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Reclamatie admin blue !
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[Mentally Stable]
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(since 22-06-2012 16:41)
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Posted: 21-12-2011, 12:08:31
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Numele adminului : Blue ti-o da !
data: 20.12.2011
motivul: Schimba harta inainte sa se termine runda desi eram eu (Leon) pe server, da gag aiurea, eu ptr asa ceva am primit 1 warn sa vedem ce se va intampla si cu el !!!! SA se citeasca toata conversatia !
SiN iNFO -> Cereri slot/admin pe forum: ->
* Choosing finished. The nextmap will be de_westwood
*DEAD* -sEnSaTIoN : /result
*DEAD* Denysa*_* : 35
Dobermann is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* MMbo$s : ooo DA
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : aaaaa
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ :
*DEAD* -sEnSaTIoN : de westood a iesti
*DEAD* Spooky : nu ww
Spooky dropped
Spooky has left the game
*DEAD* ^A.b^ : /timeleft
Time Left: 1:06
*DEAD* ^Ab^ : timeleft
*DEAD* -sEnSaTIoN : last?
Spooky has left; 35hp_2house is no longer nominated
KID (RADIO): I'm at the bomb target.
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /resetscore
KID (RADIO): Attempting to bomb plant.
* Password accepted
* Privileges set
Server # 159
Invalid file type...skipping download of sound\snd\r.mp3
Leon connected
Couldn't open file overviews/de_westwood.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/de_westwood.txt. Using default values fr overiew mode.
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Leon is joining the Terrorist force
(SiNNERS) Leon : blue
(SiNNERS) Leon : blue
*** best killed Adrian[x] with a headshot from deagle ***
[SiN iNFO] Ai imunitate la ping checker.
(SiNNERS) Leon : dc nu lasi runda sa se termine?
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : ?
mafia (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SiN iNFO -> Welcome to sin.freakz.ro ! nJoy your stay !
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed Dobermann with a headshot from usp ***
SiN iNFO -> Time Left: 34:45 min. Next Map de_tuscan.
SiN iNFO -> Leon's rank: [ 12788 ] of [ 13206 ] level [ SiNNER ]
s@c@lu killed MMbo$s with deagle
(SiNNERS) Leon : dc nu lasi runda sa se termine?
^Ursuletu^ connected
RIPbmw325turbo killed TuRRis with deagle
*** ^A.b^ killed KID with a headshot from deagle ***
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 30 secunde.
^Ursuletu^ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : nu mai avea ce sa faca,era singur si era x2 si erau 3 t
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : logic,)
-sEnSaTIoN killed LSDwith usp
SiN iNFO -> Cereri slot/admin pe forum: ->
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 20 secunde.
(Terrorist) RIPbmw325turbo : /me
*DEAD* TuRRis : /r/esetscore
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed pixeyy with a headshot from usp ***
*DEAD* TuRRis : de ce nu ai lasat runda
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /resetscore
(PLAYER) KID : ab aim
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 10 secunde.
*DEAD* TuRRis : pt cfe esti admin?
*DEAD* TuRRis : vrei remove?
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 5 secunde.
blue:| ti-o da : termini?
*** Denys*_* killed s@c@lu with a headshot from usp ***
Doctoru` dropped
Doctoru` has left the game
mafia (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 4 secunde.
RIPbmw325turbo :
"sv_restartround" changed to "3"
"sv_restartround" changed to "0"
The game will restart in 3 SECONDS
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 3 secunde.
(SiNNERS) Leon : lasa runda sa se termine ok?
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 2 secunde.
SiN iNFO -> Restart Live in 1 secunda.
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /admin
SiNNER blue:| ti-o da: Has gaged TuRRis from speaking for 10 minutes! (say / say_team / voicecomm)
] amx_ungag turis
Client with that name or userid not found
KID killed mafia with usp
(SiNNERS) Leon : lasa runda sa se termine ok?
*** pixeyy killed max3semne with a headshot from usp ***
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed blue:| ti-o da with a headshot from usp ***
TuRRis killed KID with deagle
SiN iNFO -> Jocul este Live. Hf.
SiN iNFO -> Round: 1 Current Map: de_westwood
] amx_ungag turris
SiN iNFO -> Folositi /server pentru a face switch itre servere.
mafia (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
You have ungagged "TuRRis" !
