
Vest | 1ngeras

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Author Message1059

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 26-08-2012 13:29)
Joined: 12 Jul 2012
Posts: 3, Topics: 2
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Reputation: 46.2
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Post Posted: 12-07-2012, 19:09:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nickul meu: Player

Nickul reclamat: Vest | 1ngeras

Motivul: ban pentru aim acordat din dorinta unor jucatori. macar un SS sau demo sa-mi fi facut fiindca am cat de cat vechime si un minim de respect tot s-ar fi cuvenit.

Am mai avut de dat poze, lui nazzy, mai demult si s-a rezolvat fara nicio probema dar de a dat ban dupa chef e chiar ridicol. Doar puneti-va in situatia altor jucatori (cinstiti sau nu)

Nu am nevoie de unban.


DcX : de ce i-ati dat ban lui Player??

Dildau killed Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 with awp
-.-Rollo TomasSi-.- killed Dildau with awp
DcX : de ce i-ati dat ban lui Player??

Cautam donatori. Pentru info despre donatii scrieti admin
*** Aaron killed DemonulDinMine with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Cr3@T[u]73 killed Tweety@CN with awp
[Vest.Freakz.Ro]: Playerii cu pingul mai mare de 90Ms vor primi kick!
[C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr killed SonicX with g3sg1
shadow : avea aim

-.-Rollo TomasSi-.- killed - Player with awp
[Vest.Freakz.Ro]: Playerii cu pingul mai mare de 90Ms vor primi kick!
ZoLo killed Warrior Player with awp
*** Alex 92 killed CuceriTorII with a headshot from sg550 ***
*** Aaron killed Tweety@CN with a headshot from m4a1 ***
DcX : da?

*** -.-Rollo TomasSi-.- killed DJmIHAI with a headshot from awp ***
DeX killed aL3X with m4a1
DeX killed TwYsT with m4a1
SonicX killed [C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr with awp
*** ZoLo killed CuceriTorII with a headshot from awp ***
[Gag] Messi killed AnDuTzZU with ak47
Apasati F-pentru ultimate si E-pentru a deschide parasuta.
*** Aaron killed Alex 92 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
ZoLo killed EmAnUeL with awp
DcX : si poze sau demo avem?

DemonulDinMine killed - Player with awp
*** [Gag] Messi killed SonicX with a headshot from ak47 ***
Cr3@T[u]73 killed ZoLo with awp
Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 killed Dildau with awp
DeX killed [Gag] xXxBLONDAxXx[Gag] with m4a1
[Vest.Freakz.Ro]: Playerii cu pingul mai mare de 90Ms vor primi kick!
aL3X killed Dau cu gratie in populatie ^_^ with m4a1
EmAnUeL killed -.-Rollo TomasSi-.- with awp
Cautam donatori. Pentru info despre donatii scrieti admin
DJmIHAI died
DJmIHAI is joining the Terrorist force
shadow : nst

Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 killed Warrior Player with awp
shadow : /who

lolz jr. has left the game
Tweety@CN killed Aaron with awp
[Gag] Messi killed AnDuTzZU with ak47
TwYsT dropped
TwYsT has left the game
DcX : /who

AnDuTzZU killed [Gag] Messi with Suicide Bomber
casysmecheras killed Alex 92 with m4a1
Apasati C-pentru shopmenu sau V-pentru shopmenu2.
Vest | 1ng3ras : dcx sa inteleg ca tu esti player?

ZoLo : /shopmenu2

kapone connected
*** Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 killed Warrior Player with a headshot from awp ***
[Vest.Freakz.Ro]: kick: lolz jr.. Reason: pingul playerului depasea 90Ms!
Dau cu gratie in populatie ^_^ killed aL3X with deagle
*** DeX killed - Player with a headshot from deagle ***
DemonulDinMine killed Aaron with awp
ZoLo : rings

kapone is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
EmAnUeL killed [Gag] Messi with awp
-_-Ionut-_-*Shadow^Ice connected - Player killed DeX with ak47
ZoLo killed Dildau with awp
*** Warrior Player killed Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 with a headshot from awp ***
*** [C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr killed SonicX with a headshot from g3sg1 ***
CuceriTorII killed [C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr with m4a1
Dau cu gratie in populatie ^_^ killed casysmecheras with deagle
Apasati F-pentru ultimate si E-pentru a deschide parasuta.
-_-Ionut-_-*Shadow^Ice is joining the Counter-Terrorist force - Player killed -.-Rollo TomasSi-.- with ak47
Cr3@T[u]73 killed Tweety@CN with awp
DcX : ingeras, i-ati facut poze?

