
[Warlock] [PVE]-Metamorphosis and temporary mastery buffs

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Post Posted: 29-09-2012, 13:08:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Mastery values are 'snapshotted' when Metamorphosis is cast, meaning that the damage increase provided by mastery does not change during Metamorphosis even if temporary mastery buffs wear off.However,on freakz when u lose mastery buff ,damage bonus provided by metamorphosis gets reduced
Dovada / Proof:


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On this screenshot i used metamorphosis with proc and corruption tick is 3824.On screenshot below i reapplied cirruption once trinket proc faded,and tick damage got lower - 3370,instead of staying the same


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Post Posted: 30-09-2012, 08:40:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)



"But access to a spell that gives you a fiery glow isn't the important part of Meta. While Meta is technically a stance like Bear Form or Berserker Stance or Frost Presence, the damage buff isn't dynamically updated as you proc spells and items left and right. Metamorphosis, like the Doomguard, takes a snapshot of all your stats (spellpower, haste, mastery, crit, and hit) when you enter Metamorphosis form and uses those values for all its damage-boosting calculations.

So in order to have a stellar Metamorphosis, a warlock needs to have all their stat-boosting cooldowns ready to go beforehand. Metamorphosis originally has a cooldown of 3 minutes, but when properly talented, a demo 'lock can often find herself a Meta cooldown of 2 or 2.5 minutes."

Resto shaman PVE
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Post Posted: 07-10-2012, 19:36:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

soulkreep wrote:
... a demo 'lock can often find herself a Meta cooldown of 2 or 2.5 minutes."

Under 2 minutes by easily. (off-topic)
The problem is that all buffs/procs are counted before the spell has been used/doted. As example I used Bane of doom on Arcanotron, then placed myself in the pool for 50% increased dmg and used meta/cds and bane of doom crited 50k when it should normaly hit 10k with last BoD nerf. And after the golem changed I placed BoD on the next one with many procs/trinkets/volcanic potion and in meta and in the pool and it ticked for less than 15k, so.... procs/trinkets are counter while they are still on you.
And of course I confirm this bug.

Off-topic:I have tried many classes and none is as bugged as warlock. Guys, taste the coffe and do something about that. For the moment destro is playable and demo barely.

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Post Posted: 26-10-2012, 11:25:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 26-10-2012, 13:26:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

from what I experienced I have made a test like mythbusters and if metamorphis makes a snapshot of mastery demonology should do it's normal burst damage. If metamorphis is used correctly you can have reach a huge percentage of increased damage making metamorphis the definition of demonology. But is bugged, and if from 36 seconds of meta almost 20 seconds are counted a demonology can lose 1-36 seconds of aprox 2000 mastery only from
which is a huge increased damage buff.
This should be easy to fix, so just at least fix the most important bugs of a warlock, metamorphis.

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