
[ACCEPTAT] Unban request (Dashie

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Post Posted: 30-03-2013, 19:51:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Alright, my romanian friends. I just have about enough of your dumb time bans without reason and that bunch of stupid screenshots in my cstrike folder.IMG: I don't know if the admins on this server here are familiar with the admins on the normal uwc3-server (I wish they would read this thread as well:P). If so, you should know, that I got suspected for cheating multiple times there and every time I had to send screenshots or a demo. Do you have an idea, how annoying that is, if you just want to play? And the admins always want it done instantly... Well, here on this uwc3-respawn-server it's even more confusing. I got a timeban twice and I still don't know why. Maybe this today is a timeban again, but how should I know? A few days ago I didn't get a ban, but an admin made screenshots and I even posted them here (thread was closed, before I could write an answer). Well that was ok, since I know how it goes from the other uwc3-server, but what happened today just made me angry. I'm not sure which admin was on the server, but I think it was Maniacu, who was in spectator, obviously watching me. And after massive FPS drops (from taking tons of screenshots, as I'm guessing now) suddenly... "added to banlist"
After I got banned, my C-strike didn't stop making screenshots, so my FPS went down to 4-7 and I couldn't close the game. I didn't even know what happened. Before i got banned, I just read something about "***" (I mean wtf?) and some admin made me write a really funny phrase (Sunt o curva si ma *** cu un vibrator). Well, I'm not going to insult you back, guys, but I don't longer respect you authority in any form. If I would speak you language, I would be very annoying from now on, but you're lucky I don't. No, seriously, why you just banned me without writing a reason? Is it so hard to tell me (on english) whats going on? I guess you asking for the screenshots again, if I want an unban, but if you think I'm uploading more than hundred screenshots here, you're on the wrong track. I show you only four, as always:


Nice, huh? Don't forget, now that I found your servers, you can pick on me as much as you want and even ban me permanently, but on the next day I'm here again. With a new name of course, but you'll never prevent me from playing uwc3 If I want to play uwc3 (I just love this mod) I don't need much lvl to have fun, but of course I want to keep my account "Dashie <3" alive as long as possible. That's the only reason, why I still do some kind of unban request here. Oh wait, I'm speaking of the other uwc3-server, here I'm just lvl 11. Forget about it^^
Ok, that's all for now. See you In-Game soon.IMG:

I really hope you understand what I'm saying, despite my bad grammar.

Oh and here some information, you may want to know too.

Nick is Dashie <3
Banned since today (30-03-2013)
Map: de_dust2
Admin who banned me: possibly Maniacu

Edit: Topic was actually named "Unban request (Dashie <3) and a few words"

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Post Posted: 30-03-2013, 20:12:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ok unban


Noul DNS !!

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Post Posted: 30-03-2013, 20:12:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maniacu is the server owner, don't make him mad -
U are unbanned but take care and don't cheat. No need to answer this, just go and have fun on our server.

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