
Unban je

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Author Message1245

[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 23-02-2012, 11:08:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[*] Nick: je
[*] Harta pe care s-a luat ban: fy_snow
[* Dovada:

Motiv: wall
Adminul care te-a banat: skyzz0r

[ONLY] Poza facut jucatorului "je" de admin "skyzz0r" (02/23/2012 - 10:56:40) **
You have no access to that command
[ONLY] Poza facut jucatorului "je" de admin "skyzz0r" (02/23/2012 - 10:56:41) **
You have no access to that command
[ONLY] Posteaza Pozele pe: pentru unban
*SPEC* je : vai
*** skyzz0r killed Pahar with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* je : m-ai prins
Mr.Who-TeG- is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*SPEC* je : id eu sau tu
(ALL) skyzz0r : dnd_sh63 2 min

skyzz0r killed Pahar with ak47
*SPEC* je : k
skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with ak47
Pentru a opri Radio Sensation, tasteaza /stop
skyzz0r killed Pahar with ak47
skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with ak47
skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with ak47
Pahar killed skyzz0r with ak47
*DEAD* Mr.Who-TeG- : da frate am stat si mam uitat pe tn
skyzz0r killed Pahar with aug
Bine ai venit pe | 512 FPS Server -
*** skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Pentru a vota harta curenta, tasteaza /voteaza
*** Pahar killed skyzz0r with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* skyzz0r : ah
*** Pahar killed skyzz0r with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* je : hai azi
*SPEC* je : mess

*** skyzz0r killed Pahar with a headshot from m4a1 ***
skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with m4a1
skyzz0r killed Mr.Who-TeG- with ak47
Pahar killed skyzz0r with ak47
Recrutam admini! Intra pe adresa forumului si depune o cerere
Pahar killed skyzz0r with ak47
Pahar killed skyzz0r with ak47
CONCURS!!: Primul loc in Top15 va primi un cont STEAM gratuit din partea serverului. Detalii la
*** Pahar killed skyzz0r with a headshot from ak47 ***
skyzz0r killed Pahar with sg552
Bine ai venit pe | 512 FPS Server -
skyzz0r killed Pahar with ak47
skyzz0r killed Pahar with m4a1
*DEAD* Pahar : sxdcfvgbuyhnjimk
Pahar killed skyzz0r with ak47
*SPEC* je : dai accept azi?
*SPEC* je : sau joci?-

Player dropped
Pentru a asculta in-game Radio Sensation, tasteaza /radio in chat. Viziteaza
Bine ai venit pe | 512 FPS Server -
Player connected
Mr.Who-TeG- is joining the Terrorist force
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with a headshot from aug ***
Player dropped
Player has left the game
Pentru a opri Radio Sensation, tasteaza /stop
*SPEC* je : iei ma pozele azi?
Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with scout
*SPEC* je : daca stau sa intru dupa tine in cs imi da eroare la mess
Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with m4a1
Bine ai venit pe | 512 FPS Server -
Pentru a vota harta curenta, tasteaza /voteaza
*DEAD* Pahar : /rs
*** Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* skyzz0r : date in morti mati nu mile dai cu vrei tu mile dai cum vreau io
*DEAD* Pahar : erdftgyhujk]
Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with grenade
*DEAD* Pahar : duhihgyftdsxcfgvbuhjipko,olikuyjycfgvbhujikopl
*SPEC* je : frate, ti le pun pe forum
Recrutam admini! Intra pe adresa forumului si depune o cerere
*SPEC* je : esti in lista cu add pending
You have no access to that command
*SPEC* skyzz0r : ba
*SPEC* je : danyshk_russia
*SPEC* skyzz0r : baaaa
*SPEC* skyzz0r : esti but intra pe mess
*SPEC* je : sunt

*** Pahar killed Mr.Who-TeG- with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* Mr.Who-TeG- : gg
*** Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Pahar killed Mr.Who-TeG- with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* skyzz0r : `
*DEAD* Mr.Who-TeG- : -
CONCURS!!: Primul loc in Top15 va primi un cont STEAM gratuit din partea serverului. Detalii la
You have no access to that command
Mr.Who-TeG- killed Pahar with m4a1
*SPEC* je : zi nick pe forum
Bine ai venit pe | 512 FPS Server -
Pahar dropped
Pahar has left the game
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
*SPEC* je : iti dai pm
*SPEC* skyzz0r : ba

You have no access to that command
You have no access to that command
*SPEC* skyzz0r : in morti mati
*SPEC* je : vb frumos
*SPEC* je : nu te-am injurat
*SPEC* skyzz0r : intra pe mess si pozele sau ban
*SPEC* skyzz0r : dute in mm

Pentru a asculta in-game Radio Sensation, tasteaza /radio in chat. Viziteaza
*SPEC* je : ti-am spus, sunt pe mess
*SPEC* skyzz0r : dami cu photos
(Spectator) skyzz0r : s
*SPEC* skyzz0r : ca nu stau duo
*SPEC* je : tu nu vrei sa intelegi ca iti scriu si nu vezi?
*SPEC* je : e asa de greu de inteles?
Pentru a opri Radio Sensation, tasteaza /stop
*SPEC* je : imi apari cu add pending
*SPEC* je : da-mi nick-ul de pe forum si iti dau PM
*SPEC* je : e asa greu?
*SPEC* je : sincer
*SPEC* je : pana acum le aveai

] amx_who
===== ~ ADMINI ~ =====
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===== Semi-God =====
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===== Slot =====
===== ~ ADMINI ~ =====
Ban Information
Name: je
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13390334
Reason: min
Ban Length: 16 hours, 40 minutes
Unban Time: 3:49:31 2/24/2012
Admin Name: skyzz0r
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44706916

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-02-2012, 15:23:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Unban. TC!

pm cu ip!

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 29-07-2013 19:01)
Joined: 12 Jan 2012
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Reputation: 61.1
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 01-03-2012, 09:58:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

(Glet) Normal ar fi sa apara si o explicatie din partea adminului care a dat banul!

Si nu apare nici in lista cu ban-uri, normal trebuia trecut acolo.

NU exista nu vrea, nu stiu, nu pot!

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 07-05-2012 04:47)
Joined: 24 Mar 2012
Posts: 5, Topics: 1
Location: Romania

Reputation: 47.2
Votes: 2

Post Posted: 24-03-2012, 10:22:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Pro Unban -

nick cs:Sky[i]Wal[k]e[r(])r
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