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[Ticalos nerezonabil]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 12:02:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ma poate ajuta si pe mine un GM cu acest achivement am facut 10 artafacte rare si la contor nu mi sau pus decat 3

Aceeasi problem am si la cele common nu mi se pun la contor de digger

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 12:30:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

poate ai facut cele 7 inainte sa se repare achievementul -

-> Visit my GSM store <-

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 12:55:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sinhunter wrote:
Hey there. I don't speak romanian so I have no idea if someone has posted this issue before or not.
If someone did, I'm sorry for the spam but it would be awesome if someone would explain about this in English.

Ok, so here's my problem.

I started lvling archeology 5 days ago, and I got to 525 without any problems. There are a few digsites that are a little harder to reach, but nothing is really a problem.

The reason I've been farming is the Tol'vir mount. More specifically

I've gotten 4 rare items from the Tol'vir. Usually, I had to make 6-10 common items before a rare item popped up as the next solve project.
Since I finished the last rare item, I've gotten over 90 common items in a row. I know that I'm unlucky because if I had any luck whatsoever I would have gotten the item I needed like 3 days ago. I looked up how archeology works in this regard on retail, and I've read that depending on the person's luck, it takes 5-15 common items in a row to get the next rare item. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't about luck anymore.

I have also noticed that I haven't gotten a rare Night Elf archeology item in a very long time as well. On retail, people keep getting rare items until they have gotten all from a certain race. There are 2 items I haven't gotten from the Night Elves and I've solved well over 100 night elf rare items in a row since I got my last rare item.

Because this has happened to me with 2 separate races, most notably the Tol'vir (the race that has the item I've been farming for) I think that there is some sort of bug. I understand not being lucky.. I understand making 15.. even 25 common items without getting a rare. But 90?

Any info would be more than appreciated.
TY for your time and I hope I didn't cause any problems by posting in English on this topic, but this was the offical bug report topic that is linked on the main website.

Got the same problem here.
The problem is I farmed in Tol'Vir (Uldum) like 10 Canopic Jar's and still nothing.
And I haven't seen a digsite in Uldum in a long time.

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 13:04:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ionut1989 wrote:
Ma poate ajuta si pe mine un GM cu acest achivement am facut 10 artafacte rare si la contor nu mi sau pus decat 3

Aceeasi problem am si la cele common nu mi se pun la contor de digger
la cele rare poate ai facut 7 inainte sa se bage achivurile iar la cele common daca faci acelasi item nu ti se pune trebuie sa faci iteme diferite.

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 13:05:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aliziea wrote:
Csernay wrote:
Mai are cineva probleme cu faptu ca nu primeste digsites in eastern kingdoms ?
Momentan am 415 skill lvl la archaeology si am primit numai 4 digsites in eastern kingdoms (cele 4 digsites care le primesti la 1 skill lvl la archaeology). Nu mas plange dar singuru motiv pentru care fac eu archaeology e pentru staffu epic de la dwarf archaeology , precum exista un singur dig site de dwarfs in kalimdor(415skill level si lam primit numai odata) e cam problematic .
Nu exagerezi ,am asteptat 250 de skill points ca sa confirm chestia asta , la inceput am crezut ca e vorba numai de bad rng
Daca exista cumva un script /addon care tine cont de digsites asi aduce si dovezi .
Dute si fale pe cele din Easter Kingdoms o sa primesti alte digsites dupa ce le faci pe alea si sunt mai multe digsites de dwrafi in Easter Kingdoms. Dupa cum scrie si pe wowhead.Este doar un digsite in kalimdor.

Easter Kingdoms.

