
D.I.S.C.O. Bug

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[Battleaxe Warrior]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2012, 02:48:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz Link: D.I.S.C.O.
Descrierea bugului: Se aude numai sunetul "boing", iar restul nu functioneaza, nu apare cutia si nici melodia nu merge.
Dovada: Versiunea nefunctionala: D.I.S.C.O. Bug #Freakz#; Versiunea functionala: WoW Disco

DISCO = Dancer's Integrated Sonic Celebration Oscillator.
When activated a box with mirror ball is placed at feet (with accompaning "boing" sound) and a unique disco sound is played for about 20sec.
The mirror ball lightshow continues for as long as the box remains active.
When the box is clicked (useable by either faction), player gains a "Listening to DISCO" buff and proceeds to /dance.
Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.

Melodia exista, merge ascultata cu:
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Events\\UD_DiscoBallMusic.wav")

scrisa in chat.

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