
[FIXED] Faction bugs Twilight highlands

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[Fuzzy Wuzzy]

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(since 24-08-2013 04:28)
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Post Posted: 02-03-2012, 07:39:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Urmatorii npc sunt friendly / hostile fata de factiunile gresite.. gen aliance npc friendly horde si hostile alliance, si vice-versa.

Wildhammer warbrand - A H
Thundermar griphon rider - AH
Dragonmaw Marauder -AH
Dragonmaw Skyclaw - AH
Wildhammer Battle Healer - AH
Thundermar Defender - AH
Wildhammer Guard - AH
Doran TalonHeart - AH
Narkrall Rakeclaw -AH
Fanny Thundermar - AH
Winifred Earlywind - AH
Colin Thundermar - AH
Nivet Channelock - AH
Tarm Deepgale - AH
Low Shaman Blundy - AH
Craw MacGraw - AH
Naveen Tendernose - AH
Wildhammer Packmule - AH
Wildhammer Homesteader - AH
Kurdran Wildhammer - AH
Lachlan Machdraft - AH
Vaughn Blusterbeard - AH
Keegan Firebeard - AH
Baird Darkfeather - AH
Glenda Breezeboot - AH
Shaina Talonheart - AH
Kazz Fetchum - AH
Jr. Chef Kracket - AH
Harpo Boltknuckle - AH
Inkeeper Geno - AH
Axebite Marite - AH
Axebite Infantry - AH


Axebite Grunt- AH
Highbank Sniper- AH
Lieutenant Emry- AH
Fargo Flintlocke- AH
Highbank Guardsman- AH
Highbank Cannon- AH
Highbank Marksman- AH
Tidebreaker Sailor- AH
Philip O'tool- AH
Richard Maschner- AH
FredericK Zyda- AH
Oslo Pliny- AH
Dorgan Slagfist- AH
Brondall Chiselgut- AH
Deorim- AH
Leah Drewry- AH
Senthii- AH
"Doc" Schweitzer- AH
Evan Silvia- AH
Sal Ferraga- AH
Alexandra Merryweather- AH
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(since 29-04-2014 08:25)
Joined: 30 Jan 2012
Posts: 740, Topics: 12
Location: United Kingdom

Reputation: 280.7
Votes: 18

Post Posted: 21-09-2012, 14:19:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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