
Druid - Feral - PvE DPS

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Post Posted: 23-12-2011, 18:17:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is a translation of:


As you may know, each class recieved new spells.

Let's see the changes for Feral Dudu.

*Skull Bash (wowhead link) - Interrupts spell casting for your opponent for 4s.

*Trash (wowhead link) - AOE spell which can be used only in Bear Form.

*Stampeding Roar (wowhead link) - Increases your movement speed by 40% for 6s.

Important stats :

*Weapon DPS



Hit cap is 8% for raids. It's not vital to have this because we get 80% energy if we miss.

Expertise, like Hit, is not such important. The Expertise cap is 6,5%.

This spec is created for DPS based on my prefferences.

Ok, now, let's talk about this spec. I've seen many types of specs on the internet but none of them caught my attention.

so, many specs have only 1p in Furor (wowhead link) , never knew why, however as a druid you have combat ress which should be used during the encounter, so it would be better to start with 100 energy after we use combat ress/inervate instead of 33% change to recieve 33 energy. Imo it's only DPS loss.

In the end, the spec is pretty simple. Avoid bear tanking talents and everything should be fine.

Primal Glyphs

Glyph of Rip

Glyph of Shred

Glyph of Berserk

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Feral Charge

Glyph of Faerie Fire

Glyph of Rebirth

Minor Glyphs

Glyph of Dash

Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth

Glyph of Aquatic Form

They are the same from WotLK, only that i replaced Savage Roar with Berserk because Savage Roar is not such an important spell like it was in WotLK.


Meta :Agile Shadowspirit Diamond

Red:Delicate Inferno Ruby

Yellow:Adept Ember Topaz

Blue:Glinting Demonseye

If you have 20+ agility soket bonus then socket for bonus, otherwise use Delicate Inferno Ruby for Blue Sokets.


Head:60 Agility and 35 Haste rating

Shoulders:50 Agility and 25 Mastery Rating

Back:22 Agility (wowhead link)

Chest:20 All Stats

Wrist:50 Agilty (wowhead link)

Gloves:65 Mastery

Legs:190 Atack Power and 55 Critical Strike Rating

Feet:35 Agility

Weapon:130 Agility

Pre-Raid 4.0.6 BiS

Head:Agile Bio-Optic Killshades

Neck:Don Rodrigo’s Fabulous Necklace

Shoulders:Caridean Epaulettes

Back:Cloak of Threddl

Chest:Morrie’s Waywalker Wrap

Wrist:Double Dealing Bracers

Gloves:Liar’s Handwraps(H)/Stormbolt Gloves(A)

Waist:Belt of Nefarious Whispers

Legs:Leggings of the Burrowing Mole

Feet:Crafty’s Gaiters

Ring:Signet of the Elder Council

Ring:Gilnean Ring of Ruination

Trinket:Left Eye of Rajh

Trinket:Tia's Grace

Weapon:Mobus’s Vile Halberd

Relic:Relic of Arathor

4.0.6 BiS

Head:Stormrider's Headpiece

Neck:Necklace of Strife

Shoulders:Poison Protocol Pauldrons

Back:Cloak of Biting Chill

Chest:Sark of the Unwatched

Wrist:Parasitic Bands

Gloves:Double Attack Handguards

Waist:Dispersing Belt

Legs:Stormrider’s Legguards

Feet:Storm Rider’s Boots

Ring:Lightning Conductor Band

Ring:Mistral Circle

Trinket:Essence of the Cyclone

Trinket:Prestor’s Talisman of Machination


Relic:Relic of Golganneth

Maybe you are wondering, why only 2 pieces of T11? Well, the bonus from T11 is not so great, when we mangle we have a change for 1% attack power for 30s and we use Mangle only for the debuff once per 60s. It's pretty useless because we will never get at 3% atack power increase , 4T11 it's better for tanking.

Added in Cataclysm, Reforging lets you change your gear stats. So, we will reforge most unimportant stats (Expertise , Hit , Haste , Crit) in Mastery Rating , if an item has alredy mastery on it, reforge (the other stat, not mastery) in Haste/Crit, as you wish.

As you may know Feral Druid have the hardest rotation in PvE, so chill, read and understand. It's not really a rotation, it's more of a prio list.

1.Faerie Fire on boss for armor debuff.

2.Apply Mangle for bleed debuff. Refresh it every 60s.

3.Apply Rake.

4.Only now you can use Shred. Do not use Shred if you don't have Mangle&Rake or Rip on the target. Because of this talent Rend and Tear (wowhead link) Shred deals more damage.

5.Apply Rip at 5 combo points.

6.Use Tiger's Fury every cooldown but don't use it before Berserk. Only in case you use Tiger's Fury and spam 2-3 shreds, then you can use Berserk but never use Tiger's Fury and then imediatly Berserk, because Berserk reduces your spells cost with 50%.

7.Use Berserk every cooldown, always use it at the beginning so you will have a chance to get it once more.

Ok, let's start a fight.

1.Feral Charge

2.Faerie Fire.

3.Apply Mangle

4.Apply Rake

5.Tiger's Fury

6.Ravage (you must be quick so Stampede (wowhead link) won't dissapear, you have 10s for the free Ravage. I don't recommend to use it when you place yourself in the back of the target because you risk to get aggro.


8.Spam Shred for combo points , maintain Mangle , Rake and Rip on boss and you should be fine.

9.Because of Blood in the Water (wowhead link) , when the boss gets under 25% stop using Rip and use Ferocius Bite with 5combo for damage increase. You can also apply Savage Roar with 2combo for slightly damage increase.

10.In the end, stop using Rake too, it won't get 16s and won't deal the same damage, so around 5% use only Fericus Bite.

Flask of the Wind

Skewered Eel

Potion of the Tol'vir

Usually use the potion after Berserk, you can also make a macro for this: /cast Berserk /use Potion of the Tol'vir

Best go for Alchemy and Jewelcrafting . Alchemy = 80 Agility / Potions / Flasks / Gold Farm . JWL = 81 Agility

I use only Droodfocus , Recount and DBM for Boss Fights.

Hope it helps!

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Post Posted: 25-12-2011, 12:20:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why not use ravage after charge when ferals have cower? But for what it's worth, I like your guide!
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Post Posted: 25-12-2011, 13:07:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

b3dshaker wrote:
Why not use ravage after charge when ferals have cower? But for what it's worth, I like your guide!

I have no idea, this is not my guide. It's Lightfull's guide.
This is only a translation.

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Post Posted: 20-01-2012, 00:18:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Trinket: Prestor’s Talisman of Machination

Bis on 4.0.6 is Unheeded warning + essence of the cyclone Heroic

Cat dps guide
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Post Posted: 17-06-2012, 00:11:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

b3dshaker wrote:
Why not use ravage after charge when ferals have cower? But for what it's worth, I like your guide!

ravage from stampede costs 0 energy. is better to save it for the moments when u are waiting for energy to regen instead of using it on full energy. an ideal rotation start @ stampede is: feral charge > mangle > rake > shred until 5cp > Rip > RAVAGE! etc.

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Post Posted: 18-06-2012, 15:29:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i have a little question, do hurricane and landslide enchants proc in forms?
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Post Posted: 19-06-2012, 12:33:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

no, those enchants are not for ferals/hunters -

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