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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2012, 04:22:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My name is Petko.I live in Bulgaria.Well with my dad got home buisness work so im working 3-4days from week.I was playing mostly pvp in Arena-Tournament 3years 2.4hunter several comps also playing many classes 2.2+ and on another private servers too ,but couple friends told me about the freakz and i want to try something new with pve and i hear about this guild is the best pve here so i want to join it and start gettin my exp.

about here on freakz
Im playing hunter here coz its my main Ashtwo , i know anything about any freaking skill/spec/rotation for hunters and tactics and whatever u progressive isnt be a problem for meh,playing survival as pve 20kdps on dummy as 340ilvl pvp thats why i need good guild who makes raids with ventrilo or ts (whatever u use) to get little carrie boost till i got good items to help with progressives main alt alt main

P.S im not that good as forumer..c

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-07-2012, 22:28:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Evening to Crysis community !

I am a new player on WoWFreakz and I still don't have level 85 character on alliance (but I will have 1-2 soon-> in a couple of days max)
As main reason I want to join Crysis is that there is 10-15 people from elitest PvE MagicWoW guild <Aftermath> and I wanna continue playing and raiding with them.
Main character there was Diablooss,Human Paladin (retri-protection PvP/PvE)
Well my WoW expirience started on MagicWoW and continued on retail on EU-Draenor 4.3.4 (have all normal Dragon Soul kills)
Also done each of WotLK raid and dungeon bosses. (even almost did a solo Instructor Razuvious 10man in Naxxramas,but wiped on ~45%).

But nuff about name is Ludwig,I am 17 and I come from Croatia.
My main interests is now summer work in 4 star hotel as receptionist,I speak fluent english and little bit of german and french,I have a girlfriend and I like to spend time in local caffe with my friends and playing card games like poker,blackjack,rummy etc.
Favorite music: trance,dubstep,hardstyle and some metal,rock and rap.
Favorite football team: 18-FC Barcelona-99 -D

Have all kind of communication programs: Skype,Teamspeak3,RaidCall,Ventrilo,Xfire etc.
Don't know any of Blackwing/Bastion tactics but I can just check a tankspot guide and figure out what and how to do properly in each of encounters (it can't be harder than Deathwing Madness) -D

I hope u'll like my app and accept it -

Thank you! -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-07-2012, 23:50:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@DIGITHALLER - rejected
@Diablooss - accepted, try to contact an officer ingame for a short ventrilo interview, and learn those Boss fights for it

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Post Posted: 11-07-2012, 08:04:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Diablooss wrote:

Don't know any of Blackwing/Bastion tactics but I can just check a tankspot guide and figure out what and how to do properly in each of encounters (it can't be harder than Deathwing Madness) -D

If you think that encounter is hard, lol.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-07-2012, 12:01:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Zohlomg - rejected, application 2short!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-07-2012, 21:38:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello Crysis Community!

My name is Adrian and I'm 16. I live in Romania in a nice place and right now I'm enjoying the summer holiday! I've been playing on WowFreakz for 1 week (I'm a new player ^_^) but it wasn't my first time on Cata. I also have some characters on other Cata servers. I've played Wotlk for over 1 year and I've done all the dungeons and instances and I'm looking forward to also do the Cata dungeons with a friendly group ^^. I don't think I'm really pro WoW player but "ffs" don't call me a noob!!! I know pretty much things about the game. let's talk about me...oh! wait I'm the only one talking...^^...So...I'm a friendly person,good at sports (handball it's my fav) who likes to spend time on video games...I'm a huge minecraft fan but also I like Lego ^^ . I'm a fast learner and I can respect rules. I'm not looking to be the best I just want to be in a friendly community. Btw...I'm still a student so I'm looking to make new friends about my age to talk about school...

Now I'm playing with a rogue (my main) but I also want to grow my alternate (shamy).

Well....that's all folks for today..^^-

I hope you will like me guys!-


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2012, 14:27:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello dudes and dudettes !
My name is Octav and i'm an alcohoolic...OOps...meant wow-hoolic. I've started playing since the first day WOW was released in Europe, somewhere in the autumn of 2004, making this my 9-th year of wow. Indeed, i have alot of played time. I played on blizzard until a month ago, started on Emeriss-EU Alliance from Vanilla , BC, moved to Lightbringer(for PVE purposes we joined another guild that was well established there and had alot of Realm Firsts - can check my PVE achivements on Drysha-Emeriss, and after that i went back to Emeriss.) I have seen, raided and finished all the possible raids up to the actual patch of blizzard, except Naxxrammas 40, which was in my opinion the hardest PVE Encounter ever brought by blizz. Also, i;ve also enjoyed killing horde quite alot, since the amount of HK's on my combined characters exceeds 150k, and in BC my 2v2 rating went up to 2062.
I've stopped playing on Blizz due to the fact that my guild more or less disbanded, alot of players stopped playing(some will return on the launch of MOP), and the content in the current patch is awfull...3 dungeons and 2 raids. It got pretty boring.
To wrap it up, guess i've got all the experience needed for both raiding and pvp-ing. I have been raiding hardcore in the past, but now 2hour casual raids seem perfect for me. On this realm ive got a 4k resilience priest, but i also have some gear for healing, and/or dps.
I'm pretty fun to talk to on vent/skype, i do have some sence of humour(you will laugh when i burp in the middle of the raid encounter).
Thats about it. Let me know about your decision.
My char link:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2012, 19:04:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

dear Crysis!

My name is Léo. I live in france with my girlfriend ( so cute ^^ ). Well about my life, i am working in winter on the slope, i'm trainer of ski ! alot of people have fun with slide sports =) and i like it too ! i'm near the border of the spain in the mountains and the summer i'm working with my parents, i help them on many site work.

