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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 27-08-2014 09:43)
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Post Posted: 06-11-2012, 23:14:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brand new PvP guild GØÐMØÐE is recruiting only PvP players.

Requirements to join:

- Minimum 2350 Rating in any bracket (2v2,3v3,5v5)
- If you've recently started playing here you need to show some proofs and prove your rating(Screenshot - you have to send me ss with your statistics opened with the rating + write something on say ,party etc )
- Only proofs about your rating is not enough,so you need Duel test.Duel test includes(Look over your surviveability,how to set burst,kiting skills,defensive cds)

If you're accepted from Officer or Guild master(me) you can get invite.
Information :
As most of the decent PvP players saw our guild reclame in the world chat they might automatically think "oh 2350 is low" , well I have good answer.80% of the guild members are 2500+ in genesis / Arena-Tournament / Retail transfered here in exodus with 100% tested duel , so you can be 100% sure that they are decent and ready for challenge.

About the upcoming 4.3.4 Patch:
We're organising PvE group for hardcore DS,Firelands,Hour of twilight,Eye of eternity and the rest of dungeons and raids.As most of you might know that PvP players need PvE items to cap their stats also increase them gonna give example with Gurthalak that item is simillar to Shadowmourne also legendary daggers for rogue especially in last patches of every expansion every class need some PvE items so thats why we're organising that group.

We've already started doing Random Battlegrounds premades,some 3v3 5v5 groups,ALSO 2v2 guild events with gold reward and fun stuff,actually we hope that freakz's staff gonna fix Rated Battleground Alliance vs alliance / horde vs horde so most of the players are going to que Rated bgs also we.

Guild master - Guild master(Rmpreborn)
GM/GM's alt - Irl friends,also someone who I fully trust to.
Officer - Member who perfectly know most of the classes , can help players with everything , giving tips ,everything.
Gladiator - #1 gladiators , Gladiators.
2.5 - 2.8 - 2500 - 2800 players.
2400 - 2.4 players
2300 - 2.3 players.
Test Period - The current player is at 5 days test time period.
Lowbie - GM's or Officer's friend (This member do not participate in premades,guild events , raids.)
Muted - Muted for certain period of time.

We have fully fitted Guild bank with the most useful things for you.

If you're really interested in joining us you can contact me ingame - Rmpreborn or pm me in skype (Nqqb_squad)

When you hear the Sound of Thunder don't you get too Scared,
Just grab you Thunder Buddy and say these magic Words
*** you Thunder, you can suck my Dick,

Last edited by Rmpreborn on 24-11-2012, 17:37:04; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 27-08-2014 09:43)
Joined: 05 Aug 2012
Posts: 86, Topics: 41
Location: Bulgaria

Reputation: 31.8
Votes: 7

Post Posted: 15-11-2012, 16:38:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There're the guild members,because some people are like "most of the players in the guild dont even have 2k achiv".

Fexxqt - Alt (Imwith)
Verasqt - Alt (Copyrighter)
Afflictedtv - 2.3 Retail player. - Kicked.
Desolationj - 2.3 Frost DK (Freakz)
Drunkybossx - 2.3 Holy Paladin (Freakz)
Immortalis - 2.3 mage (Freakz)
Sinaxelx - 2.3 Disc Priest (Freakz)
Doomroll - 2.4 Retail rogue
Netherlolx - Alt (Umpalump)
Qwb - 2.4 (The Best hunter in the server)
Travena - 2.4 (Molten)
Umpalump - 2.4
Allisia - 2.7 (Monster) , 2.3 (Freakz)
Ashaonorac - alt (Hydraftw) 2.5 disc
Copyrighter - 2.5 Mage
Crustybob - 2.5 (Freakz) , 2.2 (AT) , 2.3 (Retail) - Kicked.
Errtrt - 2.7 (Retail) 2s , 2.5 3s (Retail)
Flawlezs - 2.7 (Disc) , 2.4 (Feral) - Kicked.Reason : insulting guild members like a virgin (dunno if he is).
Greenhaze - 2.5 2s (Genesis) , 2.2 3s (Genesis)
Imwith - 2.6 Mage,2.5 Hpally , 2.3 (Retail ,Hunter)
Ionykeomg - 2.6+ (Genesis)
Memorabilis - ~2.9 Ret (Retail) 2.5 3s (Retail)
Nyndra - 2.6 (Freakz) - Kicked
Scaleripper - 2.5 (AT)
Vanguardy - 2.5 (Molten)
Whodatdruid - Alt (Crustybob) - Kicked.
Chronic - 2.7 (Freakz)
Inoffensive - 2.8 Gladiator (Genesis)
Phazed - alt (Inoffensive)
Poppinlol - Alt (Inoffensive)
Jong - aka Skillz 3k Druid (Genesis) , 2.5 Rogue (Freakz)
Timetoshine - Multiclass Gladiator (Genesis)
Swixy - 2.6 (Monster),2.4 (Molten)
Snutzeater - 2.6 Gladiator (Arena-Tournament,Wsulvus) also really good friend.

Bwq - Qwb's Alt
Anticlass - Qwb's alt
Peacefull - 2.4 (molten wow)
Xelxoxo - Swixy's Alt
Fizzer - First time playing cata,also wow since 1 year (2.3) , and really good friend.
Rotring - Friend ,first time playing cata and wow since 2 years.
Zirafa - 2.4 Both genesis and exodus , 2.6 monster
Palyshardbro aka Raster - 2.5 (Genesis)
Hydraftw - 2600 (Exodus)
Bearshift - 2600 (Exodus)
Sangrialz - 2600 2s , 2243 3s (Exodus ,Bear's alt)
Alanora - Hydraftw's alt
Srkz - 2650 2s , 2000 3s (Exodus) , ~2.8 2s (Genesis)
Imaklinda - 2400 (Exodus)
Celox - 2.4 (Exodus)
Azsha - 2.4 (Exodus)
Celoxlol - alt
Celoxlulz - alt
Novoz - Alt (GM's)
Hoodrich - 2.4 (Celox + this one as main chars)
Kerat - 2.3 (Exodus)
Swdhoj - alt (Kerat's)
Frynge - alt (Azsha's)
Ryznx - Imwith's new main in the future.(2.4)

The rest characters are my alts and one irl friend's alts.

As I said in real life friends can join the guild even if they're not that good.

I have all the proofs ,so if you're interested , feel free to ask.

When you hear the Sound of Thunder don't you get too Scared,
Just grab you Thunder Buddy and say these magic Words
*** you Thunder, you can suck my Dick,

Last edited by Rmpreborn on 01-12-2012, 17:04:24; edited 21 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 08-06-2014 18:44)
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Post Posted: 15-11-2012, 23:54:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

its good to have a great PvP guild on the server with really skilled ppl who are not like meeh freakz 2.2 but actually on more servers 2.4++
and also the activity is really nice
Keep going

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 28-12-2012 17:19)
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Post Posted: 17-11-2012, 18:49:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

great guild ! -
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 18-05-2013 10:21)
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Post Posted: 18-11-2012, 23:56:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The guild is growing up and growing up drastically since we got more people ,thats really good.We also made an 2v2 event before 2 weeks with really nice good reward.I like the guild and it would be good if every decent player come.
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