
A Funny Story About A Pugger Named ALIENHEAL => [COOL STORY BRO]
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 16:10:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello again!

It's your favorite Raid/PUG Journalist POWERMAN! -

Welcome to another edition of the COOL STORY BRO series, where I attempt to give you blow by blow accounts of humorous incidents and stories around the World...
... of Warcraft.

Today my journey takes me to the opposite faction, THE HORDE!
aka. the "not so attractive races besides Blood Elves"
aka. the RED TEAM


Today I met a pugger named Alienheal (Silent Wrath), and he seems very confident, very pro!

I am sure some of you have noticed him making raids via the Raid Finder.

So obviously, since it was a raid led by a PRO DUDE...
I was confident that we can handle the bosses with ease!


I joined the raid as a tank.

Now, a bit of background about myself:

- I've joined private servers (since Burning Crusade many years ago) and often used a tank as a main
- I like to think I've mastered every tanking class available; or at least try to learn as best I can
- Before each boss fight, I read up on tactics and watch videos
- I have multiple characters, with multiple kills of each boss (until I quit some months ago during DDOS attacks)

- I have also led the top PVE guild in a fully-scripted WotLK server (which I will not name here); multiple Lich King and 25 heroic kills and endless farming

So, in short, I would like to think that I am qualified to lead raids and to be part of some - because I'm one of those people who cares more about group progress/learning, as opposed to individual selfishness.

/humble mode



Back to our story.

First, on Maloriak - within the first 20 seconds a rogue died.

I believe it was Alienheal who cursed and chewed me out:
"OMG tank ffs!" "taunt!" "blame blame blame blame blame the tank"

Even though, for the life of me, I had 100% aggro and had Revenge active on me always (warrior tanks will know what this means).


We wiped on the first try due to enrage. -

I thought things were going well.
- I interrupted the lightning cast 100% of the time, within 1 second of it being cast.
- I moved swiftly to avoid the boss from getting buffs from aberration deaths
- I was also whispering/speaking to raid members about things to do on the fly
- I was also #3 on the DPS meters (as a tank)

We did another try, which was worse, because of the LACK OF HEALING (in the sense that healers were somewhat "sleeping").
Alienheal was also a healer in the fight; maybe he was "sleeping" too?



He then raged, and kicked a lot of people. -

When I whispered him asking what I did wrong, he simply said I was "a noob tank".

He asked me for achievements to link, which I told him that "most were spread among my multiple characters".

He asked me to link my mom - which was scientifically impossible.

He then summarized all the failures in the raid as simply: "U are tank noob 1st time in BWD"




Alienheal made another raid - which I joined on a secret alt. Haha.
This time with 359 item level requirement = hoping the high level would mean "better skill".

Unfortunately - NEITHER of the tanks he invited knew what to do.

One tank could not hold aggro on adds.
The other immediately died within 10 seconds after that.

Of course, once again, being "very confident" and "very pro" - he immediately blamed the entire raid.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen - if he kept me, and the offtank (since we were doing our jobs well) - and replaced those that were slacking off (and making mistakes).

Instead of "raging without control and looking for new people, with higher item levels, who had no clue what to do".

QUOTE THIS from me:
"I could honestly visualize Alienheal, the raid leader, as a warrior, spamming attacks, and all the time his character would say:


Screenshots below.

Enjoy~ -

I simply wish to provide a funny story-telling of experiences I have while raiding with cool people here:
- such as Corefire
- Joined
- Alienheal

In fact, I've met some cool people from pugging - namely Caxe, Scissors, Humans and others - who were very well-organized and sociable as well.

Sometimes, the lesson here is some people, if they wish to lead, need to look at the things going on, and show a bit of "humility" if they made their own mistakes.

After all - true and good leaders aren't simply the ones who say: "Go tank"



Just to add a quick bit (from a later post below):

ALIENHEAL and his best friend RESTOSHAMY made a BoT 25 raid.

At first Restoshamy refused to have me join (due to Alienheal's insistence) - but he later accepted.

I was tanking the dragons for Halfus - but due to a bug (as confirmed by other raid members) - I could NOT speak to Time dragon to activate him.
Alienheal kept screaming about "how noob I was" - without looking at what happened.


The dragon eventually unbugged and I tanked the drakes perfectly.

The (other) tank for Halfus was late in moving from fires that I had to take the boss from him.
He also died, on flames....

Surprise, surprise - since Alienheal and Restoshamy detested my "noobishness" - they asked the other guy to tank for Valiona/Theralion.
- He ended up running around the room and spinning around crazily, and among other mistakes by pugs, led to a wipe.


Immediately after one Valiona wipe:
Alienheal immediately RAGED and called me a "noob tank" again - for no mistake I've done. -
Then blamed the Valiona wipe -on me-.
- I wasn't even tanking
- I was one of the last to die since I avoided everything needed to avoid.

After a quick rage and blame-game on me:
* Alienheal has left the group
* Restoshamy has left the group
(and just like that, raid was over)
Raised eyebrow

I had a huge laugh at that; but the entire raid got pissed off at them:
"Stupid leaders... got saved for 1 boss then they left."

Some in the raid have said that it was, most probably, either Alienheal or Restoshamy, who were dispelling the Blackout - thus killing the affected raid member immediately.

Question: "How did they lead / give tactics at Valiona and Theralion?"
Answer: "GOOOO TANK!!!"