^Ursuletu^ killed TuRRis with usp
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : da ma bine,stati si pierdeti timp de pomana,cand stii ca nu ia runda ct
*** ^A.b^ killed LSD with a headshot from deagle ***
RIPbmw325turbo (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
^Ursuletu^ killed RIPbmw325turbo with usp
(SiNNERS) eps : nu trb sa ii dai gag
MMbo$s : /me
SiNNER Leon: Has ungagged TuRRis.
eps killed Adrian[x] with deagle
mafia is joining the Counter-Terrorist fore
SiNNER blue:| ti-o da: Has gagged TuRRis from speaking for 10 minutes! (say / say_team / voicecomm)
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : e decizia mea
Leon : de ce ii dai gag ma?
best killed Dobermann with deagle
(SiNNERS) Leon : ba nu ai ptr ce
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
m[K]AltairAS connected
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : lasa-i gag
s@c@lu killed ^Ursuletu^ with glock18
(SiNNERS) Leon : si lasa gura
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Strike is joining the Trrorist force
*** ^A.b^ killed Denysa*_* with a headshot from deagle ***
m[K]AltairAS is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* Adrian[x] : ah
SiN iNFO -> Scrie: radio ca sa vezi lista de radiouri.
(SiNNERS) Leon : ba nu ai ptr ce
*DEAD* RIPbmw325turbo : ca sa taca
] amx_ungag turris
(SiNNERS) Leon : si lasa gura
You have ungagged "TuRRis" !
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /rs
m[K]AltairAS dropped
m[K]AltairAS has left the game
-sEnSaTIoN killed MMbo$s with usp
(PLAYER) TuRRis : nu ai pt ce
(SiNNERS) blue:| t-o da : ba
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SiNNER Leon: Has ungagged TuRRis.
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /resetscore
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : mi-a zis remove admin
(PLAYER) TuRRis : mz leon
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : c-ami da remove admin
MoTaNNNeL dropped
Leon : a zis ca vrei remove?
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : e decizia mea.ma ameninta asta
Welcome to sin2.freakz.ro | Sinnerz Lair -- kill or be killed !
*DEAD* Strike : vreau sa o *** pe inna
s@c@lu killed pixeyy with glock18
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /esetscore
Leon : si nu a vb urat
*DEAD* RIPbmw325turbo :
SiN iNFO -> Scrie: ts3 pentru a te conecta la serverul de TeamSpeak3.
Leon : lasa asa cum fac eu sunt mai mare si faci ce zic eu ai inteles?
*DEAD* RIPbmw325turbo : pai sa se joace, sa nu inceapa cu amenintari ...
SiN iNFO -> Round: 2 Current Map: de_westwood
s@c@lu killed pixeyy with ak47
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed Adrian[x] with a headshot from ak47 ***
(PLAYER) TuRRis : Poi pt ca nu stie sa foloseasca amdinu ., ce e asta schimba harta and vrea el?
RIPbmw325turbo killed ^Ursuletu^ with ak47
-sEnSaTIoN killed LSD with ak47
RIPbmw325turbo killed Denysa*_* with ak47
Leon : turris lasa gura
*** Strike killed Dobermann with a headshot from ak47 ***
K1ler connected
best killed blue:| ti-o da with ak47
-sEnSaTIoN (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
K1ler is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
KID killed RIPbmw325turbo with deagle
Strike killed KID with ak47
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed mafia with a headshot from ak47 ***
TuRRis : ok
Leon : si are drepotte lasa runda sa se term,ine
Strike killed MMbo$s with ak47
SiN iNFO -> Folositi amx_page in consola pentru a reclama codati.
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /resetscore
Leon : nu schimb eu si schimbi u?>
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : ba mai termina
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : ce grad ai leon ?
The time: 12/21/2011 - 11:35:19
*DEAD* RIPbmw325turbo : thetime
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /resetscore
Devils of SiN.freakz.RO : Closed, raZna, klesk, SeaGer, closer, TrAn$lUcEnT, gBr
^A.b^ killed ^Ursuletu^ with ak47
SiN iNFO -> Round 3 Current Map: de_westwood
Leon killed KID with deagle
Leon : sinner
^Ursuletu^ : a
-sEnSaTIoN (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SiN iNFO -> Adaugati serverul la Favorite: sin2.freakz.ro
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed Adrian[x] with a headshot from ak47 ***
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /rs
-sEnSaTIoN killed Denysa*_* with ak47
TuRRis (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed MMbo$s with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : rankstats
Dobermann killed max3semne with fama
RIPbmw325turbo killed Dobermann with ak47
max3semne (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
best killed LSD with ak47
*** blue:| ti-o da killed best with a headshot from deagle ***
pixeyy killed Leon with usp
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed K1ler with a headshot from ak47 ***
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
^Ursuletu^ dropped
^Ursuletu^ has left the game
*DEAD* ^Ursuletu^ : /rankstats
*** ^A.b^ killed blue:| ti-o da with a headshot from ak47 ***
K1ler dropped
K1ler has left the game
max3semne (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Terorist) RIPbmw325turbo : /me
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /resetscore
(SiNNERS) Leon : blue am impresia ca vrei sa ramai la stadiul de acolyte
*DEAD* best : asa blue:))
s@c@lu (RADIO): I'm at the bomb target.
s@c@lu (RADIO): Attempting to bomb plant.
s@c@lu (RADIO): Cover Me!
