
Reclamatie quit

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(since 27-09-2017 19:00)
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Post Posted: 08-12-2011, 23:55:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Numele tau PU13|V|45T3|2_
- Numele adminului reclamat QUIT *
- Harta, ora si data faptei reclamate ACUM 5 MINUTE PE DE_DUST
- Motivul / Regula incalcata GAG PE GRATIS
- Dovada, un screenshot sau un fragment din consola
- IP-ul tau / SteamID-ul tau IP DINAMIC.


asdew. killed Dadu with m4a1
*** romantiQ killed s4rp3 with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** altnick killed eFecT with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** altnick killed Runner with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** altnick killed PIRANIA with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** asdew. killed Schumy with a headshot from deagle ***
*** altnick killed Nek with a headshot from ak47 ***

wlF killed GreenSmoke with ak47
(Counter-Terrorist) PU13|V|45T3|2__ : m-ai blocat si pe mine si inca unu

*** wlF killed romantiQ with a headshot from ak47 ***
asdew. killed wlF with deagle
asdew. killed TeRRoR with deagle
*** NIKI killed asdew. with a headshot from m4a1 ***
[RLZ AMXX] Tu tocmai ti-ai resetat scorul.
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : /rs

wlF : cu aimu lor cu tot

Bine ai venit pe - - Reinventam Cstrike ul
Schumy : scz nu team vazut

[GAG] Jucatorul PIRANIA a primit mut pentru 5 minute datorita limbajului.
*** altnick killed PU13|V|45T3|2__ with a headshot from ak47 ***
John dropped
(Counter-Terrorist) s4rp3 : pu, te poti adresa mai civilizat ... te rog?

Runner : da l afara

*** The/Gun* killed cryss with a headshot from m4a1 ***
[RESPAWN] Concurs top10 detalii pe forum
John dropped
* Killed by altnick with ak47 @ 19.m (48hp, 92ap) >> head: 1
*** altnick killed wlF with a headshot from ak47 ***
John dropped
Nek killed nox with m4a1
John dropped
* You hit altnick 2 time(s), 52 damage >> leftarm: 1 rightarm: 1
*** asdew. killed Nek with a headshot from m4a1 *** killed TeRRoR with ak47
*** altnick killed eFecT with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** PIRANIA killed with a headshot from m4a1 ***
asdew. killed PIRANIA with m4a1
zip killed Dadu with ak47
asdew. killed Runner with m4a1
quiT 5* is joining the Terrorist force
*** altnick killed s4rp3 with a headshot from ak47 ***
Schumy : si nu ma mai face ratat ca eu nu am vb urat cu nt

The/Gun* killed asdew. with m4a1
*** romantiQ killed NIKI with a headshot from ak47 ***
(Counter-Terrorist) PU13|V|45T3|2__ : tu vezi ca ai vreo 2 aimeri

(Counter-Terrorist) PU13|V|45T3|2__ : pe server

TeRRoR dropped
TeRRoR has left the game
*** altnick killed Schumy with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** GreenSmoke killed The/Gun* with a headshot from ak47 ***
wlF killed altnick with ak47
[RLZ AMXX] Tu tocmai ti-ai resetat scorul.
*** PIRANIA killed flish with a headshot from m4a1 *** killed Runner with ak47
*** wlF killed with a headshot from ak47 ***
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : /rs

*** zip killed PIRANIA with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** GreenSmoke killed wlF with a headshot from ak47 ***
PIRANIA dropped
PIRANIA has left the game
romantiQ killed Dadu with ak47
(Counter-Terrorist) Schumy : cn eu

romantiQ killed Schumy with ak47
(PLAYER) PU13|V|45T3|2__ : pe altnick ala
krT# connected
romantiQ killed The/Gun* with ak47
*** romantiQ killed NIKI with a headshot from ak47 ***
(PLAYER) PU13|V|45T3|2__ : are aim sigur
krT# is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Runner killed romantiQ with ak47
zip killed Runner with ak47
Nek killed zip with awp
Nek killed nox with awp
quiT 5* : pu13 ai mai invatat cs ?

buzitza* dropped
wlF killed asdew. with ak47
eFecT overflowed
eFecT has left the game
nox died
nox is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
buzitza* connected
s4rp3 : /spec
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : mai apesi f12?

krT# : re all
quiT 5* : zi ma -

buzitza* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
paul dropped
quiT 5* : serios -

[GAG] Jucatorul buzitza* are voie sa vorbeasca.
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : da ma serios

zip killed Nek with ak47
The/Gun* killed asdew. with m4a1
*** altnick killed The/Gun* with a headshot from ak47 ***
zip killed Schumy with ak47
*** altnick killed wlF with a headshot from ak47 ***
zip killed NIKI with ak47
<<ADU>> dropped
krT# killed with m4a1
altnick killed Runner with ak47
*** altnick killed krT# with a headshot from ak47 ***
[RESPAWN] Pentru a reclama un codat foloseste say_team@ mesaj
Schumy dropped
Schumy has left the game
*** flish killed Dadu with a headshot from ak47 ***
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : mai apesi f12?

