This is a translation of:
In this thread you will see the changes suffered by the Destruction Warlocks in PvE in 4.0.6 Patch.
3/7/31 but talents like
Nether protection are not a "must", they are just fillers, you may change them as you wish.
Copy-Paste ingame to set your spec automatically.
Code: |
/run t,p,a={3,13,23,32,42,52,72,83,91,102,131,143,151,162,172,181,191,1,33,2,23,32,52,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end |
Prime glyphs:
Major glyphs:
Glyph of Fear - Pretty usefull, when you need to add some CC in your rotation or you need to. Fear is now like Psychic Horror, (keeps the target steady), and has a 5s cooldown;
Minor glyphs: Your choice.
Main stat is Intellect, but another important stat is Hit which should be around 17%.
It have been proven that in 4.0.6 the haste is over crit, even tho until Cataclysm, destro warlock was based only on high crits, now the rotation is more complex and the haste is benefic. An extra tick for
Immolate ,
Shadowflame. Thats why you should go over the soft cap of haste. Around 30.01% is e nough to get to the maximmum dps [when the gear will be good enough, don't neglect the stats], 2 extra ticks for
A new stat is Mastery, which is good enough, but the priorities list is:
Intelect > Hit > Haste > Crit > Mastery.
Spirit is a dead stat!
Haste is benefic for improving your dps. I will prove below how haste acts in the new system. If till now haste reduced the time between ticks, now haste increases the number of ticks instead of reducing the time between them.
Difference between 24% Haste and 25% Haste :
Difference of 1% of haste brought 1 new tick for
Corruption! That's why haste is good now
In case of
Immolate-ului, avem urmatoarele date :
- at 29% Haste, Immolate has 6 ticks;
- At 30% Haste, Immolate has 7 ticks. This is breakpoint for end game gear.
Meaning that 2 extra ticks of Immolate = 30%haste.
30,01% buffed [in raids with
Dark Intent and
Mind Quickening of 5% haste) is the point where you should get!
(Note: Graphics from Cynwise)
If you don't have the 17% cap, reforge to Hit.
Reforge to Hit -> Until you hit the cap, Hit is the most important stat that a warlock needs.
Items with Mastery, Crit / Hit -> Mastery reforged to Haste;
Items with Mastery and Haste -> Mastery reforged to Crit;
Items with Crit and Hit -> Crit reforged to Haste;
Items with Haste and Hit -> Stay as they are.
The moment when you refresh your DoT's is important for a warlock.
For example
Corruption. The moment needed to refresh a dot is before the last but one tick.
Corruption refreshed between last but one and last tick.
The first Corruption deals his extra last tick and the DoT duration is extended.
Corruption refreshed after the 3rd tick
Corruption loses the 4th tick but the duration is not stacked until 36s.
(Note: Graphics from Cynwise)
These things applies in static encounters. When you are moving don't lose your time, cast instant dots whenever it's needed.
I will tell you onlt the spells, talents [including
Bane of Havoc] inside the rotation.
Dark Intent - This spell works the same as
Focus Magic , between the warlock and the target player of
Dark Intent a link is created, so the warlock and the player will gain 3% haste while Dark Intent is active. In addition to every critical periodic damage /healing effect, the warlock recieves 3% increased periodic damge/healing for 7sec, while the other player recieves 1%. It can be stacked 3times. 9% increased damage for the warlock, 3% for the other player. The next classes are recommended for
Dark Intent:
Healers: -
Restoration Druid;
Holy Priest (healer on raid);
Restoration Shaman;
Holy/ Discipline Priest (healer on tank).
DPS: -
Shadow Priest (best choice);
Balance Druid;
Fire Mage;
Feral Druid;
Survival Hunter.
The interest of a warlock is that when he choses his target, is to profit more from this spell.
Demon Soul - A powerfull spell, an important cooldown. Having an Imp as a pet, this spell increases crit chance by 30% for 20 seconds for Destro Spells.
Fel Flame - This spell is good for mobility. Its an instant spell that deals shadowfire damage.
(This spell is used only if the Tier11 4p bonus procs or if you are moving and you don't have what to cast. Never use it to increase your Immolate duration. IT's a waste of dps.)
Soul Harvest - Out of combat spell pretty usefull to regain your shards between encounters and regenerate hp.
Soulburn - Use this combined with Soulfire.
Destruction means priorities and cooldowns, not a preset rotation!
Curse of the Elements remains an important damage booster, and because
Curse of Doom was converted in
Bane of Doom you can have both of them.
Bane of Doom deals the damage after 15seconds.
Start with
Soul Fire for
Improved Soul Fire. This buff must be mantained
Before pulling the boss, start with
Soulburn stay with the buff and then quickly
Soul Harvest to retrieve your shard for soulburn and cast
Soul Fire which becomes instant under the effect of Soulburn.
Curse of the Elements ->
Soul Fire ->
Bane of Doom ->
Immolate ->
Corruption ->
Conflagrate ->
Chaosbolt ->
Empowered Imp has a new proc that you must always profit of. Makes the next cast of
Soul Fire to be instant.