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed mafia with a headshot from ak47 ***
pixeyy killed Strike with usp
*DEAD* best : gg
(SiNNERS) Leon : lasa gura ca e mai bne ,) prieteneste iti zic
(SiNNERS) Leon : blue am impresia ca vrei sa ramai la stadiul deacolyte
s@c@lu killed pixeyy with ak47
s@c@lu (RADIO): Bomb has been planted.
SiN iNFO -> Vizitati ->
pentru cereri admine trial [minim 20 ore pe se
(SiNNERS) Leon : lasa gura ca e mai bne ,) prieteneste iti zic
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : ma ameninti sau ce?
(SiNNERS) Leon : nu iti dau un sfat,)
TuRRis (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
PTB: Transfering -sEnSaTIoN to the CTs
*** ^A.b^ killed Denysa*_* with a headshot from ak47 ****** ^A.b^ killed Dobermann with a headshot from ak47 ***
^A.b^ dropped
^A.b^ has left the game
*** best killed Adrian[x] with a headshot from
RIPbmw325turbo killed KID with ak47
SiN iNFO -> Round: 4 Current Map: de_westwood
Welcome to sin2.freakz.ro | Sinnerz Lair -- kill or be killed !
(SiNNERS) Leon : nu iti dau un sfat,)
TuRRis killed pixeyy with ak47
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
You have gagged "Denysa*_*" (say / say_team / voicecomm) !
(SiNNERS blue:| ti-o da : da bine,nu mai imi zi ca stiu.
Leon killed mafia with ak47
SiN iNFO -> Folositi : /rank , /top15 , /hp pentru statistici.
*DEAD* Denysa*_* : cod
-sEnSaTIoN killed Leon with awp
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
SiNNER Leon: Has gagged Denysa*_* from speaking for 10 minutes! (say / say_team / voicecomm)
RIPbmw325turbo : da
s@c@lu killed MMbo$s with grenade
MMbo$s : /me
RIPbmw325turbo : asa i
(SiNNERS) Leon : ii l-ai dat degeaba
MMbo$s is joining the Terrorist force
(SiNNERS) lue:| ti-o da : si daca eu decid sa dau un gag,il dau,nu te mai baga peste mine,ca eu nu ma bag peste tine
bag peste tine
s@c@lu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** -sEnSaTIoN killed s@c@lu with a headshot from deagle ***
*DEAD* MMbo$s : /resetscore
(SiNNERS) Leon : ii l-ai dat degeaba
Strike (RADIO): Attempting to bomb plant.
-sEnSaTIoN killed TuRRis with awp
Strike (RADIO): I'm at the bomb target.
Strike (RADIO): Cover Me!
-sEnSaTIoN killed Strike with deagle
*** best killed -sEnSaTIoN with a headshot rom
RIPbmw325turbo (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Eu cand vreau sa fluier.....fluier !!!
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(since 09-05-2014 11:56)
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Posted: 21-12-2011, 12:17:49
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Leon,am impresia ca tea deranjat mai mult faptul ca sa luat cu tine in gura decat ca a schimbat harta.
Reclamatie facuta degeaba
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(since 28-08-2015 17:23)
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Posted: 21-12-2011, 12:20:54
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Asa,era dust 2,era ultima runda si intra harta,era un singur ct cu 60
cam asa,era x2,mergea walk,bmb era x1,erau 3 t in viata,si mai erau si aproximativ 20 sec pana sa bubuie bmb,si am schimbat harta,pentru ca se stia cine castiga,si ct nu mai avea timp sa dea defuse,si bubuia bmb,si am schimbat harta,si ala de era ct cand incepe runda pe harta urmatoare asta imi zice:
*DEAD* TuRRis : pt cfe esti admin?
*DEAD* TuRRis : vrei remove?
(SiNNERS) Leon : blue am impresia ca vrei sa ramai la stadiul de acolyte
SiN iNFO -> Vizitati ->
pentru cereri admine trial [minim 20 ore pe se
(SiNNERS) Leon : lasa gura ca e mai bne ,) prieteneste iti zic
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : ma ameninti sau ce?
(SiNNERS) blue:| ti-o da : da bine,nu mai imi zi ca stiu.
Asa,asteptam.l-am intrebat si pe eps.daca merita gag,si merita!!,da sa mi se dea un warn daca am gresit!!
Astept sa vad ce zice un owner!,Multumesc
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(since 28-09-2019 08:12)
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sat Bucuresti, comuna Romania :)
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Posted: 21-12-2011, 19:24:29
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reclamatie aiurea...
Leon vezi ca esti pasibil de un al 2-lea warn...cu ce drept ai scos tu gagul acelui player?
ps: orice player ameninta aiurea cu prostii de genul la adresa unui admin poate sa primeasca direct ban...
Dimineata cand ma scol,
ma uit in TOP 300,
si daca nu ma gasesc pe acolo,
plec dreaq la munca...
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Locked by
, 21 December 2011 17:51
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