
Protection Paladin PvE

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Author Message3343


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(since 02-09-2016 09:51)
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Post Posted: 29-04-2012, 18:58:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)



You can use the following script in-game to automatically setup the talent points:
/run t,p,a={2,13,22,32,41,53,83,91,102,112,121,132,141,151,162,171,182,193,201,1,3,23,32,53,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

There would be other talent builds too, but I consider them unnecessary so I won't post them here.



Glyph of Judgement
Glyph of Shield of the Righteous
Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous


Glyph of Focused Shield
Glyph of Holy Wrath
Glyph of the Ascentic Crusader


Unimportant, you can use whatever you like (you don't have too many to choose from).


The seal you will be using is Seal of Truth which must be present at all times, also before the pull (taking aggro/starting the fight) you must assure that Righteous Fury
is activated.
Hand of Reckoning isn't damaging anymore so we start with Judgement (we have Improved Judgement) or Avenger's Shield.
There is no properly rotation, just priorities:
Shield of the Righteous (Only with 3 Holy Powers) - Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous - Avenger's Shield - Hammer of Wrath - Judgement - Holy Wrath


Ardent Defender - the old 'wipe saving' passive from WOTLK is now a cooldown.
Divine Protection - this one as suffered some modifications too, it doesn't apply anymore the Forbearance debuff, but it is less powerfull.
Divine Guardian - a very useful spell.
Guardian of Ancient Kings - the protection guardian reduces damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds.
Divine Shield - it helps you to get rid of nasty debuffs or to not die in certain situations, of course it must be used with the cancelaura macro.
Lay on Hands - keeps you alive.

Informations on how/when to use them are found below.



Strenght does not generate block anymore but 25% from your strenght is converted into parry (@85 176.1 parry rating = 1% parry).


It increases your health pool and you also gain through Vengeance 10% of your health pool as attack power.


From mastery you gain block through Divine Bulwark, more accurately, 2.25% block for every point of mastery.


Hit rating reduces the chance to miss with your abilities, the cap is 8% or 961 hit rating (841 for Draenei).
I recommend you to not try to reach the hit cap because it is unnecessary at the moment, you will miss sometimes but it doesn't matter (proof).


Expertise reduces the chance to dodge or parry with abilities, the cap is 26 or 781 expertise rating.
I don't recommend to cap this because you won't have any problems with aggro (proof).

I won't say anything about dodge or parry because they are the same

Stat priority

Mastery>Parry=>Dodge>Hit>Expertise (I left out primary stats)


Hit in Mastery>Parry=>Dodge
Expertise in Mastery>Parry=>Dodge
Dodge in Mastery>Parry
Parry in Mastery>Dodge

You need to keep parry and dodge balanced, not reforge relentlessly into one of them, because you will get less percentage when the rating gets higher (diminishing returns).

The rule of 102.4%

What is this? This is the percentage of Dodge + Parry + Block + 5% (all 85 characters have a 5% to not be hit by an attack).
Why would we want to reach this cap? We want to reach the cap so we can longer be hit by normal attacks, which are not dodged, parried or blocked, this is something like the defense cap from wotlk, once reached every hit will be either dodged, parried or blocked (you get 30% less damage or 40% less if Holy Shield is active).
When this is reached any parry, dodge or block is completely useless, but don't think about this at the moment.

Image by emptyrepublic @


Meta: Austere Shadowspirit Diamond
Blue: Solid Ocean Sapphire or Solid Chimera's Eye for Jewelcrafters.
Red: Defender's Demonseye
Yellow: Puissant Dream Emerald


Head - Arcanum of the Earthen Ring
Shoulders - Greater Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz or Inscription of the Earth Prince (wowhead link) for Inscriptioners
Back - Enchant Cloak - Protection (wowhead link)
Chest - Enchant Chest - Greater Stamina (wowhead link)
Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Dodge (wowhead link) or Draconic Embossment - Stamina (wowhead link) if you have Leatherworking as a profession
Weapon - Enchant Weapon - Windwalk (wowhead link)
Shield - Enchant Shield - Blocking it gives mastery from 4.1, that's why the tooltip says so
Hands - Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery (wowhead link)
Belt - Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
Legs - Charscale Leg Armor
Feet - Enchant Boots - Mastery (wowhead link)
Finger - Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina (wowhead link) if you have Enchanting



Seafood Magnifique Feast isn't fixed here, until then use Lavascale Minestrone.


