
unban Dr.Criminoiu

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-07-2012, 20:40:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nick-ul Dr.Criminoiu
Data + ora: 21-07-2012
Harta: mj3
Admini online nush
Adminul: iar nu stiu
Motivu: din nou nu stiu
Dovada "DEAD* ThoR : /last

JhonnY. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* ratra : ?

*DEAD* Freakz * SiLe : vedem

*DEAD* Fan Ratra : da kane

*DEAD* ratra : nu vazui

*DEAD* Fan Ratra : -

Time Left: 23:38
*** tassej37! killed andy -_* with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* ThoR : timeleft

(Jucator) Dr.Criminoiu: slusj28 ual
[] Scrieti /radio pe chat pentru a asculta radio.
ADMIN: Dr.Criminoiu ungagged
*DEAD* KANE : Ai luat bacul ?

*DEAD* slusj28! : dati ma def

ThoR killed naIluIE with famas
ratra killed sebi with ak47
Fan Ratra : sunt in anu 3 de fac

Dr.Criminoiu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Dr.Criminoiu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
ratra killed Emil with ak47
KANE : Ai luat bacul?

marshall killed tassej37! with grenade
SoMe killed Meltior with sg550
Dr.Criminoiu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Dr.Criminoiu killed ThoR with ak47
Fan Ratra : pai daca sunt la facultate in anu 3

Fan Ratra : normal

tassej37! (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
w w w . W a r 3 . F r e a k z . r o
*** ratra killed andy -_* with a headshot from ak47 ***
Fan Ratra : -

slusj28! killed StO with ak47
*** +RyNk killed JhonnY. with a headshot from mp5navy ***
KANE : gg

*DEAD* Meltior : /me
DeliveryBoy killed ratra with mp5navy
Dr.Criminoiu killed Freakz * SiLe with ak47
andy -_* dropped
andy -_* has left the game
*DEAD* tassej37! : el e
andy -_* connected
Emil has left the game
*** Dr.Criminoiu killed Amero with a headshot from ak47 ***
Lord.Zeusz killed marshall with ak47
*** Fan Ratra killed +RyNk with a headshot from ak47 ***
andy -_* is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[] Pentru cereri, nume rezervate, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
slusj28! killed SoMe with ak47
KANE killed slusj28! with mp5navy
*DEAD* Emil : /reset
Dr.Criminoiu killed DeliveryBoy with ak47
Fan Ratra : am fost ultima generatie de a dat bacul acela de a avut sport

Fan Ratra : -

*DEAD* +RyNk : am bug
*DEAD* ratra : si ai dat sport?
*DEAD* tassej37! : ai avut noroc
Fan Ratra : da

*DEAD* +RyNk : ca nu te am vaz
*DEAD* ratra : cat ai luat?
KANE killed NrG with usp
Fan Ratra : si am dat cu mingea in profesori

Fan Ratra : -

Added to banned list
] retry
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
You have been banned from this server.

] retry
Commencing connection retry to 8"

from Doctor with love!!!
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Post Posted: 21-07-2012, 22:40:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Motivul e ca ai facut frag pe mine si inca un jucator prin smoke, desi nu se vedea nimic si nu aveai cum sa stii unde suntem.

Dr.Criminoiu killed Freakz * SiLe with ak47
*** Dr.Criminoiu killed Amero with a headshot from ak47 ***

Nu am facut poze sau demo, e suficienta parerea mea.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 07:01:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

SiLe wrote:
Motivul e ca ai facut frag pe mine si inca un jucator prin smoke, desi nu se vedea nimic si nu aveai cum sa stii unde suntem.

Dr.Criminoiu killed Freakz * SiLe with ak47
*** Dr.Criminoiu killed Amero with a headshot from ak47 ***

Nu am facut poze sau demo, e suficienta parerea mea.