For my character :

I got 5 chars, my main is a War named " Lebatar ", i play war since the begin of the cataclysm, i got a mage too " Bibiouch ", i play mage since WOTLK extension ! and i like the gameplay, it's really fun and many control !
i have a rogue, a druid and a shaman ( horde ). My war is really cool ! he can tank anything ^^ or destroy anything too ! my mage can run away =P
i play alot on my War or My mage.

My free time it's at 5.00 PM up to 00.00 PM around.

Now i choose Crysis because :

i heard you in every guild where i was, ( Coldkinghts, Knightemplars ... ) and all time i heard you down already this boss " X " times in normal or heroic mode ^^. Well i'm looking for a guild where there are PVE in hight level like you, you are very organized in raid and other event, and i wanna too a PVP, because i like play too VS Horde or in arena ! I hope you understand my Wish, and i will became a man in your wonder guild =)
See you soon In game i hope !

Mage armory :
War armory :
Enjoy and have fun !

I have Skype,Teamspeak3,RaidCall, Mumble for comunicate !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-08-2012, 23:24:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi there Crysis, to start..I want to join your comunity cuz I like pve and I think you are the best choice,after playing on other realms,try'n other clases ,I noticed that Rogue is the class I enjoy playing with.My char is a preety geared rogue named Deathwispher that is anoxious to stick daggers in all that moves in instances(except you of course).I learned boss scripts from site guides and after a lot of wipes with guilds I was in.Well this being said I hope you consider that I'm helpfull on your raids.I should add that I'm playing DotA,DOTA 2,HoN so when you want to make a team i
will join:)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-08-2012, 23:03:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information
First off my name in real life is Jon, short for Jonathan. I live in California, (-8:00) GMT,
I have a job on the weekends (Fri,sat,sun) that goes from 5pm-10pm but any weekday i am usually free
unless i am called in for work.
I haven't played wow forever, honestly i started back in WoTLK, but even before then i tried it on my friends account when i was younger and i loved the game. I used to play Xbox and other PC games but due to finding this server i haven't touched anything really else. I've played various other servers with no real decent ones standing out.
As for sports and other hobbies i play Paintball and thats about it

In-game Information
As far as In Game goes I play as a Fire Mage i did however switch from Frost Mage to Fire because i wanted to try out fire and see how i liked it.(The following is based solely on my opinions and if you think differently then its fine by me but i am entitled to my own opinion) I noticed as it does not have as much survivorbility as Frost does due to the Ice barrier and the CC that the pet and Frost spec does, it does have higher dps. My character's name in game is Mavina (yes
i play a girl character i like the Female Draenei model better). I have been playing this server for about 4 or 5 days.

Why I want to join Crysis
Well one of the main reasons i want to join the guild is closely connected to why i loved WoW in the first place so much which was that guilds worked together to help each other succeed and advance in the game.
Another reason is because this is a English based guild, i do not know any other languages and it is hard to communicate with others if the languages do not match up.
I want to start raiding more and more, I don't have much experience raiding but i do watch videos that are tutorials to help you get through the raid. I also learn very fast and listen well.
Something else appealed to me was that there wasn't a ilvl requirement which was very surprising to hear, most guilds and groups base experience solely on what items you have and do not give a chance to others that might or might not do better than that person.
I know that my gear isn't the best and you guys probably get people more geared than i am, but i do know that im not rude or malicious when it comes to conversing with people and chatting in the guild. I also believe i would have a great time in your guild.

Additional Information
I do have skype, TS and Vent, i also have a good mic that won't rape anyone's eardrums,
I also and a herbalism/Inscription (going for that volcano card -)
hope everything looks good on this and i hope for the best.
If you need anymore information you can email me or pm me
[email protected]
p.s. I purposely chose not to change the font color because i know certain colors hurts people's eyes and i bet when your reading a few of theses it starts to really bother D: (also ignore any spelling mistakes that i made please and thank you)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2012, 14:06:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We all kinda stopped playing actively so there's no real point in applying. Guild is what u would call it "dead". Sry all

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-08-2012, 17:43:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dkpowers wrote:
Hi my name is Mario.
Live in Bulgaria, I'm 20 years old, playing WoW for 4 years.
want to join because crysis is one of the best guild on the server, well qualified.
I'm still not 100% adapted to version cataclysm. since always played on servers wotlk ,
My character: Dkpowers / DK / Frost 364 itlv
I hope I'm accepted.
Armory LINK :

Thank you!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-08-2012, 23:17:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello Crysis, My name is "Цветомир Николов" translated on english Tsvetomir Nikolov for shorter Tsetso -. I want to join crysis, becouse i'm tired from pugs and making damn raids with randoms! I know ALL the tactics in all RAIDS! I have a poor geared Warrior on DPS and a bit geared on TANK. I have an alt Holy Paladin without off spec. But I can't join with him. I can come on raids with you with him but don't whana leave my first joined guild on I think you understand me. My armory links:
Warrior -
Paladin -

Thank you!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2012, 10:22:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hy my name is Razvan , im 24 year's old
iv'd startet to play since BT and i have been captivatet by that ...but now with the mop online ... iv'd change my server , i aplyed to your guild because from what iv'd seen from the other guild's, u have some progresion. On Exodus iv'd createt an warr arms curent gear dosent alow me to join heroic raids but im up for the nomal 1's.
I know all the raid's in cata from version 4.0.6 to 4.3.6 i have full progres on my warr from blizz if u whana know more just wisp me ingame( KANAI ) .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2012, 19:22:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, guys, since Crysis seems to be dead, you can all try to apply for Eminence Eu, if you have horde toons, of course.
Have fun playing and do your best! -

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