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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 14:39:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The developer of Grand Theft Auto delivers its darkest, most violent game yet in Manhunt, a third-person perspective stealth action game that puts you in the role of a death row inmate forced to run a deadly gauntlet at the whim of a sadistic cinematographer. Released a few months ago for the PlayStation 2, Manhunt is now available for the Xbox and PC, and while these new versions feature exactly the same content as the PS2 original, they deliver relatively superior graphical quality--and in the case of the PC version, improved controls. The game itself unflinchingly depicts intense graphic violence, the likes of which you might expect from a slasher movie but not so much from games. However, these grisly scenes are done up in style, as Manhunt has a real cinematic flair to it--not to mention a suffocating atmosphere that perfectly fits the theme. It also does a better job of incorporating stealth mechanics than most other such games, though the latter portion of Manhunt devolves into a nearly continuous, mind-numbing series of shoot-outs. Nonetheless, those wondering whether Scotland-based Rockstar North is capable of putting together something remarkable that doesn't have "Grand Theft Auto" in the title, need wonder no more. Manhunt is seriously intense, and anyone with a stomach for the game's concept ought to find it fiendishly entertaining.

James Earl Cash is the main character of Manhunt, but he's no hero. He's a death row inmate who's an even better killer than the hunters sent to do him in.
There's no reason to like the main character of Manhunt. Debates over the ethics of the death penalty aside, at the beginning of the game, James Earl Cash is presumably about to be put to death--and with good reason. Something happens, however. The "lethal" injection he's administered merely knocks him out. He later comes to and finds himself alone in a cell with an earpiece nearby. He puts it on, and this is how Cash meets Lionel Starkweather. Starkweather presents himself as Cash's savior and promises the man his freedom...after he performs a few key tasks. From this point on, Cash is thrust into a series of levels, called "scenes" in the game, during which he is hunted by ruthless thugs and must make use of any weapon he can find to dispatch of them--or else die trying. All this happens to Starkweather's great delight. You see, Starkweather makes "snuff films" and captures on video the bloody executions conducted by people like Cash. Cash, it seems, is Starkweather's latest leading man. The rather original storyline is very intriguing at first but doesn't really take off. As a result, it proceeds in predictable directions and essentially just acts as a setup for Cash so that he can be thrust from one hopeless situation into another.

The premise of Manhunt is actually highly reminiscent of the original Hitman: Codename 47, and, indeed, the game's combination of stealthy surprise attacks and full-bore shooting action is also similar to that game (and its superior sequel, as well as the new Hitman: Contracts). Manhunt is also directly comparable to the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell games, which, too, combine stealth and shooting, though not with such gory results as the kind you'll find here. By now, most gamers have experienced stealth gameplay before. Some enjoy the tension and suspense that this style of gaming is uniquely capable of providing. Others don't have the patience for the sort of trial-and-error approach that most stealth-based games boil down to. Ultimately, Manhunt won't change most people's minds about whether they like stealth games or not. Yes, it can be highly suspenseful, and, yes, it can get quite frustrating at times--especially in the later scenes. But, for what it's worth, the game does handle certain aspects of the stealth action formula remarkably well. Some aspects of the controls can take some getting used to, but the core mechanics are great.

Manhunt combines stealth action gameplay with pure shooting mayhem, so you'll quickly lose track of the body count.
Though there aren't many legitimate comparisons to be drawn between Manhunt and the latest Grand Theft Auto games, it does have certain mechanical similarities to Rockstar North's previous work that should give you a good frame of reference. Those experienced with GTA III or Vice City won't have any problems getting started with Manhunt, especially since Starkweather will conveniently walk you through the basics when you first begin play. As far as specific points of comparison, Manhunt's hand-to-hand combat system is basically a crude, button-mashing affair, just like in GTA. There are a couple of additional moves; however, you'll rarely need or want to get into a head-on brawl in this game.

Guns (including pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, and even a nailgun) come into play later on in the game. In the Xbox version, you can fire the weapons using an auto-aim feature, much like in the GTA series. You can aim manually as well, and on the PC, you'll have to, though there's a useful ability allowing you to snap your aim onto the closest foe. As if to encourage brutal, close-quarters shoot-outs, Cash will automatically target his foes' heads if you lock onto them from a short distance away. From medium range, a downward tap of the Xbox controller's left analog stick or a slight shift of the mouse, while locked-on, will likewise cause Cash to raise his sights to the opponent's most vital region. Of course, he has perfect aim. Cash, himself, can take a number of hits before dying and will never show any real signs of fatigue or injury (except for the cuts and bruises you'll see on his body when he's particularly hurt). In a nod to Max Payne, you recover health in Manhunt by finding painkillers, which instantly restore large portions of your health on the spot.

Un joc de nota 10 - chiar daca este putin mai vechi
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 14:43:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Niste imagini daca ai pune si tu.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 14:47:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 15:45:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a aparut manhunt 2 pentru playstation cred ca o sa apara si pentru pc

A lot has been made about Manhunt 2's supposedly ultraviolent content. Like its predecessor, it depicts its share of grisly murders, gruesome decapitations, and a few swift kicks to the genitals for good measure. It's visually less grisly than the original Manhunt: The much-ballyhooed blurring added to the most extreme acts often makes it difficult to see exactly what bloodthirsty rages you're subjecting your victims to--particularly in the Wii version. However, don't take this to mean that Manhunt 2 doesn't deserve its M rating: There's plenty of gore, sex, and adult language to go around. There's also some solid stealthy gameplay to back up all the eviscerations. It's got its share of problems (we'll get to those later), and it's not quite as rewarding as the original, but there's a lot here into which patient gamers can sink their teeth. This isn't a series of random bloody tantrums--it's a calculated study in what drives a man to madness and to what extremes he will go to discover the truth.