Last edited by Powerman on 18-09-2012, 09:52:59; edited 5 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 17:05:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mister tank, as I have previously stated, I did not curse you, didn't say anything about you whatsoever. I blamed the one staying with the flame debuff in the melee group. I never spammed you and never cursed you. That guy, I know from pugs, no other connenction to him. About the kicking you part, I raged at him a little, saying that it wasn't your fault. I only told him to kick dps, since it was low....And I told you numerous times, read the damn chat, I never cursed once.
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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 17:05:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

you are a very good story teller.. but in the end I feel sorry about your lack of luck... you have too many stories these days
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 17:35:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

And since I see you've linked a fair share of chatting, may you, please, link the part where I was all "taunt ffs! yu nub tank! WTF! OMFG! Etc?" .Myeah, you can't, for there was none. Try some reasoning before embarrassing me for no actual reason, just that I've stayed in the raid you were kicked from.
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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 18:09:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

GS Playlist -!/playlist/Architech/84418068/
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 19:41:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Well this guy still likes me

That's enough for me ~ -

Besides, why would I "QQ to my mom"?

I haven't QQ'd to her since I was 8 years old when someone got a higher test result than me (because she copied answers damn it!)

Are you the new Mister "Link your achievement, Link your Mom"


Well you know, I like to poke fun at people, especially if they do some weird things.

I don't really feel bad sometimes - unless I had a bad day - and who wouldn't right.

If I were to share with you the saddest experience I had in this game - it would be wiping on Blood Queen Lanathiel.

FOR SIX HOURS - we didn't even down her.

That was over a year and a server ago.

I guess I'm just a talkative, loves-to-share stories type of person. It's better than being antisocial or griping to staff, like some people do, hehe.



I've talked to the guy and I've apologized to him.

I want to tell you all that - perhaps due to the spam/raid warnings - I had thought his comment (which might be something else), was that of the "omg tank ffs", "omg taunt" variety.

I've since spoken to him and patched things up. We've actually discussed a few cool things like guild history, pve on this server, Guild Wars, and so on. He's a cool guy.

I guess I made a new friend. -

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 19:43:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

To be honest - speak for your self..


Once again - cool story, bro! Entertaining at least -

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 22:17:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

damn that BQL... i hate her too - especially as a resto shaman ... too much movement for a shammy.. btw i have the feeling that if you put this cata ppl in a wotlk they wont be able to pass through Marro -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 22:25:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Just to add to the story of how funny (and very weird) this Alienheal fellow is...

I joined another PUG - and apparently he was friends with the raid leader - who avoided inviting me at first.
(but since no tanks were joining, I hopped in).

It was for BoT 25.

I was tanking drakes => but, for some weird reason, as some players saw - TIME dragon got bugged and there was no dialog box (to speak to him/right click).
- I had to type it in chat to warn the group.

Alienheal - of course - started spamming about my "noobishness" without looking at what happened. -

Eventually it was unbugged and I tanked the drakes nicely enough.
Then I went to Halfus and watched as things flowed.

The other tank was slow in moving from flames, so I taunted it off to "warn" the melee (who mostly move when the boss moves).
The other tank also died in flames (oddly enough).

^ He was chosen to tank Valiona/Theralion - and he moved erratically from the start up to the wipe which he was blamed for.


Players were asking for a change of tank, and naturally I volunteered - and, once more, Alienheal goes on about "me the nooby tank".

- He then immediately LEAVES the group along with his pal.
Imagine the surprise of everyone in the group!

He just goes! "U noob!"
- Alienheal has left the group
- Restoshamy has left the group

(and I wasn't even the tank!)



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-09-2012, 22:32:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

Why do you even read? Close the page, read something else.

Again nice story!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2012, 08:25:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

and no one give a *** about your opinion, next time gtfo

op nice writing skills keep it up

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2012, 09:56:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why thanks for the nice comments people. -

I'll be sure to bring you more news from the World..
.. of Warcraft... as they happen.

And Architech, hey look, I have a great idea.

I want you to post your Facebook name and ALL OF US will search you.

Then we will add you as a friend.

And we will share posts with you, pictures, status updates, etc.

And we promise that we will ALWAYS hit the "Like" button each Wall post you make.

And we promise NEVER to "unfriend" you!

Because we believe you need friends!
And we are here to help you!! -

Last edited by Powerman on 18-09-2012, 14:12:55; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-09-2012, 12:07:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Like all the statues by Architech :3
Keep goin bro -

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Post Posted: 19-09-2012, 10:50:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

We give a *** about his stories. First of all, he introduces some humor into this, pretty much lifeless forum. Second, he points out the "wonders of PUG", aka. the "Noobs making raids".
If you don't like it, go hate another post.


Good job on these stories!
On one side, we are expecting more great stories from you, on the other, we don't because it means some "not so good" experience with people in WoW.

Oh also... One question. Since you said you were the leader of one of the best guilds on some Wotlk private server, and we had one join to Cold Knights recently. Are you that guy?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-09-2012, 14:17:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
Architech wrote:
To be honest, we don't give a *** about your stories so please be kind and go to your mom and QQ how some people pissed you off in the game.

We give a *** about his stories. First of all, he introduces some humor into this, pretty much lifeless forum. Second, he points out the "wonders of PUG", aka. the "Noobs making raids".
If you don't like it, go hate another post.


Good job on these stories!
On one side, we are expecting more great stories from you, on the other, we don't because it means some "not so good" experience with people in WoW.

Oh also... One question. Since you said you were the leader of one of the best guilds on some Wotlk private server, and we had one join to Cold Knights recently. Are you that guy?

^That's not be - but hey, he might be the leader of one of the best guilds in ANOTHER WotLK server as well. -

I actually just transferred most of my toons on Horde (given that I am helping a former WotLK guildmate build up his own guild here on

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