
Mindcontrol bug/exploit
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Post Posted: 17-12-2011, 22:02:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

e pe jumate bug pe jumate trick--. nush cum e pe retail sau care sunt diferentele de la un server retail si unul blizz dar cei drept nush ce sa zic pe deoparte e ciudat sai dai /walk pe de alta parte e normal findca tine de movement in orice caz eu nu stiam de bugu asta mam trezit cateodata cand ma bateam cu priesti ca aveam chestia asta nu stiam dc mam gandit ca e bug la schimbarea de la wotlk la cataclysm in orice caz cati playeri sunt care chiar au skill la o clasa tot cam atatia sunt sau mai bine zis erau care stiau de bugu asta in fine e abuz de "trick"sa zicem nu de exploit tre doar sa sti sa te feresti de asta dar unii priesti nu apuca sa dea mind control mai mult de o jumatate de secunda daca adversarul are status asemanator sau mai bun in fine deja am scris prea mult
+1 pentru fix

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[Salty M.]

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Post Posted: 20-12-2011, 01:40:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

peshte2 wrote:
in mind control nu poti umbla la detalii si la alte chestii ale jocului. ai control asupra caracterului sari, mergi. atat cei care spun k ii poti schimba detaliile la joc si chestii dastea nu au o trb q jocul nu mai comentati aiurea daca nu stiti ce face spelul...

te cam bate sarcasmul baietash.

legat de acest topic - pot spune k e funny chestia..n`am patit`o dar makr acum stiu sa`mi pun BIN pe /toggle move .K nici n`aveam


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-12-2011, 17:40:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pe bune baietash? comentezi aiurea....
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-12-2011, 17:52:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deci pana la urma "works as intended" nu?! daca o da exit game lo scoate pe ala din mind control ?! Surprise

Ete rahat , daca ne-am lua toti dupa copii am ajunge in gradinita , la 9.
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Post Posted: 24-12-2011, 18:12:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thunderstormm wrote:
Treaba se petrece atunci cand Priestul in cauza preia controlul asupra caracterului tau, si apasa "/" = Toggle Walk, si dupa ce se termina efectul MC-ului, ramai cu Toggle Walk. - Mechanics Mind Control.
Am gasit un post Trinity , issue report.
Mind control someone and use the toggle walk/run key, target is now in walk (PvP or PvE). You shouldn't be able to do this, in PvE the target will be fine and and move full speed again once MC is broken however in PvP the target will stay in walk mode, very confusing if they don't know whats happening.

Thunderstormm wrote:
Aduceti dovada de pe retail ca e normal cum e acum, un video sth.
Eu pe AT nu am vazut sa mearga nici Toggle Walk in Mind control, si in plus am si TrinityCore Issue Mind Control - Walk
Daca asa e normal, a dat failure Blizzardul. Atat timp cat nu precizeaza nicaieri ca asa ar trebui sa fie, iar pe Battle.Net , s-ar fi gasit un random sa intrebe, in schimb nu am gasit nimic
LE - Am urmarit cateva videos, nu ia niciunul Walk in Mindcontrol, sau nu il da priestul, also nu mentioneaza nimeni ca ii dai Mindcontrol si ii dai Toggle la Walk Mode.
Astept un asa-zis "video pro" de la oameni care au jucat pe retail si zic ca asa e normal. Sa poti sa ii dai toggle la walk mode in Mindcontrol.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-12-2011, 20:49:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

maine seara pun eu video de pe retail.... sa inchid gura tuturor exploiterilor care zic ca merge bine
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[Holy Sfant]

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Post Posted: 29-12-2011, 03:59:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

close topic plz treaba asta merge de cand e bagat mindcontrol la priest si pana pe cata=)) omfg ce nabzori
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Post Posted: 25-01-2012, 16:26:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Wickedfruit - Sylvanas EU
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-01-2012, 18:09:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

se mai intimpla sa iei critical error in timpul unui mind control... nu pot sa fac print screen pt ca te arunca complet din joc
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-01-2012, 22:02:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macar faceti Mindcontrol banabil in arene
Pentru ca prea se face exploit cu bugul asta

Adica eu inloc sa dau in healer cand il fugaresc stau sa apas tasta de toggle movment


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[Ne plus ultra]

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Post Posted: 25-01-2012, 22:22:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Darkwind wrote:
Macar faceti Mindcontrol banabil in arene
Pentru ca prea se face exploit cu bugul asta

Adica eu inloc sa dau in healer cand il fugaresc stau sa apas tasta de toggle movment


hey let me waste this 2 second cast so i can make him click a button that's not even on a gcd. derp

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-01-2012, 02:01:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've found that Mind Control has a lot more genuinely useful wide-ranging applications than what I've seen in Guides and on these comments, especially for PvP.

