
Ghid de warrior fury pvp/pve

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Post Posted: 26-05-2012, 12:43:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-* Acest ghid va este oferit de Jo - Warrior Fury -*

1. Talentele sa le aveti asa :

(am pus in piercing howl pt ca nu mai aveam in ce) -.- lawl
2. Glyphs
-Prime Glyphs -Glyphs of Bloothirst
-Glyphs of Raging Blow
-Glyphs of Slam

-Major Glyphs -Glyphs of Colossus Smash
-Glyphs of Death Wish
-Glyphs of Cleaving

-Minor Glyphs -Glyphs of Berseker Rage
-Glyphs of Bloody Healing
-Glyphs of Battle

3. Rotatia

1. Incepi in Battle Stance - Rend pe Boss
2. Schimbi imediat Berseker Stance- 1 Activezi Berseker Rage
- 2 Colossus Smash
- 3 Raging Blow
- In acest timp spamezi Heroic Strike la CD
- 4 Bloodthirst - ( In caz de se activeaza abilitatea Slam , folosesti imediat)
- 5 In caz de ti se cere burst Activezi Macro de burst( Sectiunea 4.1. Macros)
- 6 Cand bossul ajunge subt 20% Execute pana faci 5 stacks si apoi din 8 in 8 sec mai dai cate un Execute
*In caz de se activeaza Enrage Pastrezi Berseker rage sa poti da mereu cu Raging Blow la CD
*Colossus Smash la CD in caz de vezi ca se numai ai rage RENUNTI la Heroic Strike pentru Putin
*Mai degraba lovesti cu Raging Blow sa dai 100k decat sa dai cu Heroic Strike sa dai doar 30k

4. Macros

1. Burst - * Burst
/cast Death Wish
/cast Recklessness(Berserker Stance)
/use Trinket 1
/use Trinket 2
/use Golemblood Potion

2. Heroic Strike Spam - * HS
/castsequence reset=combat/25 Inner Rage, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike ,Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike


PvP - Va dau Toate Macro-urile Care le Folosesc eu si Va arat putin keybinds mele! ( Restul depinde de voi)

* Talentele


-Prime Glyphs -Glyphs of Bloothirst
-Glyphs of Raging Blow
-Glyphs of Slam

-Major Glyphs -Glyphs of Colossus Smash
-Glyphs of Death Wish
-Glyphs of Piercing Howl

-Minor Glyphs -Glyphs of Berseker Rage
-Glyphs of Bloody Healing
-Glyphs of Enduring Vicotry

1. Macros + Binds

*Charge (Bind Mouse Roll Down)

/Cast Charge
/cast Battle Stance
/equipslot 17 Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword

*Intercept (Bind Mouse Roll Up)
/cast intercept
/cast Berserker Stance
/equipslot 17 Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword
*Heroic Fury Intercept ( Bind Shift Mouse Roll Up)
/cast intercept
/cast Berserker Stance
/Cast Heroic Fury
/equipslot 17 Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword

*Shattering Throw ( Bind Shift-1)
/cast Shattering Throw
/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
*Spell Reflect ( Bind Shift-E)
/cast Defensive Stance
/equip Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast Spell reflection
* Shield Wall ( Bind Shift-3)
/cast Shield Wall
/cast Defensive Stance
/Cast Shield Block
/equip Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall
*Shield Bash
/cast Defensive Stance
/equip Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast Shield Bash
* Heroic Strike Spam
/castsequence reset=combat/25 Inner Rage, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike ,Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike, Heroic Strike
* Burst
/cast Death Wish
/cast Recklessness(Berserker Stance)
/use Trinket 1
/use Trinket 2
/use Golemblood Potion

* Piercing Howl ( Bind Shift 2)
* Berseker Rage ( Bind Shift 4)
* Enraged Regeneration ( Bind F)
* Intimidating Shout (Bind V)
* Pummel (Bind C)
* Slam (Bind R)
* Execute (Bind E)
* Heroic Leap ( Mouse Button 4)
* Victory Rush ( Mouse Button 5)
* Heroic Trow (Bind Capslock)
* Remove ( Bind Shift-Space)

-Meserii - Tailoring - Pentru 1k Atackpower pe Back
- Engineering - pentru 480str pe hands

*Arms pve coming soon.


Last edited by Jo-Aevisa on 26-05-2012, 12:59:59; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 26-05-2012, 12:46:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

de cand dreaq iti trebuie skill sa joci fury ?:\

topic inutil =)

fa altu pe arms.

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Post Posted: 26-05-2012, 13:33:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bravo ma. Si o buna idee. O sa ne postam toti Tutorialele aici pentru fiecare clasa in parte, pentru ca membrii nostri sa aiba un model.

,,Angel Among demons"

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Post Posted: 26-05-2012, 13:53:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu am tutorial deja facut -
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Post Posted: 26-05-2012, 18:13:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si eu am la arms,dar srsly ba jo,TU FACI GUIDE?cu gearu tau sa scoti 24k dps?eu dau recountu peste cap cu gearu tau.
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Post Posted: 03-09-2012, 19:28:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rotatie zic eu mai buna
1.Colossuss Smash (la CD)
2.Bloodthirst (la CD)
3.Raging Blow (doar cand nu este activ(nu ai Enrage effect pe tine) se foloseste Berserker Rage pentru a se activa)
4.Slam Procs
5.Heroic Strike 65+ rage (Heroic Strike+Inner Rage macro nu strica)
~La 20%-sub 20% Health Execute devine primary spell ca si folosinta pana la cele 5 stackuri de Executioner dupa care se revine la rotatia normala tinand cele 5 stackuri active.~
Revenind la rotatia normala, cand nu ai efectiv nimic de folosit se poata adauga in rotatie cate un Sunder Armor, pana la cele 3 stackuri desigur, dupa care nu se mai foloseste (avand Glyph of Colossuss Smash) dupa ce cele 3 stackuri de Sunder Armor o schimbi pentru Battle Shout.

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