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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2012, 17:36:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hi my question is why elemental shamys do so low demage seriosly go in the server and see how much shamys have i think max 5 so gm fix the problem please 1 shamy cant crit max 20k lava burst fix this please
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2012, 17:56:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i have a friend play elem shamy does 50 k lava burst and 60 k with earthshok but he use trinkets , in nortmal case lava burst can do 27-35k against well gear ppl and if u have low gear u wont pass 20 k , my guess is that u have low gear .
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2012, 20:22:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ele shammy can do a lot of damage as burst , is just that they need LB spam and got no defensive yeh they are kinda harder for pvp
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 11:36:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mhm im full vicioos without off parts and sockets and enchants ok i will dress up full vicious and will see for what you guys talking about.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 13:59:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

okey here wht u should do ,
flameshok then enleach elem then lava , cause they change the rotation in cata . for earthshok , charge up 9 charges and use it . its should be hit at least 16 k on full ress ppl
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 13:59:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, I play ele, I got 4/5 vicious and 2 blue offparts, full sokets, enchants and I'm pretty often 1st by dmg in the bgs, and always in at least top 3 and pretty often 1st in killing blows, HKs too. It's just that u shouldn't only watch the lava burst, u have lightning bolt and chain lightning witch lightning u should be using always when there is two targets close to each other cause this is gonna get u faster to 9 lightning shield stacks witch procs u Fulmination from witch come the highest numbers. For 1v1, yes it's hard, it's not like mage and if a 4k resilienced DK and not only DKs ofc comes ahead u, u'll probably lose.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 18:43:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

oh yeh you can top damage healers in BGs ,.. as long as you dont get focused , if any player starts focusing on you .. well.. thereis no much you can do (unless you can thunderstorm them out the map/cliff)
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Post Posted: 22-07-2012, 19:51:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If it's only one player targeting me it won't be such a problem, two or more is, and btw u don't get 1st in killing blows by spaming dmg on healers the hole bg. If no one else is attacking the healer the most I do is CC him as much as I can, killing someone else in the meanwhile, someone not watched by the healer.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-07-2012, 16:21:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's sorta hard hearing this. In my opinion or view Elemental Shamans hit as hard as hell if you know how to use them. I'd put them on seond on DPS list after Fury Warriors but unfortunatley they have all damage and just about no defensive CDs. But I guess it's okay- you normally burst and put people on defense before they can reach you. Elemental Shamans, PURE DPS!!

<3 Lavender and Vonh <3
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-07-2012, 05:19:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ele shams are fine the only thing bugged with them is that if you ever get lavaburst overload dont expect the 2nd lavaburst to crit.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2012, 18:00:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kinda funny u guys say they do a lot of dmg. yet me as ench can kill them easyer then warriors. and im barly geared. the ele shams that beat me are visc and thats all and they barly do dmg
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-08-2012, 10:22:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

the only reason they "barely" do damage is because they cant get casts off. that is why casting classes fail in arena.

arcane mages fail, yes u see 100000000 of them now, but that is because 1] they are bg nubs, 2] players in arena fail. boomkins are pretty much forced to dot a whole match cuz they will also get targeted like an arcane mage so that they cant cast, they wont even get their eclipse to proc cuz by the time it does, either a: the match has already been decided, or b: the other team just really sucks, which means the match was still decided lol. and ele shamans, has less control than arcane and boomkins, and less instant attacks. ele got the shit end of the stick, and are now useless with bloodlust not being useable, and even if it was, other more viable classes have it.

in 1v1, ele blows, in arena, ele blows. ur only chance to be successful really, is in bg and pve. i love ele, i wish this wasnt true as shaman was my main in vanilla [but i was enhance lol], switched to ele in tbc though cuz well, dual wield just blows. it took the fun out. seeing triple wf crits on my unstoppable force, which eventually became high warlord wep, which eventually became sulfuras, was rare.. but amazing. i wish 2h enhance would make a come back. i miss it badly.

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Post Posted: 01-08-2012, 11:33:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

inforsir wrote:
kinda funny u guys say they do a lot of dmg. yet me as ench can kill them easyer then warriors. and im barly geared. the ele shams that beat me are visc and thats all and they barly do dmg

That is because of your Toughness talent making u faster while slowed allowing u to run true me stoping my casts, that's why u don't see dmg.
An equal skilled ench shaman will always beat the shit out of the elemental one.

Good for me I don't play much duels or arenas.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-08-2012, 20:37:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pve: elemental
pvp: resto, ehn

can you reach high rating as ele? yes , it can just take longer

the issue is not really damage, i have seen shamans do 100k bursts in about 4-5 secs.. their issue is survivability there are some issues with elemental shaman survival in this patch:

-no heals: no strong heals (+60k) as resto or insta heals as ehn; you need to spam healing 3-5 times to go back to a decent HP lvl

-no high mana regenen: healing will oom you , going water shield will cut your burst by 50% (you wont oom at all if you can spam ligthing bolt tho)

-no mobility: your hard hitting spelles are 1.5+ sec casts. you can use spiritwalker but that is a 2 min cd, elemental mastery works for only 1 spell .. and you NEED to set up your burst casting eother ligthing bolt or chain ligthing in order to get 7+ ligthing shield charges (for the fulminatiopn proc)

-no defensive cds: you got no way to mitigate incoming damage unless you glyphed stoneclaw totem.
You could use thunderstorm but almost all melee got a way to negate it:
--dk: will DeathGrip you back to them
can negate it with AMS
--feral drood: will feral charge or skullbash back to you
--rogue: will shadowstep/blind go back stealth or walk back
can negate it with CoS
--warrior: will charge/intercept/heroic leap back to you
--ret paladin: got no "close gappers" can only run back
if hes smart he will get a +45% run speed tho

Earthbind totem (roots) help to keep a ele shammy alive ..but is considered magical so it can be bypased by dispel (holy paladin) , magic immune effects (rogue/dk), is a movement imp effect thus some talents remove it (fury/ret pala) .. is totally effective vers feral drood, unless they trinket it (all classes)

not saying that pvp is impossible, is just harder and need more practice/timing that as ehn or resto

in bgs is totally different tho : doing bg pvp as ele shammy is soo easy , just target someone already engaging someone else and you can burn them down in secs. also you can get a lot of lighting shield charges(for fulmination) out of chain lighting (with mastery it can hit up to 6 targets ... meaning you could go to full charges with only 1 cast)

im doing arenas as resto shammy atm.. since already got my full vicious healer set im getting the ele pvp set now... just so i can go pvp in bgs and TS people out the map in EOTS!

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