
4.3.4 PTR [EDIT: 4.3.4 IS NOW LIVE!]

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Post Posted: 24-11-2012, 00:10:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Luni, 26 noiembrie, la ora 17:00 se deschide PTR-ul (public test realm) de 4.3.4. Inregistrarea de conturi pentru PTR va fi posibila aici si va fi disponibila la lansare. Realmlistul va fi anuntat tot la lansare.

La ce sa va asteptati de la realmul de PTR:
- Multe buguri
- Multe crash-uri / instabilitate server
- Multe restarturi
- Multe rollbackuri
- Cateva wipe-uri
- Zero suport pentru problemele ingame (gen GM HELP A RAMAS PISICA BLOCATA IN COPAC), nu se va raspunde la tickete
- Caracterele de pe PTR nu vor fi mutate pe live, vor fi STERSE

Nu uitati, desi am incercat sa rezolvam majoritatea crash-urilor si problemelor principale, e o diferenta imensa intre a testa serverul cu cativa gamemasteri si a testa cu sute de playeri. Nu incepeti cu replici idioate gen "degeaba ati dat frate drumul la PTR, e praf, mai bine inchideti-l pana se repara". Daca nu intelegeti scopul unui PTR sunteti rugati sa nu intrati deloc si sa asteptati varianta finala sau luati ban permanent si pe PTR si pe live.

Bug report-ul de 4.0.6a a fost sters, dupa cum ati vazut in ultimul timp s-a lucrat doar la realm-ul de 4.3.4, consideram ca nu mai are rost sa ne ocupam (intens) si de problemele de pe 4.0.6a. Bug reportul de 4.3.4 il gasiti aici (va fi deschis la lansarea PTR-ului)
Inca nu m-am apucat de reparat concret spell-urile de la clase pentru ca am reparat mecanisme de baza, am portat fixurile de pe 4.0.6a si multe altele care trebuiau facute INAINTE sa ma apuc de reparat spells. Asta insa nu inseamna ca nu o sa mearga spell-urile, ci ca nu o sa mearga toate, insa o mare parte din ele vor fi functionale pentru ca am reparat mecanismele de baza. Totodata, portarea fixurilor de pe 4.0.6a nu inseamna ca spellurile vor fi la fel ca pe 4.0.6a, majoritatea au fost reparate in asa fel incat sa se adapteze automat la schimbarile de patch upgrade (desigur, vor fi si cateva exceptii pe care trebuie sa le gasim impreuna si sa le rezolv)

Un changelog cu o parte din fixurile facute de noi pana acum va fi postat in cursul zilei de maine (sambata, 24 noiembrie) care va include DOAR O PARTE din ce am reparat (nu am stat sa notam toate fixurile facute pentru ca se pierdea prea mult timp).

Durata PTR-ului inca nu a fost decisa, insa estimam (si speram) ca pana la craciun 4.3.4 va fi live, depinde de problemele intampinate si usurinta cu care le vom repara

4.3.4 torrent: download
4.3.4 launcher (daca aveti deja versiunea 4.3.4): download

PTR will be launched on 26th November 2012, 17:00 (GMT+2). Account registration will be here and will be available when the PTR is launched. Realmlist will also be announced at launch.

What to expect on the PTR realm:
- Lots of bugs
- Lots of crashes / server instability
- Lots of restarts
- Lots of rollbacks
- Some wipes
- Zero support for ingame support (like GM HELP MY CAT GOT STUCK IN THIS TREE), tickets will not be answered
- PTR characters will NOT be moved to live, they will be DELETED

Don't forget, although we have tried to fix most crashes and main problems, there is a huge difference between closed-testing the server with a few gamemasters and testing it with hundreds of players. Do not start with idiotic replies like "you rushed to open the PTR, it sucks, better close it and fix it first". If you do not understand the reason of a PTR realm you are asked not to login at all and wait for the final version or get perma-banned on both PTR and live realms.