Schumy connected
Runner : /rs

Respawn.Freakz.Ro dropped
Respawn.Freakz.Ro has left the game
Schumy is joining the Terrorist force
<<ADU>> connected
*** flish killed nox with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** Nek killed flish with a headshot from m4a1 ***
romantiQ killed buzitza* with ak47
quiT 5* : eu te`am intreabt primul

*** PU13|V|45T3|2__ killed raulik with a headshot from ak47 ***
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : eu sunt sefu tau

<<ADU>> is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** romantiQ killed The/Gun* with a headshot from ak47 ***
PU13|V|45T3|2__ killed cryss with ak47
PU13|V|45T3|2__ : tu raspunzi primu : /rs

*** PU13|V|45T3|2__ killed asdew. with a headshot from ak47 ***
taifun killed Runner with m4a1
ADMIN s4rp3 : exterminated altnick
krT# killed zip with m4a1
romantiQ killed krT# with ak47

Respawn.Freakz.Ro dropped
PU13|V|45T3|2__ killed GreenSmoke with ak47
PU13|V|45T3|2__ killed taifun with ak47
*** killed Nek with a headshot from ak47 ***
krT# : asa

nox : /awpa

romantiQ killed The/Gun* with ak47
*** romantiQ killed wlF with a headshot from ak47 ***
[GAG] Jucatorul PU13|V|45T3|2__ a primit mut de la adminul quiT 5* pentru 10 minute.

quiT 5* : cine e sefu ?

Era ala cu aim, l-am reportat, intr-un final s-a pus sarpe spectator si l-a banat, cum m-a vazut minic**ul quit pe server, a inceput sa-mi sufere ca un pusti ce este, dupa ce i-am suferit si eu inapoi, mi-a dat gag, ca o fetita ce este. N-am nimic cu sarpe, omu si-a facut intotdeauna datoria, quit e ala care trebuie sa-si vada de treaba lui, si daca incepe cu suferinta sa nu apeleze la admin cand i se raspunde cu aceasi moneda.

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education
dr. Martin Luther King jr.
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Post Posted: 09-12-2011, 01:29:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Asteptam si parerea lui quit. Sa vedem ce are si el de zis !!!

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 24-12-2012 19:14)
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Post Posted: 09-12-2011, 10:51:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

sufar ca o fetitza?-) u faci reclamatie pt gag ? - care l`ai meritat .. ca esti sef - pe serv ?-) sharpe era dinainte spectator... faceam cu skimbul ... la codati nu avea rost sa ma bag si eu daca deja se bagase el pt ala - asa ca numai te agita atat ca poate ti se sparge vena pe gat -)daca nu sti care e treaba pe serv... numai te baga aiurea - sefule - prof poti sa il intrebi si pe sharpe daca nu ai incredere - ++ Counter-Terrorist) s4rp3 : pu13, te poti adresa mai civilizat te rog?
deci .. esti prea sef u pe serv nebunule - SaLuT

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Post Posted: 09-12-2011, 13:56:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PU13|V|45T3|2__ : eu sunt sefu tau

Iti garantez eu ca nu esti seful nimanui pe server - iar comportamentul tau nu da dovada de nimic credema,incearca sa fi si tu mai calm,din cate am vazut te certi cu toata lumea pe server -

Cu stima ! -
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[Respawn.Freakz.Ro ]

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Post Posted: 09-12-2011, 15:24:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Pu13 nu mau suferi atata ca nai de ce crede ai face bn sa te potolesti dak mai vrei sa ai "intrare" pe acest sv.

Si dak ai avea putina personalitate nu ti ai mai sch nickul ala de la o zi la alta....

Posturi unite automat, 09-12-2011, 15:24:55

Ps : ai vz cum este afisat in multe cluburi sau baruri??Propietarul isi rezerva dreptul de asi alege clientela asa si aici prima abatere nu mai ai ce cauta pe acest sv.

Va rog ajutati serverul cu un vot aici>
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-12-2011, 16:29:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

foarte multe insulte si foarta multa "nervozitate" din partea acestui individ.......quit intotdeauna si-a facut treaba corect .
ca dovada despre limbajul "atotstiutorului" - ,
Cam asta spune tot..

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