Arathi Highlands - Thoradin's Wall
Badlands - Uldaman, Hammertoe's Digsite, Bloodwatcher Point, Agmond's End, south-east of Agmond's End
Burning Steppes - Chiselgrip, Ruins of Thaurissan
Hillsbrad Foothills - Dun Garok
Hinterlands - Aerie Peak
Loch Modan - Ironband's Excavation Site
Searing Gorge - Pyrox Flats, Slag Pit, Iron Summit, Grimsilt Dig Site
Southshore - south of Eastpoint Tower
Wetlands - Dun Modr, Whelgar's Excavation Site, Angerfang Encampment, Ironbeard's Tomb
Cata Twilight Highlands - (in the valley leading to) Grim Batol, Dunwald Ruins, Ruins of Drakgor, Glopgut's Hollow, Firebeard's Patrol


Southern Barrens - Bael Modan

Exista un addon. Se numeste Gathermate2. - El iti stockeaza intr-o baza de date, unde ai farmat si ce tip de material si ti le afiseaza pe World Map. -

Quinwaz wrote:
Trebuie sa ma prezint si eu?
Nume: Marian
Nume in Game: Quinwaz
Despre Mine: Am Nasu Mare -

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[Ticalos nerezonabil]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 13:35:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aliziea wrote:
ionut1989 wrote:
Ma poate ajuta si pe mine un GM cu acest achivement am facut 10 artafacte rare si la contor nu mi sau pus decat 3

Aceeasi problem am si la cele common nu mi se pun la contor de digger
la cele rare poate ai facut 7 inainte sa se bage achivurile iar la cele common daca faci acelasi item nu ti se pune trebuie sa faci iteme diferite.

de fapt am facut profesia inainte sa se reapre achivementurile dar in total sunt 26 de iteme rare care pot fi facute eu deja am facut 7 deci mai pot face doar 19 acum problema este cami trebuie 20 pt titlul profesor. Deci poate intelegi la ce ma refer.
Aceeasi problema este si cu cele common ca multe nu mi se pun pt achivement iar la cel de 100 sigur nu o sal pot face din aceasta cauza.

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[Ticalos nerezonabil]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 15:09:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vad ca digsite la nerubian sunt cam cu portia ma chinui sa fac artefactele din acea ramura si pica digsite prea rar.
Mai maritile si voi rate ca vad ca in Northrend sunt decat 4 digsite de night elfi si pica intruna.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 21:48:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Nu reusesc sa gasesc fragmentele in acest digsite.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 23:15:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Uploaded with pot gasi aici in zona aceasta sap dar

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-05-2012, 19:03:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Se ocupa vreun gm de aceasta zona?
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Post Posted: 24-05-2012, 19:48:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rulefreaker wrote:
Se ocupa vreun gm de aceasta zona?
Aici se raporteaza buguri de la archaeology.GM-ul repara bugul cand poate.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2012, 01:16:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Chalice of the Mountain Kings (10 min cool down)
Use:witness an ancient sword dance.

When you click the item it doesn't summon the dwarf ladies that do the sword dance.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2012, 06:53:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ionut1989 wrote:
Ma poate ajuta si pe mine un GM cu acest achivement am facut 10 artafacte rare si la contor nu mi sau pus decat 3

Aceeasi problem am si la cele common nu mi se pun la contor de digger

Cred ca sunt mai multi cu aceeasi probleme, eu de exemplu am 2 care nu mi s au pus dar conteaza si acele 2 deoarece unele artefacte pica extrem de rar . Ar fi frumos daca s ar face ceva pentru cei in aceasta situatie gen sa facem print cu itemele din arhe(cu numele nostru pe item) care le au + mounts, pets din spell book si sa ni se adune ; e totusi un achiev destul de greu ;

Ms anticipat.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2012, 07:23:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cand se repara pretul de vanzare al artefactelor la vendori?
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Post Posted: 25-05-2012, 09:47:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

An impossible to reach archaeology object at a digsite in The Hinterlands...

I have tried putting the scope down somewhere else in the digsite but the scope keeps pointing to that mountain and i can't reach that because there's nowhere to stand and survey...

Realm Exodus btw.

Last edited by shhnedo on 26-05-2012, 00:27:11; edited 1 time in total
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