That man is Dr. Danny Lamb (not a randomly chosen name, certainly), an asylum inmate who manages to escape, thanks to a freak electrical malfunction. He doesn't remember much, but he's able to fill in bits and pieces through flashbacks, and with the help of fellow inmate and constant companion Leo. As Danny begins to remember more and more, he finds himself getting to the bottom of a medical experiment called "The Project," as well as just how involved he was in its development. The plot is missing the degenerate thrills of the first Manhunt, but it still has a script only Rockstar could pen. The raunchy quips you'll overhear from the game's self-described "hunters" are sometimes creepy, often hysterical, and always worth a listen.

Just don't expect anything as memorable as your encounter with Piggsy in the original Manhunt. Aside from the very nature of stealth gameplay (you always fear getting caught), there's nothing scary here. You're still fighting for your life, but unlike the original's protagonist, Danny could simply disappear if he so desired. The danger is secondary--a result of his need to find out exactly who he is and how he ended up this way. Uncovering the truth and revealing the past makes for an interesting tale, but it's not as engaging as the snuff film premise of the first, nor does it really ever take off, remaining content to mostly smolder until it pops its highly foreshadowed surprises. At least as far as the Manhunt games are concerned, fighting to stay alive is more compelling than fighting for your sanity.

It's still an interesting story that is accentuated by an appropriately dirty and dank visual design. You'll explore a raunchy, sticky sex club; gritty gas stations; and slummy warehouses; all places that seem like you could catch some nasty disease just by looking at them. A scratchy, slightly blurry filter gives everything the faint haze of scan lines, as if you're watching an old VHS tape. That effect is particularly pronounced in the PlayStation 2 version. That isn't to say that Manhunt 2 rises to the occasion from a technical standpoint. Animations and character models look terribly dated. Some environments are also washed out and textures aren't detailed. The Wii release tends to maintain a better frame rate than the PS2, though there are occasional slight pauses when the Wii accesses the disc, an issue that also crops up from time to time on the PS2--just less often. Aside from these differences (and a few others to be noted shortly), the two versions look more or less identical.

The doomed ambience is further accentuated by a minimalist sound design that features an eerie soundtrack and limited environmental noise. Silence is put to good use here, creating moments of tension when you must remain perfectly still and making the occasional eruption in the soundtrack even more effective. The voice-overs are good too, not just from the leading men, but from the random hunters you overhear. You'll hear guards in the sex dungeon whine about their sexual frustration or masked patrolmen taunt you to come out of the shadows, and most of it's acted with just the right amount of coarse charm.

There are lots of shadows in Manhunt 2, which you'll be hiding and waiting in for a good portion of the game. You control Danny from a third-person view, avoiding the watchful eye of enemies and attempting to pick them off one by one. The easiest way to do this is to hide in a dark corner and lure a foe over by throwing a brick or punching the wall. The noise will attract nearby hunters, who have a tendency to walk over and stare straight at you for a moment before shrugging their shoulders then walking away. This is your chance to perform one of the infamous execution moves--the violent showcase of Manhunt 2's visceral action.

There are three levels of executions, depending on how long you hold the execution button. Functionally, all three levels result in your adversary's untimely demise. But in this game, you want to kill with style, and a level three execution is literally a bloody mess. Once you release the button (or thrust the Wii Remote in the appropriate direction), the slaughter begins. On the Wii, you'll also jab the Wii Remote and Nunchuk over the course of the kills in a manner that more or less imitates the moves you're performing. The execution you perform depends on the weapon you have equipped and whether there are any interesting environmental features nearby. You might stab the hunter in the back, kick him in the crotch, then slam a manhole cover on his head. Or perhaps eviscerating him with a crowbar is more your thing. Or if you're a pyromaniac, you may prefer to douse him in gasoline and set him on fire.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 18:20:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Super jocul , primul l-am jucat ceva timp ... oricum pe departe cel mai violent joc
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*0ranGe ! extrem

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 21:45:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

da .. dar din ce am vzt si am auzit gameplayul si grafica cam lasa de dorit. .. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-11-2007, 23:24:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

*0ranGe ! extrem wrote:
da .. dar din ce am vzt si am auzit gameplayul si grafica cam lasa de dorit. .. -

Ce vrei sa spui cu asta ? - grafica nu este ea cn stie ce..grafica de 2003 dar gameplay-ul jocului este elementul cel mai atractiv al acestui joc

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[Dota Addict :X]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2007, 12:58:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

reloader wrote:
*0ranGe ! extrem wrote:
da .. dar din ce am vzt si am auzit gameplayul si grafica cam lasa de dorit. .. -

Ce vrei sa spui cu asta ? - grafica nu este ea cn stie ce..grafica de 2003 dar gameplay-ul jocului este elementul cel mai atractiv al acestui joc

Offtopic: si dak e 2003 ce... Pirates of the Caribbean e tot 2003 si are grafica de iti pica fata...

Ontopic: mie unul nu mi-a placut acest joc....gameplay'ul e foarte prost

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Post Posted: 26-11-2007, 19:26:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

L-am downloadat , l-am jucat un nivel , l-am sters . Nu m-a atras cu nimic.

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