The situational application I've seen includes:
Forcing players to jump off cliffs (unusable on Mobs)
Controlling healer mobs to heal your party.
Preventing dangerous mobs using a spell in dungeons.
Applying dots then mind-controlling the mob until it dies.
But I've found a few uses in PvP that I think you'd all be very interested in:
Mind-controlling a player will force them to use their trinket (or suffer the duration of damage from your dots), giving you unpreventable access to Psychic Scream and Horror.
Healers in Battlegrounds can be taken out of the fight via Mind Control and in the situation they trinket out, you can again hold them down longer with Psychic Scream and Horror.
Tricky 1v1 fights with self-healing classes such as Paladins can be shortened quickly via Mind-Control, it's a far more effective form of CC...
... or in Arena situations, you can allow your partner to take out the other team's partner without interruption.
Despite the moderate casting time, you can open with Mind-Control in the same way a Mage would open with Polymorph, giving you the advantage of choosing when the fight starts (or even wasting their trinket).
Druids of course are an exception to these, since they can change forms and no longer be classed as "humanoid". (if they're smart at least, so don't ignore Mind-Control simply because they're Druids)

I'm still looking for more uses for Mind Control and I urge all Priests not to overlook it simply because it has no direct damaging effects or it's 3 second casting time.

Acolo e un bug... ca mam trezit in AB aruncat de zeci de ori de la Lumber Mill... cand eram in cat fom sau bear fom...

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[Big Booty Lover]

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Post Posted: 26-01-2012, 10:14:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

likeanu wrote:
I've found that Mind Control has a lot more genuinely useful wide-ranging applications than what I've seen in Guides and on these comments, especially for PvP.

The situational application I've seen includes:
Forcing players to jump off cliffs (unusable on Mobs)
Controlling healer mobs to heal your party.
Preventing dangerous mobs using a spell in dungeons.
Applying dots then mind-controlling the mob until it dies.
But I've found a few uses in PvP that I think you'd all be very interested in:
Mind-controlling a player will force them to use their trinket (or suffer the duration of damage from your dots), giving you unpreventable access to Psychic Scream and Horror.
Healers in Battlegrounds can be taken out of the fight via Mind Control and in the situation they trinket out, you can again hold them down longer with Psychic Scream and Horror.
Tricky 1v1 fights with self-healing classes such as Paladins can be shortened quickly via Mind-Control, it's a far more effective form of CC...
... or in Arena situations, you can allow your partner to take out the other team's partner without interruption.
Despite the moderate casting time, you can open with Mind-Control in the same way a Mage would open with Polymorph, giving you the advantage of choosing when the fight starts (or even wasting their trinket).
Druids of course are an exception to these, since they can change forms and no longer be classed as "humanoid". (if they're smart at least, so don't ignore Mind-Control simply because they're Druids)

I'm still looking for more uses for Mind Control and I urge all Priests not to overlook it simply because it has no direct damaging effects or it's 3 second casting time.

Acolo e un bug... ca mam trezit in AB aruncat de zeci de ori de la Lumber Mill... cand eram in cat fom sau bear fom...

Pe bune ? in cat/bear form aruncat din LM ? sigur nu era un shaman elemental pe langa tn si tu decat incerci sa ne irosesti timpul cu niste acuzatii nefondate ?

nu dati click >>> Scrubilicios <<<

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-01-2012, 20:58:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thunderstormm wrote:
Prietene, pentru mine care stiu ce se intampla, nu e. Dar pentru un healer care e pus sub presiune sau pentru un player aleatoriu care habar nu are ce il incetineste e.
Ganditi inainte sa postati un post doar pentru numar.

Un healer bun nu e clicker si garantat are binduri.Apasand butonul de walk,nu ia global cd,nu pierde mana, nu nimic.Gandeste inainte sa postezi doar pentru un numar.

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Post Posted: 01-02-2012, 20:46:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Wickedfruit - Sylvanas EU
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