Dau cu gratie in populatie ^_^ killed aL3X with awp
*** [Gag] xXxBLONDAxXx[Gag] killed ZoLo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
shadow : -)

DcX : sau macar demo?

Bine ai venit pe --[ Vest.Freakz.Ro ]-- Nu uita sa adaugi la Favorit.
Pentru lista cu servere tastati /server
DemonulDinMine killed Cr3@T[u]73 with awp
DJmIHAI killed SonicX with m4a1
*** ZoLo killed Aaron with a headshot from deagle ***
*** EmAnUeL killed DemonulDinMine with a headshot from awp ***
casysmecheras killed Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 with m4a1
shadow : DcX mai bn taci

DeX killed - Player with m4a1
DeX killed [Gag] xXxBLONDAxXx[Gag] with m4a1
*** ZoLo killed Aaron with a headshot from deagle ***
Vest | 1ng3ras : esti player te intreb ??? nu mai vb de tine la pers a 3 -ea

Cine doreste sa faca o donatie sau sa cumpere admin ADD ID: vest_alecsoviki
*** aL3X killed Tweety@CN with a headshot from m4a1 ***
-_-Ionut-_-*Shadow^Ice killed -.-Rollo TomasSi-.- with awp
[C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr killed EmAnUeL with g3sg1
Cr3@T[u]73 killed [C.I.A.] ThE gAmEr with awp
DeX killed aL3X with m4a1
DJmIHAI killed SonicX with m4a1
CuceriTorII : /shopmenu2

*** ZoLo killed Aaron with a headshot from deagle ***
Pentru lista cu servere diponibile tastati /server
CuceriTorII : /shopmenu2

DeX killed aL3X with m4a1
Warrior Player killed DemonulDinMine with awp
*** Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 killed Warrior Player with a headshot from awp ***
EmAnUeL killed DJmIHAI with awp
[Gag] Messi killed SonicX with ak47
Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 killed kapone with awp
DeX killed aL3X with m4a1
[Vest.Freakz.Ro]: Playerii cu pingul mai mare de 90Ms vor primi kick!
-_-Ionut-_-*Shadow^Ice killed Messi vs Ronaldo 2012 with awp
DcX : da ma eu sunt fireste.

*** ZoLo killed kapone with a headshot from awp ***
ThE Sn!PeR dropped
DeX killed aL3X with m4a1
*** casysmecheras killed -.-Rollo TomasSi-.- with a headshot from m4a1 ***

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 28-10-2015 00:56)
Joined: 24 Feb 2012
Posts: 195, Topics: 36
Location: Romania

Reputation: 55.8
Votes: 5

Post Posted: 12-07-2012, 20:26:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ban e normal sa iei daca intradevar ai numele "Player" pentru ca induci in eroare adminii. Cum sunt si aia care nu stiu sa schimbe numele la alte counter-strike-uri (Ciubaca, unnamed, Player, etc. - depinde de counter-strike).Daca e unu "Player" in banlist atunci nu te astepta daca tu esti altu Dosent Matter sa-ti mai faca poze... pot sa mai vina 5 cu acelasi nume si ip dinamic pe server. De unde stie care-i care? Schimba-ti numele in ceva mai inspirat si joaca-te normal. Cand zic ceva inspirat nu ma refer la "Player2"...

Last edited by zanmato on 12-07-2012, 23:13:10; edited 1 time in total
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[Admin Vest & Zombie]

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Post Posted: 12-07-2012, 21:37:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aici cam au dreptate, Player. Am discutat si cu alex pe tema asta, si mi-a spus sa dau banip pentru a nu mai putea intra, si a nu mai repeta povestea asta cu acest nick. Dar are dreptate si yazmat, daca acel player are ip rotabil? Si intr`adevar exista un player cu acel nick la banlist. Si pana nu da un moderator, super moderator, god sau co-owner exterminate acelui player el va continua sa intre.

P.S. Schimbati numele, si nimeni nu va mai avea nimic cu tine.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 04-08-2018 10:11)
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Post Posted: 13-07-2012, 08:03:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a zis zanmato ce aveam de zis "player" !
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[Playcs Romania]

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Post Posted: 13-07-2012, 18:16:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Player a donat pentru admin . Deci v-a ramane una si aceeasi persoana.

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