The 4.0.6a bug report has been deleted. As you may have seen already, lately we have been focusing only on the 4.3.4 realm. The 4.3.4 bug report can be found here (it will be opened at PTR realm launch).
I haven't started to fix class spells yet because I've been focusing on basic mechanisms, porting fixes from 4.0.6a and a lot of other stuffs that needed to be done BEFORE starting to fix spells. This doesn't mean spells won't work, but that not all will work, mostly should be ok considering I have taken care of basic mechanisms. Moreover, porting fixes from 4.0.6a doesn't mean the spells will be scripted for 4.0.6a, most of them have been fixed in such way they automatically adapt to the patch changes (ofcourse there will be exceptions which we will find together and I will fix them)

A partial changelog of the fixes done so far will be posted tomorrow (Saturday, 24th november) which will include ONLY A PART of what we fixed (we tried to keep a record of the fixes but most of the times we fixed stuffs and simply moved on, too much time wasted noting every fix made)

The PTR duration hasn't been decided yet but we estimate (and hope) that until Christmas the 4.3.4 realm will be live, depends on the problems we encounter.

4.3.4 torrent: download
4.3.4 launcher (if you already have 4.3.4): download

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Last edited by Shocker on 12-02-2013, 15:16:41; edited 2 times in total
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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 26-11-2012, 14:35:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A 4.3.4 changelog has been posted, you can see it here

PTR registration open, click here to create an account


set patchlist
set realmlist

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 22-12-2012, 23:43:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa cum vedeti, sfarsitul lumii ne-a dat putin peste cap planurile, am fost plecat saptamana asta si n-am mai reusit sa fac nimic. As vrea sa mai fac zilele urmatoare ceva fixuri pe la clasele ramanse (Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight, eventual inca putin si pe la Druid), apoi vazut cum se mai arata world-ul cu tot ce tine de el (daca mai sunt probleme mari pe la vendori, trainers, gameplay, pvp, etc, in mare ar trebui sa fie ok, ne-am ocupat deja de tot ce era important) si intr-un final sa incepem sa facem pregatirile finale pentru 4.3.4 upgrade. Tot ce pot sa fac e sa estimez ca in 2 saptamani o sa fie live, insa mai trebuie avut in vedere si problemele neasteptate care pot sa apara pe parcurs (sa nu mai zic de faptul ca vine craciunul si anul nou... cateva zile de pauza)

As you may have seen, the end of the world has messed up our plans a bit, I was away for the whole week and didn't manage to fix anything. I would like to fix remaining classes in the following days (Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight, eventually more Druid fixes too), then see how the ingame world & related are doing (if there are big issues at vendors, trainers, gameplay, pvp, etc, should be ok mostly, we already checked everything important) and eventually we'll start with the final preparations for the 4.3.4 upgrade. All I can do currently is estimate that in 2 weeks it will be live, but we still have to consider unexpected problems that may appear (not to mention christmas and new year is comming... some no-work days)

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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 17-01-2013, 04:14:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Procesul de 4.3.4 porting e complet. In urmatoarele zile ne vom axa pe asigurarea stabilitatii realmurilor.

- Nu va logati in primele 1-3 zile daca nu vreti sa aveti parte de instabilitate, crashuri, rollbackuri (chiar si rollbackuri de o zi in caz ca apar probleme)
- VA RUGAM CITITI ACEST TOPIC, contine raspunsuri la majoritatea intrebarilor pe care le aveti si totodata informatii despre ce s-a intamplat pe parcursul update-ului

- The 4.3.4 porting process is complete. In the following days we will focus on maintaining realms stability.

- Do not login in the first 1-3 days if you don't want to experience instability, crashes, rollbacks (even 1 day rollbacks in case some issues appear)
- PLEASE READ THIS TOPIC, it contains answers to most questions you may have and also contains info about what happened during the 4.3.4 porting

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