
[FIXED] Mindbender Ghur'sha Damage

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Post Posted: 21-08-2012, 06:53:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Mindbender Ghur'sha on heroic mode is doing about twice as much damage than he should do to any target. The server lists his melee damage as 40k-60k damage per hit, but that should be raw damage not including armor even if it is correct. He is hitting between 30k to 45k damage on tanks.
Dovada / Proof: IMG:

This is a death log on a heroic throne of the tides run. We failed to kill mindbender ghur'sha in the end because our healer (me) ran OOM trying to keep the tank alive. You can see the lowest melee damage hit there is 30k, with the highest being around 45k with most of the damage absorbed. The tank mentioned in this screenshot is a blood death knight who is geared in blues and epics (he prefers not to tank).

The same also happened to me with protection paladin tanks and warrior tanks, though I do not have death logs for them I had difficulty then as well. In addition, the boss was able to hit me, the healer, for around 80k damage. If his base dmg is 60k max I don't know why he is hitting that hard.

The proof I have that the damage of Mindbender Ghur'sha is incorrect is here:

At 1:35 it transitions and the one recording the video, a ret paladin, takes a couple hits from Mindbender Ghur'sha with no defensive cooldowns up. The first hit is 21k and the second is 29k. This is such a small sample of hits I found another video about it.

At 2:13 the boss starts hitting the tank, a warrior in what looks like blues and a few epics, after losing control of his MC target. You can see he hits the tank for no more than 22k, and closer to the range of 11k-22k, with a couple attacks being blocked down to 8k damage. (look in the upper left corner, on his portrait, to see the damage)

Maybe the damage range listed on the npc finder is correct, but somehow it is not correctly implemented in game.

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Post Posted: 29-08-2012, 10:25:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Melee damage reduced by 45% on Heroic Difficulty.
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