
[DUPLICATE] [Shaman][Pve][PvP]Spirit Link Totem

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Post Posted: 03-02-2013, 15:46:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Spirit Link Totem
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Functioneaza gresit, am vazut postul care a fost inchis de groovy, desi nu stiu de ce, spirit link totemul pe freakz nu normalizeaza healthul la toti playerii din 10 yarzi, ci aduce la hpul celui mai mare din range.E un bug foarte major, distruge pvp'ul, pve doar exploit.Multi renunta deja sa mai faca arene din cauza shamanului si a spirit link totemului + celelalte buguri care mai sunt.
Cum ar trebui sa fie asemenea
The damage dealt by the totem is nature damage. It could be resisted on the PTR (#333) but not on live anymore (R41#55, R41#91). In fact, the damage and healing dealt is unaffected by any damage and healing modifiers, including mortal strike effects.
, dovada luata de pe nu mai tine cont de nature rezist pe live, aia ce au vazut si ceilalti era pe ptr.
That's not how it works at all, actually. Do the math for what would happen in a group with two people where one had a million HP and the other had two hp, and you'll see why it can't possibly work that way. How the totem works: [ol] [li]Add up the current hit points of everyone in range of the totem.[/li] [li]Add up the maximum hit points of everyone in range of the totem.[/li] [li]Divide the number you got in #1 with the number you got in #2. You'll get a percentage.[/li] [li]Heal/damage everyone so their health is the percentage from #3.[/li] [li]Repeat 1-4 every second for as long
Dovada / Proof: Am testat sa aduc si printuri cu combat log aici hp'ul pierdut, iar aici normalizarea.

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Post Posted: 03-02-2013, 16:56:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu l-am inchis degeaba.

Break the rules, don't break the law.But *** the law, that's what I always say

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