
Hybrid "Wintergrasp"

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Post Posted: 02-08-2012, 14:10:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello guys,

Few weeks ago i made a topic which can be found here:

I've said i'll do some SS's but i got busy irl and i didn't had time. Now i finally got some time and decided to suggest something nice for our fellows PvP-ers.

In Southern Barrens, alliance have attacked horde and they made a battlefront there.

Horde got their base at the west side of the Souther Barrens:

While alliance got their base at the east side of the southern barrens:

Leaving a nice spot for a battlefield between their bases:

Now, people on the Moonguard US used that place to RPPvP and they had their fight for THREE days straight there!
Since people don't RP here it would be hard to make them come there and do PvP so i thought i'd suggest something nice to make people come there and just fight the opposing faction.
PS: I think this would cut down the people who just join BG's to kill opposing faction w/o doing BG objectives.

Here comes my suggestion:

Let's use unused Wintergrasp queue and if possible rename it into Southern Barrens Assault. Now it would be awesome if that place could get phased so we don't interfere with low levels who just want to level or prevent people who ain't in a queue to join and outnumber opposing faction and ofcourse, disable the flying.

Now, i have two scenarios in the head.

One is Capture the Flag scenario.

Here's where the flag can be placed in the horde base:

And here's where it can be placed in the ally base:

And other scenario is to use Silithus type of the objective and system could randomly spawn small Silithus type of geisers which could be insta opened and who colect the 100 geisers for example wins the event.

And if that's hard to script, it can be pure fight 'till the death type of the event and first team which gets 1000 kills for example would win the event, but that might not be balanced if one side have more RDPS than other.

To balance things a bit, on the spots i marked or any other spot, it can be added baricades to make LoS so people could get healed or prevent opponents from doing shitton of damage to them:

Also, at the end of the sides, stationary catapults can be added to help low geared people use them and do some damage to players. Catapults can deal 10k damage for example with 2-3 sec recharge time.

About the rewards, winning time could get the 200 conquest points for example and losing team could get 200 honor and players from winning team can get a small chest with some rewards in them.

Rewards can be honor rewards like maelstrom crystals, savage leather, bag of herbs and small chance for Bloodthirsty and vicious gear.

What do you guys think about this?

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Post Posted: 02-08-2012, 16:28:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

idea is nice but this will be probably too hard to script. You should consider easier alternatives like adding a chest with group-lootable credit in there similar to gurubashi in the center of the area or something like that.
Also, its not blizzlike so its another problem unless we want to move closer to funservers

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Post Posted: 03-08-2012, 12:30:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How about just fixing WG?
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