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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 05-09-2012 07:40)
Joined: 08 Apr 2012
Posts: 122, Topics: 16
Location: Romania

Reputation: -10.1
Votes: 9

Post Posted: 13-07-2012, 13:28:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

o chestie foarte ciudata alexx e ALEXX si pe forum e KENT HD
foloseste wall le-am zis la admini odata prin say_team:@.....
a trecut 15 minute vreo 2 mape - si dupa aia fast l speed... cum sia dat seama cai destept ca are wall alla uitativa ce sa intamplat si ce zicea si ireal

schimba mapele din 10 in 10 minute
intr-o ora a fost
in acest moment vad ca vrea s-o schimbe pe awp_india n-a durat 10 minute de_inferno

era si fastlspeed on ca admin dar ireal a schimbato de vreo 4 ori

si ca aparare ce credeti ca face da la vot dupa ce se schimba mapa cat vreti mapa asta
1.5 min 2.10 min 3.15 min - in loc sa puna si a 3-a optiune nu schimbam

pe comy a mutato in timpul jocului..........el (ireal) radea

dupa ce am intrat in joc am stat 10 secunde la spectatori sa ma uit la ce echipa sa ma bag si el a dat vote kick si e si normal ca toti alege optiunea da ca intotdeauna

mai mia dat incodata kick tot cu vot dar mia dat pe dreptate akum

spunetimi daca e normal asa ceva:

*DEAD* |iReaL| : -
alexx (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Danutzellu* (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Bine ai venit pe ZEUS.FREAKZ.RO | ROYAL CS -- Pentru regulament, scrieti /say /regulament
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Pentru cereri admine, reclamatii sau premii,
Vizitati-ne pe
Daca va place, adaugati-l la FADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
[ZEUS] Pentru a afla premiile din aceasta luna, dar si castigatorii nostri, intrati pe Forum, sectiunea Concurs / Premii.
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Danutzellu* killed Fast|Speed|Energy with famas
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
N3v3rNooB!? : hooo

ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
*DEAD* Fast|Speed|Energy : /rs
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
*DEAD* IxU : acum teai ganditr si uh
*DEAD* |iReaL| : -
alexx (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Danutzellu* (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Bine ai venit pe ZEUS.FREAKZ.RO | ROYAL CS -- Pentru regulament, scrieti /say /regulament
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Pentru cereri admine, reclamatii sau premii,
Vizitati-ne pe
Daca va place, adaugati-l la FADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
[ZEUS] Pentru a afla premiile din aceasta luna, dar si castigatorii nostri, intrati pe Forum, sectiunea Concurs / Premii.
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
Danutzellu* killed Fast|Speed|Energy with famas
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
N3v3rNooB!? : hooo

ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
*DEAD* Fast|Speed|Energy : /rs
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
*DEAD* IxU : acum teai ganditr si uh
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: slap N3v3rNooB!? with 0 damage
ADMIN |iReaL|: vote kick for Sparg
N3v3rNooB!? : gatat

faza de milioane
|iReaL| : sparg
|iReaL| : acel ba pastreazal pt alti!

dar el cand vb cu bot noob idiot ce sa mai zic frate

Last edited by spargtot on 13-07-2012, 17:16:21; edited 2 times in total
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[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 15-04-2016 17:12)
Joined: 10 Feb 2012
Posts: 162, Topics: 25
Location: Romania

Reputation: 1.7
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 13-07-2012, 13:52:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

C0mY killed GoNzY with m4a1
[ZEUS] Matei (STEAM_ID_LAN) s-a deconectat.
Sparg : z
*SPEC* RAPANOON YEAH!!! : dute si culcate
*DEAD* |iReaL| : /rs
|iReaL| : Hahaha
*DEAD* |iReaL| : ))
Sparg has left the game
Sparg : :l
*DEAD* GoNzY : pff

PTB: Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
Pentru cereri admine, reclamatii sau premii,
Vizitati-ne pe
Daca va place, adaugati-l la FADMIN RAPANOON YEAH!!!: kick Sparg
Sparg connected
[ZEUS] Sparg (STEAM_ID_LAN) s-a deconectat.
[ZEUS] Pentru admine pe ore jucate, intrati pe forumul nostru:, sectiunea Cereri Admin.
|iReaL| : dc kick?
[ZEUS] Sparg (STEAM_ID_LAN) s-a conectat.
*SPEC* [rS]HaNnibal : (:
*SPEC* Sparg : ba cu ce motiv imi dai kick
*SPEC* Sparg : ?
*SPEC* RAPANOON YEAH!!! : nu mai floda sv cu tot felu de porcarii
|iReaL| : sparg
|iReaL| : acel ba pastreazal pt alti!
Matei connected
C0mY killed xpRo*zok*cM with m4a1
Matei is joining the Terrorist force
*SPEC* [rS]HaNnibal : si trb sai dai kik pt asta
*** C0mY killed |iReaL| with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* Sparg : lasa
*SPEC* [rS]HaNnibal : puate gag da nu kik
*SPEC* Sparg : ms pt aparare hannibal
[ZEUS] Matei (STEAM_ID_LAN) s-a conectat.
*SPEC* Sparg : ms pt kick aiurea rapanon
*DEAD* |iReaL| : -
*DEAD* |iReaL| : moi si tu
*DEAD* |iReaL| : -
*SPEC* Sparg : ireal cat a injurat trebuia sa ia ban
Sparg dropped
*SPEC* [rS]HaNnibal : ("
Sparg has left the game
[ZEUS] Pentru admine pe ore jucate, intrati pe forumul nostru:, sectiunea Cereri Admin.
*SPEC* Sparg : dar nam zis nik
PTB: Runda s-a terminat, verific echipele
*SPEC* Sparg : hai pa
|iReaL| : Spec la joc sau kick!
[ZEUS] Sparg (STEAM_ID_LAN) s-a deconectat.
C0mY killed GoNzY with ak47
C0mY : jucati ma sau stati spec
xpRo*zok*cM killed Matei with m4a1

Posturi unite automat, 13-07-2012, 14:52:56

*SPEC* RAPANOON YEAH!!! : hanibal
Kicked by Console

Administrator Vest.Freakz.Ro

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-04-2014 20:58)
Joined: 03 Jul 2012
Posts: 99, Topics: 23
Location: Italy

Reputation: -32.1
Votes: 11

Post Posted: 13-07-2012, 14:37:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

sparg ! - vezi ca faza era asa io cu fast glumeam si i dadeam slap! cu n3v3r la fel intreabai - si tu vezi ca ma ameninti cu reclamtie bv ai facuto! ce sa iti fac ? poi tiam zis ca poti so faci dar nu pt asta - tu nu mai vb urat pe sv si dp cand intre alti admin esti bun si toate.. ! acum ce faci te dai bn pe langa what? -
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