Elixir of the Master / Flask of Steelskin


Mythical Healing Potion / Earthen Potion



It gives you better sockets, like Solid Chimera's Eye.
+123 Stamina


With enchanting you can put enchants on your rings (Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina (wowhead link)).
+120 Stamina


You can put two extra sockets, one on your wrist and one on your hands.
+120 Stamina


It gives you a better shoulder enchant (Inscription of the Earth Prince (wowhead link)).
+120 Stamina


It gives you an interesting passive Toughness (wowhead link).
+120 Stamina


It offers wrist enchants, like Draconic Embossment - Stamina (wowhead link).
+195 Stamina


It gives you an increased duration on flasks/elixirs and a very good starting trinket (Lifebound Alchemist Stone).

The benefits from professions are somewhat balanced, that's why I won't say that x and y are the best, it is your choice.
Also, I left out the professions that don't give benefits to tanks.

Starting Gear (non raid boss items)

Head - Crown of Wings Reputation - Wildhammer Clan (A) / Grinning Fang Helm Reputation - Dragonmaw Clan (H)
Neck - Elementium Guardian Crafted - Jewelcrafting
Shoulders - Pauldrons of Edward the Odd World Drop
Back - Wrap of the Great Turtle Reputation - Guardians of Hyjal
Chest - Icebone Hauberk World Drop
Wrist - Sandguard Bracers Reputation - Ramkahen
Weapon - Soul Blade Trash drop - Bastion of Twilight
Shield - Blockade's Lost Shield World Drop
Relic - Notched Jawbone
Hands - Numbing Handguards Toren Landow - 1650 Justice Points
Belt - Hardened Elementium Gridle Crafted - Blacksmithing
Legs - Triton Legplates Dungeon drop - Throne of the Tides - Neptulon's Cache
Feet - Gryphon Rider's Boots Reputation - Wildhammer Clan (A) / Boots of Sullen Rock Reputation - Dragonmaw Clan (H)
Ring 1 - Elementium Moebius Band Crafted - Jewelcrafting
Ring 2 - Elementium Moebius Band Crafted - Jewelcrafting
Trinket 1 - Mirror of Broken Images Reputation - Baradin's Wardens
Trinket 2 - Leaden Despair Dungeon drop - The Stonecore - High Priestess Azil sau Lifebound Alchemist Stone Crafted - Alchemist Only

Chardev link with reforge/enchants/sockets:

BIS Gear (Freakz)

Head - Daybreaker Helm Bastion of Twilight - Valiona and Theralion
Neck - Ironstar Amulet Blackwing Descent - Atramedes
Shoulders - Pauldrons of Edward the Odd World Drop
Back - Wrap of the Great Turtle Reputation - Guardians of Hyjal
Chest - Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard
Wrist - Bracers of Impossible Strenght Bastion of Twilight - Halfus Wyrmbreaker
Weapon - Mace of Acrid Death Blackwing Descent - Maloriak
Shield - Blockade's Lost Shield World Drop
Relic - Relic of Khaz'goroth Valor Points
Hands - Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards
Belt - Jumbotron Power Belt Blackwing Descent - Omnotron Defense System
Legs - Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards
Feet - Molten Tantrum Boots Blackwing Descent - Magmaw
Ring 1 - Bile-O-Tron Nut Blackwing Descent - Chimaeron
Ring 2 - Ring of the Battle Anthem Valor Points
Trinket 1 - Vial of Stolen Memories Bastion of Twilight - Valiona and Theralion
Trinket 2 - Symbiotic Worm Blackwing Descent - Magmaw

Chardev link with reforge/enchants/sockets:

Divine Plea:
#showtooltip Divine Plea
/cast Divine Plea
/cancelaura Divine Plea

Divine Shield:
#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Divine Shield

Tips and Tricks


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