
[Hunter] Pet bug

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Archangel Ady

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Post Posted: 20-06-2012, 16:03:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Nu exista.
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Cand petul la hunter omoara un anumit mob de unul singur fara nici un dmg de la hunter (hunterul poate folosi abilitati ca Kill Command, dar mobul tot nu va dropa nimic.) atunci mobul respectiv nu va dropa nimic si probabil ca nici exp nu va da.
Dovada / Proof:


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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 17:17:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Archangel Ady wrote:
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Nu exista.
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Cand petul la hunter omoara un anumit mob de unul singur fara nici un dmg de la hunter (hunterul poate folosi abilitati ca Kill Command, dar mobul tot nu va dropa nimic.) atunci mobul respectiv nu va dropa nimic si probabil ca nici exp nu va da.
Dovada / Proof:


Pet-ul nu este acreditat ca si dmg dat de caracter cand vine vb. de loot.

Ca sa fii eligibil pt. a loota un anumit mob trebuie ca tu(hunter-ul) sa-l lovesti primul(in caz de mai multi players) deoarece petii nu se pun. Same problem cu petii Warlock-ului , DK si Priest.

Asa e si pe blizz. Nu e bug -.

"It is possible to have the pet fight one mob while the Hunter attacks another. Note: the Hunter will not gain loot or experience from a mob that the pet kills solo. This is a deliberate decision by Blizzard, not a bug. If you intend on pulling multiple mobs and having your pet kill one or more of them while you focus on others, it would be best to try to get at least one shot or hit on each of the mobs and then allow your pet to do its work on them. "

Romana: E posibil ca pet-ul sa se bata cu un mob in timp ce Hunterul ataca altul. Nota: Hunterul nu va beneficia de loot sau experienta de la mobul ucis de pet. Aceasta e o decizie deliberatã din partea Blizzard, nu un bug....restul nu conteaza


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