Destul de gresit Sile, eu unu am inteles parerea ta, dar...stii cum este, nu sunt dovezi...+ ->mare grija sa nu procedeze si alti admini sau altii cum ai procedat tu (pe urma sa vina sa zica , "si la sile a contat doar parerea lui"), nu este un exemplu bun!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 08:17:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

uite sile ce am io bagat "Best looking, slowest" adik prin smoke mi se misca mai incet framurile da vad mai bine
ms de ban
daca asa gandesti....

ah si mai e si aia hud_centerid"1" adik imi arata enemy sau friends in mouseover

from Doctor with love!!!
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 10:35:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu Py7y... eu imi permit sa fac asta pentru ca am incredere in judecata mea, stiu ce am vazut si cum a decurs faza, exista riscul ca el sa se dezactiveze dupa runda aia si sa nu mai prind nimic in demo/poze, tocmai d-aia l-am banat pe loc.

Cat despre explicatia ta cu centerid nu se aplica aici, eu am murit primul si a venit camera pe tine. Nu se vedea nimic prin smoke totusi tu trageai in jucator si a fost la diferenta de cateva secunde bune, nu aveai de unde sa stii unde este.

Plus ca jucatorul nu era la nivelul solului, se misca, era sus pe bordura (harta fiind mjolby) si tu erai in casa dupa un ecran de fum.

Ban-ul ramane, Kids... don't do this at home -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 12:38:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

banu ramane nui problema daca asa zici tu...
tu degeaba te-ai uitat la mine daca tu ai qualyty high la smoke,conteaza ce am vazt io nu tu:P
apropo parca dupa ce te-am omorat pe tine m-am dat iar dupa zid nu? am incarcat arma si am iesit iar in usa poate de aia nu m-a vazt nici celalalt ca nu vedea de fum,io am vazt enemy am tras...just!!!!
ms oricum de ban -(((((((((((((((

from Doctor with love!!!
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 13:58:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

La centerid, prin smoke nu iti apare jucatoru, adica nu iti scrie Enemy. De ce ar mai fi smoke, daca te-ar fi dat chestia aia de gol. In rest consider ca ar fi normal sa ii dati unban. EU vad in smoke pe 32 de biti, destul de bine, depinde de situatie, daca e harta intunecata, tre sa ma pun duck si vad picioarele, daca e harta luminoasa, pot vedea si asa.

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education
dr. Martin Luther King jr.
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 15:26:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tu nu intelegi liq ca ma uitam pe el si nu se vedea nimic prin smoke dar el tragea ? Eu nu vedeam nimic, si el da ?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 15:39:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu mi se pare o proba definitorie faptul ca a facut frag prin smoke, oricine poate sa dea la bulan. daca erai convins ca are cod trebuia sa-i fi facut poze imediat ce ai murit sa nu fi avut timp sa dezactiveze.

buy the ticket, take the ride
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 15:58:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Iti dau un exemplu, eu eram rampa tero pe harta de_inferno cum vi din baza de la tero, iar vrillon pe mid langa julieta chiar la intrare imi da cap, prin 2 smoke care erau la jumate 1 dat de mn altu dat de altcineva din echipa mea...EU NU VEDEAM ABSOLUT NIMIC, cum poti explica faza asta sile?????Inseamna ca si vrillon are wall daca o luam asa!!!Eu cred ca sunt deja prea multe bug-uri care induc in eroare.Ti-am spus te inteleg, dar nu este o proba definitorie...Sper sa ma intelegi si sa nu fi ofensat de ceva ce am zis!!!

Last edited by Py7y on 22-07-2012, 15:59:59; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 15:58:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

liq wrote:
La centerid, prin smoke nu iti apare jucatoru, adica nu iti scrie Enemy. De ce ar mai fi smoke, daca te-ar fi dat chestia aia de gol. In rest consider ca ar fi normal sa ii dati unban. EU vad in smoke pe 32 de biti, destul de bine, depinde de situatie, daca e harta intunecata, tre sa ma pun duck si vad picioarele, daca e harta luminoasa, pot vedea si asa.

iti arata enemy ca si la flash daca nu crezi incearca si am mai zis odata si repet unii joaca cu rez maxima la smoke,io joc cu rez minima adik se vede destul de bine prin smoke numa ca mi se misca frame-ul m,ai incet
si daca tu ai rez max la smoke si te uiti la mine normal ca tu vezi cu rez ta nu cu a mea,cu rez de smoke puff vb aici

from Doctor with love!!!
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 16:50:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bine ma iti dau unban.. nu e problema, te prindem noi -

[AMXX] Ip "" removed from ban

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