to counter the next one. The main thing that can cause silly deaths is people not moving with chain lightning mark - you get a yellow arrow above your head and a debuff called Lightning Rod, and after a few seconds you will be shot. Make sure to get away from people if you get targetted. Very simple once you get the hang of it, rince and repeat until they are both at 25% then phase 3 begins.
Phase 3:

The 4 adds merge into one big one, Elementium Monstrosoty, and he is tanked and moved in a circle around the edge of the room as ranged dps from the center. He keeps spawning these pools that grow so stay out of them, and kill him before his aoe gets too high that its unhealable. It is best to save bloodlust for this phase.
The best way is to have all ranged in the middle and move him around the outer edge of the room so ranged dont have to move and can just sit there and nuke as much as they can.
He also does a random fire bomb ability that hits everyone in the room for light damage, just makes it a bit harder to heal. Spawns blobs of glowing stuff on the floor so the closer you are to that you are that the more damage you take so just move if they land near you.

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(since 21-04-2018 00:56)
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Post Posted: 01-12-2011, 15:37:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Add some links + images in order to make it look like a proper guide, what youve done here can be done by anyone in less than 2 mins.
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