Follow the cooldowns constantly, profit from the proc of
Empowered Imp,
Improved Soul Fire must be active permanently (if you forgot about the buff for one second, use
Soulburn +
Soul Fire sa il reaplicati rapid). While you are next to the boss, use from time to time some [[/img]
Biggest dificulties will be the conflict between cooldowns.
A new talent have been introduced called
Burning Embers. A new reason to keep your imp alive.
Backdraft suffered chances, it was a key talent in WotLK [it still is]. These chances consist in the removal of global cooldown of destruction spells casted under the effect of Backdraft was reduced [3 charges]. Another change is replacing the part where Blackfraft reduced cast time for 3 charges, the replacement is made with
Shadow Bolt,
Incinerate and
Chaos Bolt, these being the only spells affected by Backdraft.
On WotLK most people confronted the charges that gave you headaches, you couldn't allow any lose of Immolate charge, and neither Incinerate without Immolate on target, lots of people went for refresh before Backdraft, well this refresh is not needed anymore before Backdraft, Immolate doesn't consume any charge from Backdraft.
Bane of Havoc & Multiple Targets / AoE Damage
Let's say you have 2 enemies in front of you, apply
Bane of Havoc on one of them and continue dpsing the other one like below:
About AOE damage, apply
Bane of Havoc on boss, and use
Shadowflame and
Rain of Fire. You can add from time to time some
Shadowfury if you have it.
As long as the boss has
Bane of Havoc activated on him, 15% from the damage done to mobs will be recieved by the boss.
You can go for a Red instead of a Blue / Yellow if the bonus is lower than 20intellect.
Tailoring - gives you
Lightweave Embroidery that gives 580Intelect for 15seconds with 64s internal cd. Best profession for max dps.
Engineering - Tinkers from engi stacks with other enchants.
Synapse Springs , tinker from hands that gives 480intellect for 10seconds. Others (
Fleaxweave Underlay ,
Nitro Boosts ,
Grounded Plasma Shield) can be risky in raids.
Blacksmithing - Extra sockets on wrist and gloves, 2 red sockets, which gives you 80 more Intelect;
Alchemy -
Mixology combined with
Flask of the Draconic Mind gives you 80 more int. In addition, you have a Flask that is never consumed and can be used in arenas
Flask of Enhancement;
Enchanting - Gives 2 enchants on both rings of 40intelect. In total a bonus of 80 intellect;
Skinning - Gives 80crit;
Leatherworking - Gives
Draconic Embossment - Intellect , 130Intelect instead of 50 on bracers, a bonus of 80 Intelect;
Inscription - Gives
Felfire Inscription An ehcnaot of 120Intellect/25haste;
Jewelcrafting - Gives 3x
Brilliant Chimera's Eye instead of 3x
Brilliant Inferno Ruby. A bonus of 81 Intellect;
Herbalism - Gives
Lifeblood a spell kinda goof, with a 2 min cooldown, this spell gives you 480 haste for 20seconds.
Best In Slot Items & Enchants
Here you can see a Dwarf made by myself, with BiS items.
[Note: Don't consider the reforged items from that profile!]
This list contains items that can be obtained in 4.0.6:
MSBT, Quartz Proc Module + Power Auras do the same thing, to make your gameplay better, choose your addon that you like to follow the proc of
Empowered Imp and to keep
Improved Soul Fire active.
Power Auras and then ingame write "powa" , "/powa", go to Global effects -> Import, like the picture above and copy the code below :
Code: |
Version:4.16; InvertAuraBelow:5; anim1:2; icon:Spell_Fire_Fireball02; beginSpin:true; buffname:Improved Soul Fire; begin:2; x:-169; texture:148; owntex:true; speed:0.6; size:0.35; torsion:0.99; y:13; anim2:6; timer.h:2.11; timer.Texture:AccidentalPresidency; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-54; timer.x:-171; timer.UseOwnColor:true |
This code will set the addon to follow the buff of Improved Soul Fire and will let you know when it's about to get finished, to let you refresh it fast. The animation, colors, timer etc can be set by your prefferences.
Useful macros here. When you spam
Incinerate for example, the imp will assist with
Firebolt. There is a tiny bug recognized by Blizzard with the autocast delay for the pet. With
Glyph of Imp and the proc of
Empowered Imp, you can't allow any lose of
Code: |
#showtooltip SPELLNAME
/cast [@pettarget, exists] Firebolt
Example -
Code: |
#showtooltip Incinerate
/cast [@pettarget, exists] Firebolt
/cast Incinerate
In case that you have problems like Imp attacks other target and won't keep Burning Embers always on target, use
Code: |
#showtooltip Incinerate
/cast Firebolt
/cast Incinerate
/cast Firebolt |
It's simple but very usefull. Put this macro also on Soul Fire / Chaosbolt / Immolate. It's a DPS bonus.
Soulburn + Soul Fire
Code: |
/castsequence reset=2 Soulburn, Soul Fire
/cast [@pettarget] Firebolt
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